No offence (
none taken) because it's great that you are here trying to help new users but I looked through your previous posts starting on page 5 and didn't even need to get past page 4 to fully realize that you should not be offering advice in your own private thread. It's to my understanding that you have never even pinned before, (
yes I have) you don't even know a source to get gear matter of fact....
(Yes I do) you don't even know where to buy needles yet.
(Yes I do) How exactly are you going to give advice to users looking for help?
Just trying to help from personal experience, as I stated in the first post.
Sorry to say this, but you need to leave the answering of questions to the experienced users and there are a lot of them.... and for the record, I am not one of these users. I rarely give advice due to lack of personal experience let alone start my own thread implying that I know it all.
(How can you logically imply that I am implying that I "know it all"?! I CLEARLY stated that I DO NOT claim to know it all. Again, this was in my first post.)
Like I said, I am not trying to rag on you,
(seems like you are a little to me, bud, so I'm sorry if I offended you or anybody) but the is just reckless.... Some new user may come in here, ask you a question and you give an answer that you think is right but don't know,
(AGAIN, I clearly stated in my first post that I WILL NOT answer a question that I'm not 100% sure on, did you not read my first post?!?) and that user gets sick, hurt or infected. Please play safe and stop this thread.