As with all the other new guys here that need help, I'd like people opinions as my case is a little different.

I work as a male dancer, and my problem is that most of the other dancers take AAS, and it kinda puts them in a league apart. They are all built, and very cut and defined, with big vascularity. I am in great shape, but I just can't help thinking that if I could get as cut as them, I would make more money.

Now please don't start telling me to get on a diet or whatever, I only have 5-6% bodyfat, have a very lean diet, and work out hard. I just think I am at the limit of my natural definition.

So in my opinion I would like to cycle winny to give me the boost I need (after all it's physical appearance that runs the buisness). But the problem is that winny need to be pinned every second day, and since I need to get completely naked (where I live it's everything!) I can't have big red insertion sites on my body.

So? My question is, is Winny Tabs a good choice, or is there a better alternative? And would winny have a much better effect than supplements, so that I could stop them, or should i stick with them also.

Thanks for your time guys, and since I'm new people will probably ask me for my stats, so here they are:

210 lbs
5-6% bf
6 years body building.
Read all the gyno articles, and preparation guides.