I'm 27 and have been training serious for 3 years as of June and I've been anticipating to run a cycle to get an extra edge over the summer. I've been reading around quite a bit, and correct me if I'm wrong; I've found that as far as lean hard gains go, test prop is optimal. What would you guys recommend me as far as a good PCT, HCG, RI, Anti estrogen, etc.? Stats are 6"1, 181 lbs, 9% bf. I was thinking 100mg EOD 8 weeks test prop. I've also read a lot in combining it with masteron but I'm not sure if that's necessary for a 1st time cycle. Also, are insulin injection necessary on a test cycle? I've seen a lot of recommendations for it on HGH but I’m not sure about test? I’m very cautious about this so I’d like to get all the info I need to know before starting a cycle, I've done a lot of research I’m just not sure that I have every piece to the puzzle because there seems to be endless amounts of info out there! Any help is appreciated!