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Thread: Recent pics of me

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Northern California
    Man, you look totally ripped there! grats on placing 3rd - i bet it was stiff competition!!! When you get time tell more about the dehydration/ oxygen stuff - i am curious about that too as i'm doing my 1st in August and can't imagine what diet will be like for days leading up to the comp.

    TOTALLY GREAT JOB! i hope you are really proud of your amazing accomplishment!!!!!

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    damn, why havent i noticed this thread sooner? haha im 21 and hope to be ur size by 24, ur lookin sharp with the dieting, and very knowledgeable with the supplements you take; good to see. hope everything works out for u!

  3. #123
    What cycle did u use

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    For which stage? It's all logged in this thread, just scroll back a few pages.

  5. #125
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    what a beast !

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Amazing thread currently im on a bulking cycle, well i say currently, im constantly bulking lol Yes currently im bulking, similar diet to yourself, hitting around 5000 cals daily, will be needing to cut after this cycle (800mg test, 50mg dbol) never cut before, not needed to, started out at 119lbs 6 years ago! currently 185lbs and will most deffinately be seeking your advice, i find it easy to bulk, fat stripping is such an art lol!! Inspirational progress

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Long time no update


    I'm back

    It's been a while since I've updated this thread

    Since I've been ascent I have entered a further 2 bodybuilding comps, I placed 2nd at state level and then 1st at a national level.

    Find attached a few semi recent pics
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    Last edited by mick86; 09-13-2012 at 11:39 AM.

  8. #128
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mick86

    I'm back

    It's been a while since I've updated this thread

    Since I've been ascent I have entered a further 2 bodybuilding comps, I placed 2nd at state level and then 1st at a national level.

    Find attached a few semi recent pics
    Wow! Huge motivation right here! If you don't mind me asking what is your cut diet like.? I found your bulk diet but interested to see what you do to cut! Just shredded!

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Threw in some back pics and comp shots

    My cutting diet is not as structured as most, I basically go from force feeding myself when bulking to gradually reducing my food intake. I slowly cut down on all unhealthy food and then start reducing my carbs, I can go as low as 60g of carbs per day. I have a refeed meal every 5 days but nothing crazy.

    I aim for around 40g of protein every 2-3 hours, besides that I dont count calories unless I'm preparing for a comp in which case I also count carbs, but all this is done in my head not on paper. I keep fats to a minimum only including in my last 1 or 2 meals of the day in small quantities and obviously increase my vegetable intake when dieting to help curve the hunger.

    I've got various records of different diet structures I've followed but they are all based around the above format. The main difference is whether I am dieting for summer or for a comp and how far into my comp prep I am, as towards the end I am basically living off white meat, egg whites and salad.

    That's about it, no more thought goes into iot than that.

    Additionally I tend to diet for no more than 10 weeks, I actually prepared for my second comp in just 8 weeks. I do cardio in the mornings when competing, I tend to have approx 10g of whey protein with water and a couple of egg whites before jogging for 30-45 mins.

    If I'm not competing I find I can diet quite well without cardio, especially for the first half of the dieting phase. During the first half I also have no problems dining out here and there and so long as most of my meals are healthy can snack here and there on small tasty food items. In the 4-5 weeks before competing I tend to be a lot more strict with what I eat. I try to eliminate all snacking and stick to the main meals with nothing in between. At other times I'll grab a hand full of cereal, nuts or a lean meat at various intervals throughout the day when the urge takes me. If it's towards the start of my diet even small chocolates are ok so long as it's only once or twice a day.

    An off the top of my head approximate example of my day during the semi serious dieting:

    7am - Wake Up for Pre-Cardio Snack
    2 egg whites - scrambled (in the microwave)
    10g whey (straight in my mouth)

    Jog for 30 mins

    4 egg whites - scrambled (in the microwave)
    20g whey with low fat milk and water
    1 piece wholemeal toast (carbs in me so I can concentrate at uni)

    Uni lecture

    12pm - Snack)
    Varies (i.e a small low carb protein bar and low fat coffee with artificial sweeter)

    Uni lecture

    Chicken and egg salad (approx 40g protein)

    120g chicken with salad

    5pm - Snack
    10g whey powder (straight in mouth)

    6.30pm - Pre Workout meal
    100g tuna
    1/2 piece whole meal toast
    10g whey (straight in mouth)

    8.30 (Post Workout Meal)
    100g kangaroo meat

    1 egg and
    4 egg whites - scrambled (in microwave)
    10g whey (straight in mouth)
    5ml flaxseed oil

    11pm - Bed Time

    3am - Mid Seep Snack
    80g chicken
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by mick86; 10-16-2012 at 01:27 PM. Reason: Added more detail

  10. #130
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mick86
    My cutting diet is not as structured as most, I basically go from force feeding myself when bulking to gradually reducing my food intake. I slowly cut down on all unhealthy food and then start reducing my carbs, I can go as low as 60g of carbs per day. I have a refeed meal every 5 days but nothing crazy.

