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Thread: Need advice on 1st time cycle

  1. #1
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    Need advice on 1st time cycle

    I'm 27 and have been training serious for 3 years as of June and I've been anticipating to run a cycle to get an extra edge over the summer. I've been reading around quite a bit, and correct me if I'm wrong; I've found that as far as lean hard gains go, test prop is optimal. What would you guys recommend me as far as a good PCT, HCG, RI, Anti estrogen, etc.? Stats are 6"1, 181 lbs, 9% bf. I was thinking 100mg EOD 8 weeks test prop. I've also read a lot in combining it with masteron but I'm not sure if that's necessary for a 1st time cycle. Also, are insulin injection necessary on a test cycle? I've seen a lot of recommendations for it on HGH but I’m not sure about test? I’m very cautious about this so I’d like to get all the info I need to know before starting a cycle, I've done a lot of research I’m just not sure that I have every piece to the puzzle because there seems to be endless amounts of info out there! Any help is appreciated!

  2. #2
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    Apr 2013
    Was thinking something like this:

    Wk 1-8 Testosterone Propionate = 150mg eod.
    Wk 1-8 Aromasin 12.5mg ED MIN - monitor and adjust accordingly.
    Wk 1-8 hCG = 250iu twice/wk day.

    Begins wk 9 to wk 13, maybe throw in some clen here?

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    This was a recommended 1st cycle for me, but I dont see any AI in there? I thought clomid and nolva were both SERM's. Also, why have a 4 week time frame for the PCT? Shouldn't you start a PCT immediately after a cycle?
    Last edited by brobeans443; 04-27-2013 at 04:24 AM.

  3. #3
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    I haven´t advised here in a year, so it might be outdated..
    But I like your cycle. Only, I think your dose is too high.
    I´ve done 100 mg Prop before. Great results with BW off the scale.
    So, going with "less is more", I´m currently on 80mg Prop (EOD as always), and loving it.
    The dose is so low, and considering the low aromatase of Prop, I have skipped the AI this time. (Aromasin is your AI)
    PCT is good with correct time frame as you have it written. Maybe start 4 days after last pin.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443
    I'm 27 and have been training serious for 3 years as of June and I've been anticipating to run a cycle to get an extra edge over the summer. I've been reading around quite a bit, and correct me if I'm wrong; I've found that as far as lean hard gains go, test prop is optimal. What would you guys recommend me as far as a good PCT, HCG, RI, Anti estrogen, etc.? Stats are 6"1, 181 lbs, 9% bf. I was thinking 100mg EOD 8 weeks test prop. I've also read a lot in combining it with masteron but I'm not sure if that's necessary for a 1st time cycle. Also, are insulin injection necessary on a test cycle? I've seen a lot of recommendations for it on HGH but I’m not sure about test? I’m very cautious about this so I’d like to get all the info I need to know before starting a cycle, I've done a lot of research I’m just not sure that I have every piece to the puzzle because there seems to be endless amounts of info out there! Any help is appreciated!
    A recommended 1st cycle would be test e 500mg a week split into two pins say Monday and Thursday for 12 weeks along with your pct hcg and ai

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443
    Was thinking something like this:

    Wk 1-8 Testosterone Propionate = 150mg eod.
    Wk 1-8 Aromasin 12.5mg ED MIN - monitor and adjust accordingly.
    Wk 1-8 hCG = 250iu twice/wk day.
    Aromasin (Exemestane) at 10mg/ED

    Begins wk 9 to wk 13, maybe throw in some clen here?

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    This was a recommended 1st cycle for me, but I dont see any AI in there? I thought clomid and nolva were both SERM's. Also, why have a 4 week time frame for the PCT? Shouldn't you start a PCT immediately after a cycle?
    Hey man!!

    Cycle looks solid, but no need to do 150 of prop EOD, 100 will be plenty!

    Start PCT 3days after last prop.

    Aromasin is AI.

