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Thread: bench platuea

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    bench platuea

    hello all, i am 170lb, my 1rm for bench is 230. everytime i get into working out i always get back to this point and can never get over it. i know alot of you are going to critise my workout since i bench way to often, but this is what i have been doing for years and it always is a great workout to get me back to 230, as i am now. i do 10,8,6 for reps. and i am currently starting at 190,195,200 for lbs. If i get both of my first two sets, then i increase all of my weights by 5lbs. i bench like this 2 days in a row, and then take one day off. any advice on my shedule. i have heard of powerlifters only doing 5 reps, and i have heard of revearse perimiding where id be decreasing the weights each set and increasing the reps. im just curious to what other people do. also do you think 230 for a acual max(that is that i can really put the weight on the bar and do it once) for weighing 170lb is decent?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    Lower reps (1-3), more sets, heavier weight. If you are serious, you could also do some negative benching and get yourself a bench board.

    Also, how far are you going down? I always touch my chest.

    For weighing 170, a 230 lb 1rm is respectable, but you could do better. I'm guessing your diet could use some work, depending on what your goals are.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Lower reps (1-3), more sets, heavier weight. If you are serious, you could also do some negative benching and get yourself a bench board.

    Also, how far are you going down? I always touch my chest.

    For weighing 170, a 230 lb 1rm is respectable, but you could do better. I'm guessing your diet could use some work, depending on what your goals are.
    i touch my chest also, id say i have very good form, i never arch my back and i never slam the weight on my chest, i really go for good form. my diet probally could use some work, i do take serious mass, by optimal nutrition, i take about two shakes a day which contains about 1,900 caleries, and 88g of protien, i alsoi eat normal food threwout the day. so you think i should lower the reps, and do maybe 215lb or so? how many sets? how do you feel about benching two days on one day off?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    I only bench two days in a week while on cycle. When I'm on cycle and trying to bring my bench up big I do 10 sets of 1-3 reps, by the last 2 sets I'm going as heavy as possible...even if you only get 1 rep of weight you've never done before, you still did it.

    As far as diet, you need to be more specific about what kind of foods you are eating throughout the day in addition to the shakes. Also, how old are you and what are your goals? What are you trying to accomplish?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    im 22 years old, i would like to gain about 15 lbs, i am currently 170lb. and i would like to get my bench up in the 250 range, nothing out of reason

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    and basically, ill admit i eat like shit

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Miami, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by theblaze1987 View Post
    and basically, ill admit i eat like shit
    Well there you go, dude. Hit up the diet section. There are plenty of great bulking diets and knowledgeable dudes that would be more than happy to help you out. Remember if the blocks aren't there, the house can't get built. Your body needs material to build muscle with. If you use shit to build it, it's gonna be shit.

    If you stick to the fundamentals and remain consistent in diet and training you'll be surprised at how far you can go.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Ok if you read this it might not seem so bad .

    Do you know the resistant bands used for tension . You can stand on them and do upper body workouts . Made of neoprene tubes or something .

    You get 2 of these .
    When you have empty barbell at bench .
    Get 2 heavy dumbbells and place on ground each side of bench near uprights.
    Take tension tubes handles and place on barbell
    tubing hanging down is place threw hand grip of dumbbell

    Know place light weights on barbell .

    You have tension pulling down from resistant bands .

    This will help get past a plateau .

    I hope I described this exercise to where you can understand .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Its the same idea as placing a heavy chain on the barbell ends .

    Going down with bar , the weight is lightened .

  10. #10
    Your probably overtraining your chest by hitting it two days in a row. Its probably a lot to do with your mental state aswell, try cycling your weights up and down a bit, for example:

    Week 1 190
    Week 2 195
    Week 3 200
    Week 4 195
    Week 5 200
    Week 6 205

    You get the picture. Personnaly i'll bet its a mental block more than anything else

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Soul Society
    I was in a similar situation, about a month and a half ago. I weighted 172lbs and was doing 4 sets of 10,8,6,5 with 175,185,195 and 205 respectively. My max was 225 for 2 clean reps. Someone suggested to start with the heaviest weight after warm up so I did for all my workouts. I started benching 205 for 8 reps in the first set. The following week 215 for 6. Anyways long story short this is what my sets look like now 245/4, 225/6, 225/5 205/8. I am weighting in at 173-174 now but I dont think my 2lbs increase in body weight have helped that much. I used this for all my workouts and all lifts have been improving. Also you bench to much, once a week is plenty. If you feel the need to work your muscles twice a week then alternate exercises.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    ok i see, so you went with the reverse peramid, i think that is what ill do, and also i will be sure to hit up the diet section, thanks guys

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bench less per week is more.
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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Nightmares of bad kids
    Stop doing bench for a week. Then start again once a week witha progression if you wanna focus on strength:
    Take full rest between sets when reps go under 6.

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