    I aim for around 40g of protein every 3 hours, besides that I dont count calaries unless I'm prepairign for a comp in which case I also count carbs, but all this is done in my head not on paper. I keep fats to a minimum only including in my last 1 or 2 meals of the day in small quantities and obviously increase my vegatable intake when dieting to help curve the hunger.

    I've got various records of different diet structures I've followed but they are all based around the above format. The main difference is whether I am dieting for summer or for a comp and how far into my comp prep I am, as towards the end I am basically living off white meat, egg whites and salad.

    Thatys about it, no more thought goes into iot than that.
    Thanks man, I appreciate the help! Nice having knowledgeable members with experience that are willing to give out advice!

  11. #131
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Ares101 View Post
    Thanks man, I appreciate the help! Nice having knowledgeable members with experience that are willing to give out advice!
    No worries.

    I actually felt i was a little brief.

    I've already updated my post with a rough example of how I eat and I'll post more specific information when I have the time.

    I sometimes split up the protein portion of each meal into 2 mini meals so may only eat 60-120 grams of meat in some servings.

    Also I regularly snack on very small amounts of protein powder for the included BCAA's

    I generally nclude more than 1 source of protein in each meal for amino acid diversity
    Last edited by mick86; 09-13-2012 at 01:48 PM.

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Jesus, that is 100% physique.

    You sir kick ass! ! ! ! !

  13. #133
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mick86

    No worries.

    I actually felt i was a little brief.

    i will post more specific information when I have the time.
    That would be awesome!

  14. #134
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    I had never seen this thread and started at the beggining and looked at the date and saw it was a 2008 thread. I was thinking who is the newbie bumped a 4 year old thread...went to the end to check it out and saw the latest pictures...WOW what a transformation...really great to see progress like this complete with a timeline documentation.

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I've added some extra info if you refer back to my earlier post

    More pics included too.

  16. #136
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mick86
    I've added some extra info if you refer back to my earlier post

    More pics included too.
    The girl in the contest is huge!!!! Makes me look like a wimp!

  17. #137
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    That's Christine Envall

    She didn't compete she was just presenting the trophies

  18. #138
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by mick86
    That's Christine Envall

    She didn't compete she was just presenting the trophies
    Dude that is straight up beast! Way to go man. That is one crazy accomplishment there!!!

  19. #139
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    That's awesome. Congrats on your accomplishments and you look great!

  20. #140
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Wow what amazing progress. Very nice work

  21. #141
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Welcome back mate!
    I would have seen you in a certain magazine a few months back

    Still looking awesome, Im surprised with how little protein you eat!
    What were your stats on stage?

  22. #142
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Oh and in the trophy pic, im friends with the guy to your left, he trains at my gym.

  23. #143
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkn View Post
    Welcome back mate!
    I would have seen you in a certain magazine a few months back

    Still looking awesome, Im surprised with how little protein you eat!
    What were your stats on stage?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkn View Post
    Oh and in the trophy pic, im friends with the guy to your left, he trains at my gym.

    Good to be back, good to see many of the members from a year or 2 back are still around.

    It's possible, was in a couple of magazines over thew last year or so Well spotted!

    The darker guy..? Great guy, met him in Sydney. Don't know the other guy well.

    In Sydney I was 173.5cm at 86kg - 87kg and reasonably low bf, if I had to guess maybe 6%..?
    Last edited by mick86; 09-14-2012 at 02:53 AM.

  24. #144
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Front toward enemy
    Inspirational! Solid hard work and dedication, you look great mate!

  25. #145
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by mick86 View Post

    Good to be back, good to see many of the members from a year or 2 back are still around.

    It's possible, was in a couple of magazines over thew last year or so Well spotted!

    The darker guy..? Great guy, met him in Sydney. Don't know the other guy well.

    In Sydney I was 173.5cm at 86kg - 87kg and reasonably low bf, if I had to guess maybe 6%..?
    Nar its the other guy, the pom, with the strange looking quads lol.

