Thread: Which SARMs should I stack?
12-08-2016, 10:49 PM #1New Member
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Which SARMs should I stack?
I'm 6 foot, 200lbs, 11% bf
I plan on bulking and making strength gains for a while then switching to crossfit and endurance workouts while still lifting heavy intermittently.
I want to try Ligandrol, Rad 140, Ostarine, and Cardarine. Any advice on which ones to mix and for how long? (or advice in general)
12-09-2016, 09:41 AM #2
My first choice would be mk677 25 mg, lgd 10 mg, rad140 10 mg and cardarine 25 mg for 10 weeks with test p on hand. Rad is suppossed to take care of low test symtoms, but u never know. If rad doesnt work your cycle will fail after 4-5 weeks.
If i didnt need to worry about money i would up the lgd and rad to 20 mg.
U will also need a mini pct.
12-09-2016, 10:18 AM #3
I agree mk677 if you can afford to run 25mg ed for 10 weeks. Lgd I've ran this up to 30mg and had dbol like gains, I can't see carderine being useful here if you want to bulk
12-10-2016, 01:11 PM #4New Member
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Great info, thanks guys.
As far as having test p on hand, can I buy that from the same sites that sell SARMS (I'm trying to decide on a reputable SARMS supplier)
Also, currently I'm about 3 weeks into a pro hormone cycle. I let my local nutrition store talk me into trying them (because they quit selling SARMS after my fist cycle last year) without doing much research myself (against my better judgement) but I said fuck it. So I'm taking Superdrol, Decabolin, and 1-Testosterone . Should I do a whole 2-3 months of this then pct? I'm assuming it's a bad idea to just quit them after a month with no pct and go directly into a SARMS cycle.
12-10-2016, 05:05 PM #5
I used OSTARINE numerous times,,various dosages and just wasn't impressed at all. MK677 looks to be very promising and something I would suggest.
12-11-2016, 04:53 PM #6
I believe u. I ran 10 mg lgd with a trtdose and i had incredible gains. People asked what steroids i ran.
Did u run it without test?
Any low test symptoms?
12-11-2016, 05:44 PM #7
Yes I ran with 250mg test e
12-11-2016, 05:47 PM #8
12-13-2016, 09:26 PM #9
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