    Good luck

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443 View Post
    Was thinking something like this:

    Wk 1-8 Testosterone Propionate = 150mg eod.
    Wk 1-8 Aromasin 12.5mg ED MIN - monitor and adjust accordingly.
    Wk 1-8 hCG = 250iu twice/wk day.
    Aromasin (Exemestane) at 10mg/ED

    Begins wk 9 to wk 13, maybe throw in some clen here?

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    This was a recommended 1st cycle for me, but I dont see any AI in there? I thought clomid and nolva were both SERM's. Also, why have a 4 week time frame for the PCT? Shouldn't you start a PCT immediately after a cycle?
    This is almost exactly the same cycle I started last night. Except I'm doing 120mg EOD of prop. Everything else is the same.

    I agree that 100mg EOD is more than enough. The only reason I'm doing 120mg is due to a weird pet peeve of mine more than anything else. I would drop yours to 100mg.

    Good luck

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco

    Hey man!!

    Cycle looks solid, but no need to do 150 of prop EOD, 100 will be plenty!

    Start PCT 3days after last prop.

    Aromasin is AI.

    Good luck
    Agree with gaspaco and I like the idea of prop as a first cycle, if you run into problems it's quickly out of your system. Always use an A.i and you could do with Hcg at 250ius twice a week. Keeps the little fellas plump and transition into pct smoother. Good Luck bud your stats look impressive 9% Bf is that accurate? Picture?

  8. #8
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    Apr 2013
    thanks for the great replies everyone! I was thinking 100 as well. A few more questions, would gyno be a concern for this cycle? and if so, what measures could I take to counter it if it were to happen even with the AI?

    & would aromasin be necessary/useful on a 100mg cycle or would it be pointless?

    also, if clomid and nolva are both SERM's, is it necessary to take both of them? and what dosage of clen would you recommend on the PCT?

    and most importantly, what about HCG and it's timing? I was thinking 3 weeks before the the last ester leaves my blood, I would start the HCG/nolva combo. HCG at about 500iu ED and Nolva 20mg ED, or used throughout the cycle at 500iu E4D (dont wanna lose the teste function haha), can't decide on this one.

  9. #9
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    OP you are pretty light, I'm assuming you will be bulking? If so can we see your proposed diet?

  10. #10
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    Hcg throughout cycle not pct. 250 ius twice a week is plenty. Do a bit more research before you start and make sure you KNOW what your doing, and like BIB said your diet is key hit the nutrition section and key it in before starting a cycle

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443 View Post
    thanks for the great replies everyone! I was thinking 100 as well. A few more questions, would gyno be a concern for this cycle? and if so, what measures could I take to counter it if it were to happen even with the AI?

    & would aromasin be necessary/useful on a 100mg cycle or would it be pointless?

    also, if clomid and nolva are both SERM's, is it necessary to take both of them? and what dosage of clen would you recommend on the PCT?

    and most importantly, what about HCG and it's timing? I was thinking 3 weeks before the the last ester leaves my blood, I would start the HCG/nolva combo. HCG at about 500iu ED and Nolva 20mg ED, or used throughout the cycle at 500iu E4D (dont wanna lose the teste function haha), can't decide on this one.
    Now you are starting to make no sense B.
    You were fine with your original writeup, with the correction of lowering your dose.
    You ask about ester like you think you are pinning Sust., not Prop. Do you understand the difference?
    And HCG has no place in PCT IMO.
    You originally wrote HCG 250iu twice/week, not 500iu E4D.
    Like Bigsiv suggested, stick around, educate and ask so you understand what you are doing.
    Read up on PCT and different Test esters.

  12. #12
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    NC Highlands
    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443 View Post
    thanks for the great replies everyone! I was thinking 100 as well. A few more questions, would gyno be a concern for this cycle? and if so, what measures could I take to counter it if it were to happen even with the AI?

