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  1. #1
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Copperas Cove, TX

    New to the Forum...Q on AR-R stacks.

    Hey everyone! New to the forum here. My Name is Joe and I'm wanting to try some supps. I have been reading a lot on here and I must say, there is a ton of info. But being new to this game, I'm quite confused.

    A little about myself: I'm 39 years old, 6'0" tall and about 234lbs. I have served in the military for about 18 years. I don't know my exact BF% but if I had to take a guess I would say it's about 28%. I have been lifting weights off and on for since high school. The last time I lifted regularly was about two years ago. I just recently started lifting again. Due to the years of physical punishment on my body being in the military, my knees are shot. My patellar ligaments in both knees are degenerated so bad that there is a possibility that they could rupture. Because of this, I can no longer run for cardio.....hence the 234lbs. I went from 190 to 234 in about 6 months. I now have to take drastic measures. About the only cardio I can do is walking, elliptical and maybe spinning. I will have to see the doc next week and get another set of injections in the knees to see if I can do that.

    My health issues are as follows:
    High Cholesterol (taking Fenofibrate to control)
    High Triglycerides (taking Fenofibrate to control)
    Smoker (1 pk a day) Quitting next week
    Obstructive sleep apnea (Use a CPAP machine)
    Plus just getting plain OLD!

    Due to the limitations that I have on cardio, my main source of fat burning will have to come from lifting those heavy a$$ weights in the gym. I'm in dire need of cutting fat from my body. I refuse to use the supps that you can buy from the local GNC. I just believe that they will work. I'm considering going to something stronger. Can anyone help me with the below listed stacks? I'm ready to buy now but would like to get some recommendations. My main goals are:

    1. Reduce BF% to 20-22%
    2. Build Mass
    3. Build Massive strength
    4. Cut to around 12% BF

    I am current deployed and I have nothing to do except work, eat, work out and sleep. I have 11 mos. to reach my final goal of around 190lbs, 12% BF, and able to Bench 350lbs. Is this a realistic goal for 11 mos? Also, my 1st goal of reducing body fat by 6-8% (20-22%), is this a realistic goal to accomplish in 8 weeks using the below listed stacks? If not, can someone recommend something for me? I have no connections, and have to purchase my supps online with a cc. Also, with the below listed stacks, do I need to run a PCT?

    Stack 1: AR-R cutting stack
    Stack 2: AR-R Growth Hormone Stack

    Thank you for all your help in advance. I look forward to all of your tutelage!

  2. #2
    cyounger100's Avatar
    cyounger100 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    im on the clen and it is working unlike anything i have ever took before but if you dont have that diet right dont expect any fat loss and as far as cardio goes it s a must i understand your knees but u dont have too run too get your heart rate goin walking up hill on treadmill does it for me u really need cardio i believe at least 5 days a week of it along with lifting gl

  3. #3
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2010
    Copperas Cove, TX
    Not many I an idiot for asking the question?

  4. #4
    toothache's Avatar
    toothache is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2009
    You might want to ask this in the steroid and hgh/peptide section.

  5. #5
    supersetman is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    For cutting I think the best arr chems are the clen , t3 and albuterol. Those will definitely help lose weight, but you will still need diet and cardio.

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