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Thread: Pick on my chest plz!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Pick on my chest plz!


    Yea, I don't like that inner part of my chest.

    Any suggestions? U can critique the whole body, give suggestions. even bf? Chest is my main concern with this picture.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Im not connecting the picture right. Damn it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Might as well put some more of them up.

    These are about 2 months ago.

    Attachment 160411
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2015-10-19 13.58.05.jpg 
Views:	487 
Size:	1.39 MB 
ID:	160414
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2015-10-22 17.34.08.jpg 
Views:	468 
Size:	306.1 KB 
ID:	160415
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2015-10-22 17.30.45 (1).jpg 
Views:	495 
Size:	307.0 KB 
ID:	160416

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Might as well put some more of them up.

    These are about 2 months ago.

    Attachment 160411
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2015-10-19 13.58.05.jpg 
Views:	487 
Size:	1.39 MB 
ID:	160414
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2015-10-22 17.34.08.jpg 
Views:	468 
Size:	306.1 KB 
ID:	160415
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2015-10-22 17.30.45 (1).jpg 
Views:	495 
Size:	307.0 KB 
ID:	160416

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Heavy db flies are what built my inner chest

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    My opinion (although I can't critique as well as most.)

    Chest development looks good all around.

    Think u need to focus on upper chest...inclines.

    Try hitting all different inclunes. Low incline and regular inclines.

    Maybe someone else can chime in.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Heavy db flies are what built my inner chest
    And this

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Thank u for the response bio and sfla80, I will put in some more work with flies and incline dumbbells.

    I hope that will start to kinda pull my pecs into each other more and give me that look I'm going for. How about any other body parts? Any thing else stick out to u that looks weird or need more work (of course there is always more but anything that stands out or lacking)?

    My back is different now then it is in that picture to. I have been hitting it hard thanks to some ppl pictures on this forum (gave me motivation to have a wide back)

    I will post a new back picture later and leg pictures. Just don't have any one my phone.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2008
    When you do those flies keep those arms pretty straight. Once your going heavy enough you will have to band them just a little. Focus on going deep and at the top of the contraction squeeze as hard as you can twisting the wrist in towards each other but don't let the db's touch keep them about one inch apart at the top or peek contraction. Hold for a second or two and repeat each rep

  10. #10
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    When you do those flies keep those arms pretty straight. Once your going heavy enough you will have to band them just a little. Focus on going deep and at the top of the contraction squeeze as hard as you can twisting the wrist in towards each other but don't let the db's touch keep them about one inch apart at the top or peek contraction. Hold for a second or two and repeat each rep
    Definitely going to try it on chest day. I might not be focusing enough on flies. That's pretty much the last thing I do on just day. Going to move them up to the beginning of workout. That way I will more focused on the flexing and contracting of the chest.

  11. #11
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr
    Definitely going to try it on chest day. I might not be focusing enough on flies. That's pretty much the last thing I do on just day. Going to move them up to the beginning of workout. That way I will more focused on the flexing and contracting of the chest.
    don't forget to do the same with incline flies

  12. #12
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr View Post

    Definitely going to try it on chest day. I might not be focusing enough on flies. That's pretty much the last thing I do on just day. Going to move them up to the beginning of workout. That way I will more focused on the flexing and contracting of the chest.
    73rr.....try beginning workout. Pre exhaust ur chest.

    Might be a good idea to venture into the dugeon.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Train in chest every 4 days, my chest is lacking and since hitting every 4 days after a couple of months its getting in proportion with the rest of my upper body. nach told me to hit it every 4/5 days

    Hit cables, flys, dips, press ups, bench press everything you can think of

    I train it different every 4 days, i will do like bench press and press ups then the next time flys and cables

    Its all there tho buddy just needs thickened!

  14. #14
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Train in chest every 4 days, my chest is lacking and since hitting every 4 days after a couple of months its getting in proportion with the rest of my upper body. nach told me to hit it every 4/5 days

    Hit cables, flys, dips, press ups, bench press everything you can think of

    I train it different every 4 days, i will do like bench press and press ups then the next time flys and cables

    Its all there tho buddy just needs thickened!
    Tax man what's up!

    Thanks for your insight. 2 times a week! I don't now. I feel like I would hurt myself doing that haha.

    Any other parts of my body u guys can point out that needs work? Or is my chest the main thing holding me back on my goals?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Gold Coast Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Heavy db flies are what built my inner chest
    Totally agree
    Flat, incline & decline flys

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Can anyone give me a bf estimate off of the first picture that I originally started with? That's a more recent picture and I'm kinda wondering.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    17-18 %

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    You would need someone to take pics of you doing different poses from a bit of a distance to critique the rest of your body

    Also, it would be better to get full torso shot for a bodyfat estimate but id go 16-17% from what i can see

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2015
    there is nothing wrong with your genset to get an impressiv chest. Drugs, diett and superb mindmuscles-motion and you will be there

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    I couldn't do 2x a wk(not a chance)... Which is why I suggested to Tax e5d that way it's not 2x a wk...

    Definitely hit inclines(I don't get even hit flat bench anymore) you build your upper chest w/flys... Flys(are the building block imho) & then Presses and cables is all I use(pec dec every once in a while - great exercise just pause for 3-5sec at the top/peak of your contractions...

    Pre-exhaust is something you'll have to try yourself - flys S/S'd into presses are fvking brutal(in a sick sadistic way) 25-30min on that is all you need... IF your intensity is up to par

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    there is nothing wrong with your genset to get an impressiv chest. Drugs, diett and superb mindmuscles-motion and you will be there
    Sounds what your saying is its time for me to gear up and start my first cycle! haha

  22. #22
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I couldn't do 2x a wk(not a chance)... Which is why I suggested to Tax e5d that way it's not 2x a wk...