    & would aromasin be necessary/useful on a 100mg cycle or would it be pointless?

    also, if clomid and nolva are both SERM's, is it necessary to take both of them? and what dosage of clen would you recommend on the PCT?

    and most importantly, what about HCG and it's timing? I was thinking 3 weeks before the the last ester leaves my blood, I would start the HCG/nolva combo. HCG at about 500iu ED and Nolva 20mg ED, or used throughout the cycle at 500iu E4D (dont wanna lose the teste function haha), can't decide on this one.
    In regard to HCG, the posts before approximately 2008 say to use it for pct. Later posts say to use it concurrent with cycle and and use clomid/nolva for pct. I would go with the latest information.

  13. #13
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    Thanks for the replies, I'm still learning!

    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Now you are starting to make no sense B.
    You were fine with your original writeup, with the correction of lowering your dose.
    You ask about ester like you think you are pinning Sust., not Prop. Do you understand the difference?
    And HCG has no place in PCT IMO.
    You originally wrote HCG 250iu twice/week, not 500iu E4D.
    Like Bigsiv suggested, stick around, educate and ask so you understand what you are doing.
    Read up on PCT and different Test esters.
    was just a bit confused with hcg, didn't see the posts before my 2nd one regarding it! and doesn't sust. have 4 different esters which wouldn't require pinning as frequently as test prop does?

    and for my diet, I'm aiming at around 3500 calories per day. 1 meal every 2-3 hours (high carbs & high fats due to my fast metabolism). Currently on an isolation split (chest,back,shoulders,arms,legs)

    And I need to know about clen! I want to take this as part of my PCT to combat cortisol, how should it tie in with the PCT and its dosage?
    Last edited by brobeans443; 04-27-2013 at 04:21 PM.

  14. #14
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	progress photo 5.jpg 
Views:	489 
Size:	44.2 KB 
ID:	137876

    progress photo... I know, I know. haha
    Last edited by brobeans443; 04-27-2013 at 04:04 PM.

  15. #15
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    Im the author of that cycle and there are a few comments i would like to make.

    First of all, 150mgEOD = 525mg/wk which a common beginners amount (500mg/wk) that is universally accepted. HOWEVER, 100mg EOD = 350mg/wk and is perfectly fine too, and i have no objection with that. Just wanted you to be clear on what you're doing.

    Also, hCG is used to prevent Testicular Atrophy, along with other benefits like the brain, and including it form the beginning on a short cycle is recommended. I am of the opinion that prevention is far more important and effective than treatment.

    IOW's, if you have the opportunity to prevent a cold rather than treating it after you've been infected, wouldn't you agree that the safest and healthiest choice would be to prevent it from occurring in the first place?

    And finally, the copy and paste of this cycle has the old Aromasin protocol. The new protocol is 12.5mg/day MIN. In fact, please read this article below on Aromasin and pay particular attention to JimmyInk'dUp's link at the end. He has written an interesting argument for dosing Aromasin 25mg/day.

    Good luck.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post

    Im the author of that cycle and there are a few comments i would like to make.

    First of all, 150mgEOD = 525mg/wk which a common beginners amount (500mg/wk) that is universally accepted. HOWEVER, 100mg EOD = 350mg/wk and is perfectly fine too, and i have no objection with that. Just wanted you to be clear on what you're doing.

    Also, hCG is used to prevent Testicular Atrophy, along with other benefits like the brain, and including it form the beginning on a short cycle is recommended. I am of the opinion that prevention is far more important and effective than treatment.

    IOW's, if you have the opportunity to prevent a cold rather than treating it after you've been infected, wouldn't you agree that the safest and healthiest choice would be to prevent it from occurring in the first place?

    And finally, the copy and paste of this cycle has the old Aromasin protocol. The new protocol is 12.5mg/day MIN. In fact, please read this article below on Aromasin and pay particular attention to JimmyInk'dUp's link at the end. He has written an interesting argument for dosing Aromasin 25mg/day.

