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Thread: Clen or Albut?

  1. #1
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Clen or Albut?

    I'm planning to do a 3 month cut shortly and would like to run clenbuterol or albuterol along with keto to help things along. I know they're very similar but there must be some differences. Is one better than the other for helping drop bodyfat? If so, why?

    Clen seems to be the popular choice here in the states, but after reading the descriptions of both on the AR-R site, the Albut almost sounds like the better choice.


  2. #2
    supersetman is offline Associate Member
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    I prefer clen with keto, and ar-r clen or albuterol are both strong and should work.

  3. #3
    RED26 is offline Associate Member
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    They're the same.
    The main difference is that with salbutamol (albuterol) you don't get the "clen shakes" and with clenbuterol you look like a cocain or heroin junkie all the time, all day long.

    Personally... You can call me crazy but I like those shakes... For those who find them inconvenient, unconfortable, or just strange for you to be shaking all day at work, albuterol is the way to go.

  4. #4
    Batt is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RED26 View Post
    They're the same.
    The main difference is that with salbutamol (albuterol) you don't get the "clen shakes" and with clenbuterol you look like a cocain or heroin junkie all the time, all day long.

    Personally... You can call me crazy but I like those shakes... For those who find them inconvenient, unconfortable, or just strange for you to be shaking all day at work, albuterol is the way to go.
    I really like clen but the shakes are getting a little old. Going to give albuterol a shot.

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RED26 View Post
    They're the same.
    The main difference is that with salbutamol (albuterol) you don't get the "clen shakes" and with clenbuterol you look like a cocain or heroin junkie all the time, all day long.

    Personally... You can call me crazy but I like those shakes... For those who find them inconvenient, unconfortable, or just strange for you to be shaking all day at work, albuterol is the way to go.
    I did a small cycle of clen YEARS ago and remember the shakes and jitteriness very well. It was annoying, but I hear you about liking them in a way - for me it feels like some indication that something's working, even if that's not true. Sort of like DOMS - we know it's not an indication of a good workout, but you always feel better about your workout when you get sore, don't you?

  6. #6
    tballz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RED26 View Post
    They're the same.
    The main difference is that with salbutamol (albuterol) you don't get the "clen shakes" and with clenbuterol you look like a cocain or heroin junkie all the time, all day long.

    Personally... You can call me crazy but I like those shakes... For those who find them inconvenient, unconfortable, or just strange for you to be shaking all day at work, albuterol is the way to go.
    With albuterol you can still get the shakes. I do. But they are not as severe as clen and do no last as long. So I prefer albuterol.

  7. #7
    toothache's Avatar
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    I prefer albuterol over clen . I don't shake as bad and I can actually get to sleep at night on albuterol.

  8. #8
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Other than the shakes, are they EXACTLY the same? Obviously something in the clen is causing more severe shakes. Can one expect near identical results from the two?

  9. #9
    livingwithdoms is offline Associate Member
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    I prefer clen , but albuterol works just as well, you should be fine switching to albuterol.

  10. #10
    RED26 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I did a small cycle of clen YEARS ago and remember the shakes and jitteriness very well. It was annoying, but I hear you about liking them in a way - for me it feels like some indication that something's working, even if that's not true. Sort of like DOMS - we know it's not an indication of a good workout, but you always feel better about your workout when you get sore, don't you?
    EXACTLY! That's a good reasoning behind our little preference over the shakes in clen . If you're shaking, at least you know something is happening.

    With albuterol you can still get the shakes. I do. But they are not as severe as clen and do no last as long. So I prefer albuterol.
    That, I didn't knew... I had about 4 people using conbivent (albuterol) instead of spiropent (clenbuterol ) and they didn't have any shakes at all, but I guess there are some individuals who can get still some shakes. I think it must have something to do with individual sensitivity to stims...
    Anyways, If someone get shakes with albuterol, then I wouldn't want to know how bad could his/her shakes be while using clen...

