Thread: Ostraine for first time ped
06-13-2023, 09:18 AM #1
Ostraine for first time ped
So curious if anyone has any resources to delve into on Ostraine?
Read the article on the main page and it seems is basically a oral cycle of 8-12 weeks between 15-25mg. Seems that the issue of PCT varies on it from what I’ve read. Like the fact that potential side effects should be minimal given I want to really gain so little… not that 5lbs of lbm is little, but I’d expect to gain more if I was running 500mg of test.
Turning 40, clean athlete my whole life. Currently around 5’10 210 Lbs under 15% maybe 12 ish bf. Competitive lifter who is pretty much done with competition.
Looking to maybe add a bit of lean mass 5-10 lbs, nothing to crazy. Not sure if I want to go test.
Would also love to hear peoples personal experiences?
06-13-2023, 09:38 AM #2
I doubt many people here will give you feedback on it from personal experience I know I cant. AAS users don’t really like sarms . At your age and stats id probably stay natural. If you have good levels of testosterone why mess with them you said your done competing.
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