    Good luck.
    awesome post man! Yeah I thought your recommended cycle looked good, was just unsure about a few things. So everything included in the cycle should prevent the negative side effects, but if not then stop the cycle immediately, correct?

    And I need to know about clen! I want to take this as part of my PCT to combat cortisol, how can I tie it in with the PCT and its dosage?? I've read a lot on it just haven't been able to find these answers.

    Thanks a million

  17. #17
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    Dec 2011
    Youre welcome.

    1. I just realized I completely forgot to include the link...doh! Here it is..

    *Aromasin (Exemestane) vs Arimidex (Anastrozole) Unraveled**.html

    2. If you begin to see sides and depending on what they are, these can be managed effectively by increasing your AI, most of the time. If you have problems, post back here.

    3. Usually cortisol levels can be managed with vitamin C, reduced stress, and plenty of sleep. But here's an article on 5 easy steps to reduce Cortisol levels. Take a look..

    Muscle Breakdown: Is Cortisol Leading You Down the Catabolic Pathway? by Rehan Jalali

    Muscle Breakdown: Is Cortisol Leading You Down the Catabolic Pathway? - Think Muscle

    And finally, take a peek at this thread for some tips on how to diet properly while building lean muscle.

    Dieting 101: Lean Bulking

    ***Dieting 101: Lean Bulking***

  18. #18
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    Apr 2013
    Ok, taken directly from a PCT thread:

    Using Nolva while using HCG helps stop HCG from de-sensitizing your testicles to natural LH. In my opinion, any decent cycle/PCT should include HCG. It has been suggested to me that HCG can be used throughout a cycle at 500iu E4D, but im unsure of this from practical experience. The most favorable way is to use it in the last couple weeks of your cycle at a higher dose, like 500iu ED. The trick is to end the use of HCG just as the last AAS is running out of your system. So, 3 weeks before the the last ester leaves your blood, you would start the HCG/nolva combo. HCG at about 500iu ED and Nolva 20mg ED. This is done before Nolva/aromasin (for example) PCT starts, and runs about a few weeks longer than the end of the HCG. Always include Nolva with your HCG, they work together well. Be careful not to overdose on HCG and permanently desenstize your testicles to LH. HCG has an active life of about 3 days.

    So run it throughout the cycle from day 1 or wait until the last 3 weeks as recommended in the above excerpt? I want to lookout for my boys best as possible!

    EDIT: haha you're good, I'll take a look at them now. I really appreciate the help man, lots of good info you're letting me in on.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443 View Post
    Ok, taken directly from a PCT thread:

    Using Nolva while using HCG helps stop HCG from de-sensitizing your testicles to natural LH. In my opinion, any decent cycle/PCT should include HCG. It has been suggested to me that HCG can be used throughout a cycle at 500iu E4D, but im unsure of this from practical experience. The most favorable way is to use it in the last couple weeks of your cycle at a higher dose, like 500iu ED. The trick is to end the use of HCG just as the last AAS is running out of your system. So, 3 weeks before the the last ester leaves your blood, you would start the HCG/nolva combo. HCG at about 500iu ED and Nolva 20mg ED. This is done before Nolva/aromasin (for example) PCT starts, and runs about a few weeks longer than the end of the HCG. Always include Nolva with your HCG, they work together well. Be careful not to overdose on HCG and permanently desenstize your testicles to LH. HCG has an active life of about 3 days.

    So run it throughout the cycle from day 1 or wait until the last 3 weeks as recommended in the above excerpt? I want to lookout for my boys best as possible!

