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Thread: SERMs

  1. #1
    jypoll's Avatar
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    I am 20 years old and I don't want to start steroids till I'm 23 for obvious reasons. But I was wondering, especially with the new serm that came out this week, if it would be beneficial and safe for me to use a serm and at what dose for how long to boost my T levels

  2. #2
    cimcimma1 is offline New Member
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    Why a serm? Why not just use a t booster?

  3. #3
    jypoll's Avatar
    jypoll is offline Member
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    The torem that was just adde to Arr says it is very lilly to increase T I assummed it would do a better job that test boosters

  4. #4
    CMB's Avatar
    CMB is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah it probably would but you still wouldn't see anywhere near the anabolic effect of steroids .

    Besides, Tore sucks at raising natty t id use clomid/nolva over it any day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    U think nolva is better than tore?

  6. #6
    freakinhuge is offline Senior Member
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    the new ar-r chems would be great for pct, but to use by itself would not help increase test levels.

  7. #7
    CMB's Avatar
    CMB is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by freakinhuge View Post
    the new ar-r chems would be great for pct, but to use by itself would not help increase test levels.
    Wrong. It will raise Natty testosterone levels weather you are on cycle, on pct, or just by itself.

    In a recent study done on Tamox, and Tore comparing HPTA restoration. Tamoxifen can out on top. In 8 weeks, 20mg/ED of Tamoxifen increased LH from 4.54 to 7.73 and Test from 496.59 to 835.06. After two months, 60mg/day of Toremifene increased LH from 4.05 to 5.05 and Test from 496.59 to 709.79.

    One thing I will say though, is that the Tore dose is at 60mg/ED for 6-8 weeks, which IMHO is a low dose fo PCT. So although this study states Tamox is superoir to Tore, take the doses into account.

    Again, even recent research on Tamox doesnt raise serum T by 146% as Clomid dose at 25mg/ED for 4-6 weeks.

  8. #8
    CMB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolic1979 View Post
    U think nolva is better than tore?
    Yes, espcially at raising LH.

    However I have heard that it is very effective at getting your hpta back in track, but not as good as raising testosterone .

  9. #9
    Walnutz's Avatar
    Walnutz is offline Member
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    So could you use tamox and torem together for pct?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    Yes, espcially at raising LH.

    However I have heard that it is very effective at getting your hpta back in track, but not as good as raising testosterone.
    have u taken tore? I have been reading alot of reviews and most people seem to say it is better than nolva in everyway. You are the only one who is saying it is not as good that i have seen.

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
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    at 20 years old I would be amazed if your test levels are what is limiting your gains. according to your other thread you are "I am 20 years old 6'0" 190lbs and somwhere between 15-20% bodyfat". just for kicks, what is your diet in detail, and your training split?

  12. #12
    jypoll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    at 20 years old I would be amazed if your test levels are what is limiting your gains. according to your other thread you are "I am 20 years old 6'0" 190lbs and somwhere between 15-20% bodyfat". just for kicks, what is your diet in detail, and your training split?
    I wouldn't say I have a limiting factor I get 5lbs more on bench squat and deadlift everyweek. I am making crazy gains but I'm just impatient as balls. I am cutting last few months first eca and now recently Clen . So my diet has minimal carbs except for brekfAst and preWO I have over 100g of whey everyday and I eat at least about a pound of salmon chicken or steak and breakfast is usually granola so I think my diet is good. As for split I do 5 day cycles of 1- chest/shoulder/tri 2- lats/traps/bi 3-lowerbody and 2 rest days, not necessarily in that order Itll change depending on how my muscles feel, I also do 2 sessions of running/sprints a week. I have maintaned 190lbs for 3 months but gained 30lbs bench and about 100lbs on deadlift and respective amounts on other exercises so clearly my cutting has been effective as for the first time in my life I have a vein on my biceps and abs make an appearance a few times a week. The reason I want to boost my T levels is cuz I'm greedy and I can never get enough lol

  13. #13
    playamade is offline Junior Member
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    try the main muscle group split.
    it has worked for many people.
    thats why i use it

    mon - chest
    tues - back
    wed - legs
    thurs - tricep
    friday - bicep
    saturday - shoulders
    sunday - abs

  14. #14
    noMuscles's Avatar
    noMuscles is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by playamade View Post
    try the main muscle group split.
    it has worked for many people.
    thats why i use it

    mon - chest
    tues - back
    wed - legs
    thurs - tricep
    friday - bicep
    saturday - shoulders
    sunday - abs
    You could very well be over training with this. You want rest days! You GROW when you rest!

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