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  1. #1
    stevelifts's Avatar
    stevelifts is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Merry Christmas to me; Peptide Run.

    I treated myself to a Christmas Present from arr. Modified grf 1-29 and GHRP6 , Enough to run 7 months at 300mcgs of each per day.
    My plan was as follows:
    100mcg MOD grf + 100mch GHRP6 injected in same syringe, 3x per day. Once upon waking, once post workout, and final injection pre bed. I will make sure to leave a window of 30 mins pre and post injection with no food so as not to blunt GH pulse. My goal is basically a low dose GH run. I will be running one cycle during this run, a bulk (which is why I chose GHRP6-for the appetite increase).
    I have done ample research and I think I have this down. Before I start pinning next week I wanted to run this by everyone for any thoughts or changes if I need to make any.

  2. #2
    bobbypump's Avatar
    bobbypump is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Just curious. Are you planning on bringing your vials to mix your syringe post workout? I mix mine in the morning and at night (mod grf first, then ghrp-2 added), but it's my understanding you can't preload a mix. So I preload two syringes, one for each, and put into a bag with an ice pack wrapped in a paper towel for post workout. I was thinking about getting one of those insulin carrying cases even lol. Or can you premix and carry the one syringe?

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