    EDIT: haha you're good, I'll take a look at them now. I really appreciate the help man, lots of good info you're letting me in on.
    Some of the information on this site is outdated and not up to par with today protocols and clinical data. This site has been around for over 10 years (12 i believe) and there are threads and stickies that require purging. It's being addressed as far as i know. But in the future, if you find something that doesn't jive don't hesitate to get clarification on it. That's what we are here for.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Some of the information on this site is outdated and not up to par with today protocols and clinical data. This site has been around for over 10 years (12 i believe) and there are threads and stickies that require purging. It's being addressed as far as i know. But in the future, if you find something that doesn't jive don't hesitate to get clarification on it. That's what we are here for.
    Glad you're here ! So just out of curiousity, will natural gains be harder to make after the cycle or will natural gains stay the same? I heard after a cycle it's harder to progress naturally than before, but I'm not sure if this is true or not. I believe I'm at the point of my genetic potential, but I was just curious of what I should expect after the first cycle. Thanks again man! Wish there was a way to rep/commend you.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post

    Im the author of that cycle and there are a few comments i would like to make.

    First of all, 150mgEOD = 525mg/wk which a common beginners amount (500mg/wk) that is universally accepted. HOWEVER, 100mg EOD = 350mg/wk and is perfectly fine too, and i have no objection with that. Just wanted you to be clear on what you're doing.

    Also, hCG is used to prevent Testicular Atrophy, along with other benefits like the brain, and including it form the beginning on a short cycle is recommended. I am of the opinion that prevention is far more important and effective than treatment.

    IOW's, if you have the opportunity to prevent a cold rather than treating it after you've been infected, wouldn't you agree that the safest and healthiest choice would be to prevent it from occurring in the first place?

    And finally, the copy and paste of this cycle has the old Aromasin protocol. The new protocol is 12.5mg/day MIN. In fact, please read this article below on Aromasin and pay particular attention to JimmyInk'dUp's link at the end. He has written an interesting argument for dosing Aromasin 25mg/day.

    Good luck.
    Mickey, I am pretty sure 525mg/week Prop is equivalent to 700mg Cyp.
    350mg Prop is equivalent to 500mg Cyp.
    Therefore 100mg EOD is used for the standard cycle, just as 500mg Cyp and Ent are.
    This due to the higher concentration of Test in Prop.
    80mg Prop EOD is currently giving me off the scale levels. Less is better.

  22. #22
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    Alright, so after a bit more researching I have a few more questions.

    1st one is in regards to HCG for a 6-8 week cycle.

    "For a moderate length steroid cycle (6-8 weeks) your post cycle recovery plan should last for two to three weeks due to the length of you're "on" time. Every post cycle regimen should include an Anti-estrogen drug (Femara, Arimidex, or Nolvadex) and Clomid, a drug like HCG is not necessary for a cycle of this length."

    So according to lightsout (musclechemistry), I wont even need HCG for this particular cycle. What do you guys think of this? Not sure if that's a smart move or not, this guys post was written in 2011.

    Then he goes on to say "Another important aspect to note is that HCG should not be used for more than a 3-4 week period and it should also not be used at very high doses, because this could desensitize the testicles to LH, and could leave you back in a bad position."

    Here he is saying to not even use HCG for more than 3-4 weeks, yet my cycle suggests to take it twice a week (at a low dose though). So what's the conclusion here? Twice a week, only the last 3-4 weeks, or none at all?

    the guy is a well respected member of the forum, I'm just not sure how accurate his info is because it doesn't sync with the cycle that was recommended for me so I'd like a second opinion on this.

    Mickey I like the recommended cycle you provided I'd just like some clarification on a few things is all.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Mickey, I am pretty sure 525mg/week Prop is equivalent to 700mg Cyp.
    350mg Prop is equivalent to 500mg Cyp.
    Therefore 100mg EOD is used for the standard cycle, just as 500mg Cyp and Ent are.
    This due to the higher concentration of Test in Prop.
    80mg Prop EOD is currently giving me off the scale levels. Less is better.
    Its actually closer to 600mg Cyp, but i see your point.

    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443 View Post
    Alright, so after a bit more researching I have a few more questions.

    1st one is in regards to HCG for a 6-8 week cycle.

    "For a moderate length steroid cycle (6-8 weeks) your post cycle recovery plan should last for two to three weeks due to the length of you're "on" time. Every post cycle regimen should include an Anti-estrogen drug (Femara, Arimidex, or Nolvadex) and Clomid, a drug like HCG is not necessary for a cycle of this length."

