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Thread: Clen troubles

  1. #1
    Beroo is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2012

    Clen troubles

    5th day of clen . I started clen at 60mcg on thurs and I didn't lift until Monday which is chest and tris for me. On Monday my dosage was at 100mcg. Before then the only side effect I noticed was shakes.imwondering if I'm getting muscle cramps now tho. Chest day came and I went to do incline bench with 135, this is my warmup weight before jumping to 170. First 5 reps went super easy as it should but 6th rep I literally got stuck. Normally I rep this 10 times with ease. This same thing happened with every other exercise for chest. Is this what would be considered muscle cramps. I literally just get stuck on a random rep when I feel I can do 4-5 more. Diet is in check, getting enough sleep, even had per workout so it has to be the clen. Picked up taurine today and took 1g per workout. Helped noticeably but same thing happened with back, just not as early. Are these muscle cramps??? Should I lower clen dosage to 80mcg and increase taurine to 3g. Pls help

    FYI: no pain, but after workout the muscle I hit immediately gets sore which normally doesn't happen until I day or two after.

  2. #2
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    Up your water intake.. cramps are usually from dehydration and while on clen you need to drink a lot of water.

    Also, while on clen, I drop my pre-wo energy supps. Not sure if others do, but this seems to help

  3. #3
    Beroo is offline Junior Member
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    I think I'm already drinking enough water though. When I pee it's clear which I've heard is an indication your hydrated so maybe I need to increase taurine?

  4. #4
    gonebluffn is offline Associate Member
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    I have to double my water intake from 1gl to 2gl while using clen just came off it I probably wont use again to many sides for the return for me.

  5. #5
    Beroo is offline Junior Member
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    I guess I'll try drinking even more. I'll also increase taurine from 1g to 4g, 3g per workout, 1 g post on workout days.

  6. #6
    gonebluffn is offline Associate Member
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    Get used to the shakes mine were so bad I couldnt keep food on my fork to get it to my mouth ,seemed to be worse after a workout more water helped though.

  7. #7
    Beroo is offline Junior Member
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    Lol yeah. Honestly I don't even mind the shakes. It's just the muscle cramps because they interfere with my workouts. It's seriously like going to the gym and doing all warmup sets, no working sets at all and then leaving since I can't get 6 reps on ANY exercise, even if it's not my working weight.

  8. #8
    GRG is offline New Member
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    Clen almost killed me 4 years ago. Was transferring clen powder to another container. Had a mere dusting on my fingertips, and licked it off. Ended up in the hospital for 3 days. Heart rate didn't come down under 150 for 3 days. Took an entire week for my heart rate to get under 100 bpm.

  9. #9
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    Take potassium....that helps with the cramps.

  10. #10
    iSwanson's Avatar
    iSwanson is offline Junior Member
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    Did you learn your lesson? Just kidding good thing your ok.

    EDIT: reply didn't work, this was directed at GRG

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