  26. #146
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I'm trying to recall if the 2 of us spoke much, I can remember the other guy as we were getting ready top go on stage in the same little room.

    Your mate was very thick but possibly not quite as lean or dry as the other bloke an me. He was all set in the size department though. At the time of the judging I really had no idea how things were going to turn out. I was rapt just to make top 3 Winning was a fantastic added bonus!

  27. #147
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    Mick86, outstanding progress! Your wheels are you have trouble finding jeans that fit those beastly quads!

  28. #148
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Mick86, outstanding progress! Your wheels are you have trouble finding jeans that fit those beastly quads!
    Find it very hard to fin jeans that fit, I'm restricted to just a few brands and have to go several sizes larger than I need for the waist in order to clear my legs. I tend to buy size 34" or 36" then get darts but in to improve the fit around the waist/bum then bring them in further with a belt.

    In Australia I tend to wear the brands: Yard (YD) Stevie, Melbourne Denim, (ML Denim),Hugo Boss, Draggin Jean's Motorcycle jeans also fit me.

  29. #149
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    S. Illinois
    Your a beast man! Awesome work!

  30. #150
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    One more question, on the re-feed day do you just eat clean carbs or a dirty take away meal too?

  31. #151
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Take away is fine, I still exercise some discretion when choosing my meal. Pre comp carb up is different to regular re feed, my last regular refeed/cheat meal was a small thin base tandoori chicken pizza and chicken skewers. I generally try to eat mush the same as usual on reefed day besides a slight increase in carbs and then just have one large meal. with extra carbs and protein, not too much fat if possible.

    Pre comp my carb up days include virtually no fats, only 70-150g protein and between 200 and 400g carbs. This usually goes for 2-3 days right b4 the comp.

  32. #152
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    holy crap 80g chicken mid sleep cycle... have you thought of trying ensure instead of the chicken??? that would seem like a rock in my stomach but as we can all see, it's working well for you..
    The answer to your every question


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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  33. #153
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I'll give it a try, I find as long as the chicken is moist 60-80g goes down just fine. For simplicity I only included 1 mid sleep meal but there's nights I wake 2-3 times (from hunger) and in that case each time I'd eat a smaller serving of chicken (say 40-50g) with perhaps some celery and a little whey powder for the BCAA's.

  34. #154
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Beast mode, love it man. GJ

  35. #155
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Amazing mate.

  36. #156
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    1st time seeing your pics. Impressive and great transformation over the years.

  37. #157
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    Great progress! You are an inspiration!

    Your midriff is slightly thick... lay off oblique exercises and allow the rest of your upper body to grow so you you increase the tapered look ...

    Fantastic mate!

  38. #158
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    the kitchen
    First at nationals?? Pro card????

  39. #159
    do you ever plan to increase test dosage to over 1300mg?

  40. #160
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    Great progress! You are an inspiration!

    Your midriff is slightly thick... lay off oblique exercises and allow the rest of your upper body to grow so you you increase the tapered look ...

    Fantastic mate!
    Food for thought, thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by BUTTERYGOODNESS View Post
    First at nationals?? Pro card????
    Unfortunately this particular IFBB competition doesnt award Pro cards, there wasnt any prize money either :/ Keep in mid that I only won my division, I didnt win an overall class, in fact I'm not even sure that there was an overall secion to be won. The IFBB runs a comp 6 months earlier/later each year and with that competition pro cards are available. Interestingly prize money isn't offered there either (though small prizes are handed out to those who place in the top 3 of each category). There are other untested Australian bodybuilding federations (For obvious reasons I don't enter tested comps) that do offer prize money (such as NABA) but I have stuck with the IFBB.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seby643 View Post
    do you ever plan to increase test dosage to over 1300mg?
    1300mg... Hmm, I have never gone beyond 750mg pw, I suppose I will continually to gradually increase the dose with each successive cycle but I am prone to loosing my hair which I can manage to the most part with a very strict regimen including finasteride/spirolacatone/ketazoral however I suspect that if I increase my test dosage too much my regimen will be less effective in which case I'd have to keep a shaved noggin. I don't mid shaving my head but like knowing that I can grow the hair back out anytime. Perhaps down the track I will be less bothered whether or not I have a full head of hair and at that point would be able to use a lot of anabolics that for now I avoid due to hair loss potential. That said if I can continue to make progress using relativly low doses then I see no need to increase anything.

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