    Other than the shakes, are they EXACTLY the same? Obviously something in the clen is causing more severe shakes. Can one expect near identical results from the two?
    I THINK... That albuterol (salbutamol) is just the improved version of clenbuterol for medical purpuses... That's my supposition because my brother has asthma problems, and he used to use spiropent in syrup form, but as the dose increased, the doctor changed the spiro for conbivent either in inhaler form or as liquid for vaporizer... And If you go to a pharmacy, everytime it's getting harder to get clen, from any brand (labs) but there're more salbutamol varieties, such as VENTOLIN, which comes in tablets.

    Just think about it for a minute too...
    The medical use for clenbuterol was for people with respiratory problems, but as the dose increased to crease for example, an asthma shock, the side effects increased too, and there were too many reports of tachycardia to left alone, so they had to IMPROVE the medication... Therefore... ALBUTEROL.

    It's just the same thing with less side effects, less risk... but the same benefits.
    You can find information about some substance called FENOTEROL, and you'll be asking yourself again, what's the difference between fenoterol, albuterol and clenbuterol, and as a matter of fact, by chemical structure and mechanism of action goes, they're the same thing, but for example, fenoterol is the one with more reported deaths (then the more risky), then clenbuterol, that, as you know, it has been also related for some illicit veterinary use (to fatten the cows) and then you have salbutamol... a relatively "new" medicine, that does exactly the same that the other two but without the "bad stuff"...

    It's your call.

    PS. Sorry if I had some grammar mistakes, I must remember you all that I'm not from USA nor England.


  11. #11
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the info Redz. I have a few weeks to do more research and make a decision. No matter which I go with, i'm excited to start making progress again with reducing bodyfat. In hindsight, the 3 month bulk I am currently at the tail end of was a mistake - my bodyfat was already too high to be bulking. I guess I had to find that out for myself. Ready to set my sights back on 10% bodyfat!

    PS - a typical clen cycle would be 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. With adding Keto, how does this change the cycle? How much longer can I run clen straight without taking time off? Also, are there any downside/sides from running Keto?

  12. #12
    tballz's Avatar
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    2 weeks on/2 weeks off is the protocol for clen unless you add ketotifen. With keto you can run clen indefinitely. Take the keto at the end of your 2nd week of clen. 1mg/day and take at night because it will make you drowsy.

    I've ran clen/keto for 2 months maxing out at 100mcg/day. Don't think I would do that again. I shake like crazy from clen. It did get a little better after awhile.

  13. #13
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tballz View Post
    2 weeks on/2 weeks off is the protocol for clen unless you add ketotifen. With keto you can run clen indefinitely. Take the keto at the end of your 2nd week of clen. 1mg/day and take at night because it will make you drowsy.

    I've ran clen/keto for 2 months maxing out at 100mcg/day. Don't think I would do that again. I shake like crazy from clen. It did get a little better after awhile.
    Thanks T, I am planning to run keto along with the clen. So you're saying do my initial 2 weeks of clen, then start doing 1mg/day of keto while indefinitely continuing with the clen? Is the keto 1mg/day indefinitely until I decide to stop the clen? Finally, are there any known sides (negative or otherwise) with keto?

  14. #14
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    As long as you are on clen after 2 weeks stay on the keto. The only known side effects is drowsiness and hunger.

    Keto is an anti-histamine so it helps with allergies too.

  15. #15
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tballz View Post
    As long as you are on clen after 2 weeks stay on the keto. The only known side effects is drowsiness and hunger.

    Keto is an anti-histamine so it helps with allergies too.
    Sounds like good sides to me, lol. I never mind a drowsiness 'drug' since I often have a tough time sleeping as it is. As for the clen, my day starts at 4:30am so i'd take probably 1/2 of my dose (once I work up to an appreciable dose, maybe 100mcg or so) then and the other half no later than noon or so. Only splitting in half to avoid heavy sides from one huge dose...

  16. #16
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    Don't take the clen to close to bedtime. Clen will cause insomnia. That's why I've always taken full dose in the AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by tballz View Post
    Don't take the clen to close to bedtime. Clen will cause insomnia. That's why I've always taken full dose in the AM.
    No doubt!

    I've been reading up in this section about the clen , and so far I haven't seen anybody complaining about a major side that I personally remember from years ago when I had tabs - major muscle cramping. I started supplementing potassium to try and help out a bit. That was almost 15 years ago, just wondering if something changed with the chemical structure of clen in general, or something AR-R does differently?