    Definitely hit inclines(I don't get even hit flat bench anymore) you build your upper chest w/flys... Flys(are the building block imho) & then Presses and cables is all I use(pec dec every once in a while - great exercise just pause for 3-5sec at the top/peak of your contractions...

    Pre-exhaust is something you'll have to try yourself - flys S/S'd into presses are fvking brutal(in a sick sadistic way) 25-30min on that is all you need... IF your intensity is up to par
    Nach, thanks for commenting! Monday I will be starting with flies and will let everyone now how it went. Thanks a lot for all the help!

  23. #23
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    May 2015
    Tax man and bio thanks for the info on my bf and all the other advice. I have been on a clean bulk for about 6 months. Before that I was on a dirty bulk(only about a month of that though).

    If I'm around 17, 18 that's not to bad. I will probably cut down to around 12 and then start bulking again.(to keep a decent figure).

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr
    Tax man and bio thanks for the info on my bf and all the other advice. I have been on a clean bulk for about 6 months. Before that I was on a dirty bulk(only about a month of that though). If I'm around 17, 18 that's not to bad. I will probably cut down to around 12 and then start bulking again.(to keep a decent figure).
    you could do that but if your going to go that far why not go ahead and cut to 9-10?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Bay Area
    Your looking good bro keep it up

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    you could do that but if your going to go that far why not go ahead and cut to 9-10?
    Um no big reason. U don't think I would look to skinny doing that? Haha, I kinda have a skinny guy phobia thing about myself!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by fxrjuiceman View Post
    Your looking good bro keep it up
    Thanks bro!

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr

    Um no big reason. U don't think I would look to skinny doing that? Haha, I kinda have a skinny guy phobia thing about myself!
    No.... It will make you look bigger the leaner you get

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    No.... It will make you look bigger the leaner you get
    Well, maybe it will be 9-10 bf then haha.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr
    Well, maybe it will be 9-10 bf then haha.
    you will be happy if you do and you can still stay really strong at that bf

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Whats your height and weight 73rr

    I personaly have always been feared of going down to 9-10% bodyfat without the beef there, i dont want to look like a swimmer or sprinter, im happy to keep building muscle until i really feel big, then get down to 10%

    I do agree by being very lean you can look bigger, but if your pretty light then strip to that you can look skinny imo

    Whats your stats?

  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2015
    6' 4'' height
    210 lbs (struggle is real. Gain slowly. But I do gain!)

  33. #33
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    Sep 2012
    Everyones choices and goals are different but if you drop 7% bodyfat now i think you will look thin due to your height. Id Get down to 14-15% and grow muscle tissue if i were you

    Im 5ft8 202lbs 14% and still dont feel bulked enough to go down to 9/10%

    Another option is getting down to 10% and then bulk, thats if you can deal with a period of looking like a marathon runner.

    Bio has low bf but has the muscle mass there to wear it thats why he looks great. He is also in great proportion in terms of chest, shoulders, arms, torso.

    Us at that bodyfat now? Hmmm i dont know about you but id feel pretty thin and incomplete (chest not thick enough atm etc).

    I want to gain another 14lbs of muscle before going to that bodyfat, need to build more steel first
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 11-13-2015 at 04:34 PM.

  34. #34
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Everyones choices and goals are different but if you drop 7% bodyfat now i think you will look thin due to your height. Id Get down to 14-15% and grow muscle tissue if i were you

    Im 5ft8 202lbs 14% and still dont feel bulked enough to go down to 9/10%

    Another option is getting down to 10% and then bulk, thats if you can deal with a period of looking like a marathon runner.

    Bio has low bf but has the muscle mass there to wear it thats why he looks great. He is also in great proportion in terms of chest, shoulders, arms, torso.

    Us at that bodyfat now? Hmmm i dont know about you but id feel pretty thin and incomplete (chest not thick enough atm etc).

    I want to gain another 14lbs of muscle before going to that bodyfat, need to build more steel first
    Haha, marathon runner is the worst fear of my life! If I looked like that again I would lose it!

    What I'm going to do is work more on my upper chest. Using flies at the beginning of my work out and adding a little more incline lifts.

    As far as bf%. I will be dropping down to maintenance and doing a little carb cycle until the mirror tells me to stop cutting. What ever bf%I turn out to be is fine by me.

    After this short cut I will go back into a clean bulk and aim for getting up to about 220 lbs or until I'm around the same bf% that I am righi now.

  35. #35
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    Also let me add that at the end of this small cut I might. Just might start my first cycle. But that's a whole different story to be told haha

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Cycle log please

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Cycle log please
    For sure.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr View Post
    Sounds what your saying is its time for me to gear up and start my first cycle! haha
    why not.....but answer this....what do u choose in life....30 year as a lion, or 70 years as a sheep?....:-)

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    why not.....but answer this....what do u choose in life....30 year as a lion, or 70 years as a sheep?....:-)
    ^^^ that's one of the best questions I have ever been asked haha.

    To answer that question I have never really felt like a sheep at any point in my life. I feel like I'm a over achieve and refuses to be just like everyone else. I'm better aND will do what ever it takes to do what I have to do in life to be successful! I have this same mind set in everything in my life. Work, gym, diet, my relationship, EVERYTHING.

    I try not to be a dick to others though. It's not right to put ppl down for no reason!

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Exhausted my chest with flies first thing today! Definitely made it a hard workout but loved it!

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