    So according to lightsout (musclechemistry), I wont even need HCG for this particular cycle. What do you guys think of this? Not sure if that's a smart move or not, this guys post was written in 2011.
    Then he goes on to say "Another important aspect to note is that HCG should not be used for more than a 3-4 week period and it should also not be used at very high doses, because this could desensitize the testicles to LH, and could leave you back in a bad position."

    Here he is saying to not even use HCG for more than 3-4 weeks, yet my cycle suggests to take it twice a week (at a low dose though). So what's the conclusion here? Twice a week, only the last 3-4 weeks, or none at all?

    the guy is a well respected member of the forum, I'm just not sure how accurate his info is because it doesn't sync with the cycle that was recommended for me so I'd like a second opinion on this.

    Mickey I like the recommended cycle you provided I'd just like some clarification on a few things is all.
    hCG and Pregnenolone; What you should know.

    hCG and Pregnenolone; What you should know.

    Freezing hCG

    hcg frozen

    hCG Fragility

    HCG Fragility

    Read the above links and then draw your own conclusions.

  24. #24
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    So i'm about to start my cycle in a few days, and I had 1 more question thats been eating at me. Is losing hair on cycle without MPB even possible?

    Lets say for instance, that I don't even have MPB but I decide to take Dutasteride/Finasteride anyways just to be safe, could this backfire somehow and still end up losing hair? I'm very worried about the notion of losing hair. I have the exact same hair type as my fathers/his fathers and they both have a full head of thick and wavy hair. My moms dad however had much more fine/straighter hair but his hair was thinning when he passed. Since my hair resembles my fathers so closely, should I even be worried even though the gene is supposedly derived from the mothers side? Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: Do not have MPB
    Last edited by brobeans443; 05-22-2013 at 01:37 AM.

  25. #25
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    alright so after reading up on the Aromasin (Exemestane) vs Arimidex (Anastrozole) Unraveled article (awesome read), I've decided I'd rather not permanently inhibit aromatase so I think switching to arimidex would be safer. I'm actually going to start off not taking an AI at all as I may not even be gyno prone or experience any gyno sides due to the short cycle/low test dosage. In the case that gyno does occur though, I was thinking .25 EOD would be sufficient to combat possible estrogen-related side effects should they occur? I've also read where some guys are suggesting .5 mg ED, but that seems a little high. Would really appreciate some 2nd opinions on this. Thanks in advance

  26. #26
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    A-dex at .25 eod from the day of first pin.Adjust accordingly.No you dont know if youre gyno prone or not BUT what if you are.Dont risk it its not worth it.Just my opinion and personal experience.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by havanakid View Post
    A-dex at .25 eod from the day of first pin.Adjust accordingly.No you dont know if youre gyno prone or not BUT what if you are.Dont risk it its not worth it.Just my opinion and personal experience.
    thanks for the input! Also i was hoping to drop some body fat while adding lean muscle during the cycle, is this achievable with just test prop or should I throw in some clen/t3 during the cycle?

    I'm currently in-taking 2800-3000 cal and am maintaining weight at this amount. All protein sources are lean meats and carbs are all complex. Fats are moderate-high. Was thinking about raising caloric intake to around 3400 on cycle as I have a very fast metabolism, and maybe throw in some cardio to help lose BF on cycle? Critique this please.

    Lastly, I was given an extra 10cc of test prop at 100mg/ml, should I incorporate this into the cycle and run it for 12 weeks?
    Last edited by brobeans443; 05-22-2013 at 09:07 PM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443 View Post
    thanks for the input! Also i was hoping to drop some body fat while adding lean muscle during the cycle, is this achievable with just test prop or should I throw in some clen/t3 during the cycle?