    Secondly, i've been considering running T3 along with the clen. In your opinion, is the positive of additional fat loss/thermogenesis worth the possibility of some muslce tissue loss? How much can one expect LBM to be affected by running T3?

  18. #18
    tballz's Avatar
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    Definitely supplement with potassium and taurine. Ar-r clen is like any other clen tabs out there but in liquid.

    I like to run a little t3 with my clen at the near end of my cycle to give it an extra boost in metabolism.

  19. #19
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tballz;5263***
    Definitely supplement with potassium and taurine. Ar-r clen is like any other clen tabs out there but in liquid.

    I like to run a little t3 with my clen at the near end of my cycle to give it an extra boost in metabolism.
    Thanks for all of your help T. I just found it strange that with everybody talking about sides, nobody (that I noticed) mentioned major cramping.

    I'll do some more research about the addition of the T3; Of course I want to maximize fat loss, but i've seen alot of people talking about it also torching LBM. I'd just like to know the ratio, and the risk vs. the reward.

  20. #20
    RED26 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I've been reading up in this section about the clen , and so far I haven't seen anybody complaining about a major side that I personally remember from years ago when I had tabs - major muscle cramping. I started supplementing potassium to try and help out a bit. That was almost 15 years ago, just wondering if something changed with the chemical structure of clen in general, or something AR-R does differently?

    Secondly, i've been considering running T3 along with the clen. In your opinion, is the positive of additional fat loss/thermogenesis worth the possibility of some muslce tissue loss? How much can one expect LBM to be affected by running T3?
    I have used very high (I'm not joking, when I mean high, it's HIGH) doses of clen and I didn't experience any muscle cramps... I think the deal here is the next:
    Taurine is an amino-acid. If you're diet is on track, taking your grams of protein from different sources, and a proper amount for your muscle manteinance and personal goals, you don't need to worry... You'll get your taurine from your food.

    Anyways, you can start just with food as I say, but if you start to feel anything weird, you can start supplementing with extra taurine. That would be my recommendation.

    And the same goes for potassium. I'd rather eat some bananas with my breakfast than be spending more money in supps and more pills. But again... If you start to get cramps... You'll have no choice but to buy them.

    And for the T3 issue, and this:
    I like to run a little t3 with my clen at the near end of my cycle to give it an extra boost in metabolism.
    I don't know man... I wouldn't use T3 without any AAS... To much muscle loss... I don't think you want to lose your hard-earned muscle mass... Its not easy to come by, you know?

    Maybe a LITTLE, like tballz is saying, and for the END... But not as another compund to be run with clen...

    I think my posture here is... Don't use T3 without AAS.
    IMO... If you want to use a little amount, maybe it would be OK... but what would be the purpose of it? If you're not using thyroid hormones as you should, I don't think it's worth the risk...

    Clen+Keto+Cardio+Diet... That's all you need

  21. #21
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Thanks Redz. Of course i'd rather eat a banana than take potassium, but on a cutting diet i'd be trying to cut out virtually ALL sugars, which is why in that case i'd probably opt for a supplement. That said, I won't do it right off the bat, i'd wait to see if I experience cramping as you said. I know from my experience years ago, it was severe! Then again, my diet was shit and i'm sure I was already taurine/potassium deficeint.

    As for the T3, you're pretty much echoing what i've been reading about it. I'll consider it as an option towards the end of my clen cycle, but for now I think i'll stick with the Clen+Keto.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    the clen keto should definitely work well for cutting, probably won't need the t3

  23. #23
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    love the clen /t3 combo for cutting, very good combo, good luck with your clen and keto cycle.

  24. #24
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    POST BUMP...........I have been researching Albuterol for sometime now and reading all over the internet and there is some VERY good info on the specifics of the drug and supps that go with both and some clarifications...........

  25. #25
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Big thanks to everyone on here, i have ordered albuterol and T3 this week. I used clen on and off and i really liked it. But if i dont get the shakes with alburerol then all good here.

  26. #26
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    So on albuterol, should u use keto too, like u do with clen

  27. #27
    tballz's Avatar
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    If you're doing an albuterol cycle longer than 6 weeks I would say, yes to ketotifen after the 6th week. If less than that you can get away without it.

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