How can can I slim down my muscular thighs?? They look even worst bc for some odd reason I tend to store fat in the outer thigh section making it appear like I have hips :-/
And I'm a guy!!!! Plus my calves are small! So you get the mental pic...not nice.
Should I stop doing squats/leg workouts completely? or should I work them out only once a week and do high reps?
I'm doing a 4 day split workout routine where it requires me to do lower body/legs twice per week :-/...I'm trying to find another workout routine where it emphasizes more on upper body. Any suggestions of good workout routines? I'm trying to find one but there's so many out there that makes me so dizzy.
Thank You so much in advance
P.s: At this moment I'm eating maintenance cals. (Was Bulking for 3 months) I'm also doing cardio 3-4x/week for 20-30 mins.