    I'm currently in-taking 2800-3000 cal and am maintaining weight at this amount. All protein sources are lean meats and carbs are all complex. Fats are moderate-high. Was thinking about raising caloric intake to around 3400 on cycle as I have a very fast metabolism, and maybe throw in some cardio to help lose BF on cycle? Critique this please.

    Lastly, I was given an extra 10cc of test prop at 100mg/ml, should I incorporate this into the cycle and run it for 12 weeks?
    You can most definitely lose bodyfat on just the test prop alone.Hell you can drop bodyfat without the use of aas but since youre gonna cylce then yes you should be fine with just the test prop.Clen/T3 will help Im sure but dont quote me on it cause I personally have no experience with it and the dosing of it so maybe one of the guys will chime in on that part of your question and help.As far as the diet looking at your picture and judging by your phisique and the fact that you have a fast metabolism Im sure you may be able to get away with 3400 but personally I would keep it at no more than 3000 with minimal cardiio.If you go a little higher then you may have to step your cardio up a little.It wouldn t hurt you to post your nutrition/macros etc on the nutrition board and have one of those guys sort it out and tweak it.As far as your extra test prop SAVE IT for next cycle.No need to extend to 12 weeks on the prop.

  29. #29
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    So would going on a cutting diet in the weeks following the cycle be a bad idea in regards to keeping the gains made during the cycle? And if not, when would be the best time to cut? I'm currently at 180 and 10%ish and am hoping to end up around 190-195 at 7-8%.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443 View Post
    So would going on a cutting diet in the weeks following the cycle be a bad idea in regards to keeping the gains made during the cycle? And if not, when would be the best time to cut? I'm currently at 180 and 10%ish and am hoping to end up around 190-195 at 7-8%.
    I would most definitely recommend you NOT go on a cutting diet for a few solid months after this cycle.With your base and youve got good lean mass based on your picture.eating the calories that youll be eating and throwing in the cardio this current cycle looks more like a lean bulk cycle in my opinion and thats great.Dont worry too much about cutting for a bit.WATCH your diet during pct so you can hold and maintain those gains and then when the time comes gives us an update and well see where you are at the time to better evaluate what to do and when to do it.Lets see where youre at 6-8 weeks after pct.Go a little easier on the training during pct and up the calories a bit.

  31. #31
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by havanakid View Post
    I would most definitely recommend you NOT go on a cutting diet for a few solid months after this cycle.With your base and youve got good lean mass based on your picture.eating the calories that youll be eating and throwing in the cardio this current cycle looks more like a lean bulk cycle in my opinion and thats great.Dont worry too much about cutting for a bit.WATCH your diet during pct so you can hold and maintain those gains and then when the time comes gives us an update and well see where you are at the time to better evaluate what to do and when to do it.Lets see where youre at 6-8 weeks after pct.Go a little easier on the training during pct and up the calories a bit.
    So during pct would you recommend more strength training and changing up my macros? (lowering carbs, and increasing proteins/fats)

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443 View Post
    So during pct would you recommend more strength training and changing up my macros? (lowering carbs, and increasing proteins/fats)
    No he said take it easier and do you know how your body does with carbs off or on cycle? as in sensitive or not ? I am pretty sensitive to carbs a little too much I gain quick to little and I'm tired as lose quick sometime too quick. Also idk what to recommend diet wise I don't see your macros anywhere unless I missed it in that case my bad an u post again?
    Last edited by Dougiefresh7707; 05-24-2013 at 05:21 PM.

  33. #33
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443

    So during pct would you recommend more strength training and changing up my macros? (lowering carbs, and increasing proteins/fats)
    During PCT you would generally shorten your workouts and up the intensity.

    Diet wise you should normally up your cals in the form of carbs. As dougie says, we don't know your macros so can't really answer that fully.

  34. #34
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443 View Post
    So during pct would you recommend more strength training and changing up my macros? (lowering carbs, and increasing proteins/fats)
    Your natural test levels are trying to recover so yeah I wouldnt lift heavy heavy but more strength training would be fine.Make sure your protein intake is dead on 1.5g per pound of lbm and I would lower the carbs a bit only cause youre not goin to be pushing yourself as much as far as weight training intensity and cardio but thats my take.If any of the guys jump in on this and offer a little more help that would be good but thats my .02

  35. #35
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    During PCT you would generally shorten your workouts and up the intensity.

    Diet wise you should normally up your cals in the form of carbs. As dougie says, we don't know your macros so can't really answer that fully.
    ^^^^^There you go brobeans.

  36. #36
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    Apr 2013
    Thanks for the replies everyone. Macros atm are 50% protein, 30% fats and 20% carbs. Literally half my calories come from grilled chicken/fish lol.

    Also, I have enough hcg on hand for the last 3 weeks of my cycle. Is this ok to proceed with or should I get enough for the whole cycle? (I read where you can take it the last 3 weeks with nolva as opposed to throughout the cycle)

  37. #37
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    Santa clarita
    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443 View Post
    Thanks for the replies everyone. Macros atm are 50% protein, 30% fats and 20% carbs. Literally half my calories come from grilled chicken/fish lol.

    Also, I have enough hcg on hand for the last 3 weeks of my cycle. Is this ok to proceed with or should I get enough for the whole cycle? (I read where you can take it the last 3 weeks with nolva as opposed to throughout the cycle)
    The point of hcg is to keep your testes functioning because without it the hormones they normally produce to make test stops because you already have a surplus of test hcg imitates the natural function of the testes and tricks it into producing somewhat while cycling if you wait your wi be shutdown and eliminate the purpose of hcg in the first place. Also 50/30/20? I don't like it already but also I need exact not percentages to make an educated guess on what will help when stopping. What made you have higher fat then carb? Post full macros in gs please.

  38. #38
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    The point of hcg is to keep your testes functioning because without it the hormones they normally produce to make test stops because you already have a surplus of test hcg imitates the natural function of the testes and tricks it into producing somewhat while cycling if you wait your wi be shutdown and eliminate the purpose of hcg in the first place. Also 50/30/20? I don't like it already but also I need exact not percentages to make an educated guess on what will help when stopping. What made you have higher fat then carb? Post full macros in gs please.
    40g of fats from eggs, 34g from almond butter, 20g from cheese/milk. So 94g fats. Carbs I eat a mix of brown rice, wheat bread and oats. Lately its been around 145g of carbs. Protein is 376g.

    376g Protein/94g Fats/145g Carbs.

    So should I proceed with the 3 weeks supply of hcg and use it with nolva the last 3 weeks or have enough for the entire cycle??

  39. #39
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    Mar 2013
    Santa clarita
    Quote Originally Posted by brobeans443 View Post
    40g of fats from eggs, 34g from almond butter, 20g from cheese/milk. So 94g fats. Carbs I eat a mix of brown rice, wheat bread and oats. Lately its been around 145g of carbs. Protein is 376g.

    376g Protein/94g Fats/145g Carbs.

    So should I proceed with the 3 weeks supply of hcg and use it with nolva the last 3 weeks or have enough for the entire cycle??
    Your already cycling and you don't know about hcg? That looks bad man diet is flawed almost 100 grams of fat and 40 is from eggs ? Are you cutting or tryin to bulk whats your tdee or just give me you stats please. Hcg is day befor first pin till depending on ester up to 2 weeks after last.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    Your already cycling and you don't know about hcg? That looks bad man diet is flawed almost 100 grams of fat and 40 is from eggs ? Are you cutting or tryin to bulk whats your tdee or just give me you stats please. Hcg is day befor first pin till depending on ester up to 2 weeks after last.
    No I haven't started the cycle yet. I'm bulking, I just wanted to keep it lean. So what would you recommend? Reduce fats and increase carbs?

    Stats are 180 lbs 10%ish bf and 6"1
    Last edited by brobeans443; 05-25-2013 at 02:07 AM.

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