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Thread: My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

  1. #1361
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unitedaloha1234 View Post
    Hello guys

    My first post as well it is my first cycle,
    Don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
    Iam eating clean around 2100 Cal
    Taking Var
    Test 300 Tren 76 per week

    My waight jumped from 198 to 208 in 10 days, my diet did not change, going to the gym 6 days a week.

    Just started my first cycle 10 days ago, Iam i doing somthing wrong, instead of losing waight Iam gaining lots of water waight

    I hope you're not serious with this.....
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  2. #1362
    Hi Austinite,

    Thank you for this great informative article. I am absolutely new and don't know much about gear or cycle. This article has provided me with much to think about.

    I was wondering if you have anything to update since when the article was published?

    In your article you recommended using an aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as Arimidex or Aromasin to help with Estrogenic side effects; however, I read that using SERM is better for your cholesterol. Any thoughts?

    Thanks again for the great article.


  3. #1363
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Stick to an AI for your first cycle. Learn what test will do for you keeping E2 in check. Serms do not stop E2 from rising, only block estrogen from binding at your chest receptors. When a bit more experienced then branch out and try allowing your estrogen to rise using only a serm. AAS as well as AI's are never helpful to cholesterol but there are supplements you can add that will help mitigate issues.
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  4. #1364
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Stick to an AI for your first cycle. Learn what test will do for you keeping E2 in check. Serms do not stop E2 from rising, only block estrogen from binding at your chest receptors. When a bit more experienced then branch out and try allowing your estrogen to rise using only a serm. AAS as well as AI's are never helpful to cholesterol but there are supplements you can add that will help mitigate issues.
    Thanks Kelkel. What supplements do you suggests for controlling cholesterol?

    Last edited by 8L7L78; 03-17-2018 at 08:30 PM.

  5. #1365
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Look into Slo-Niacin (that's the actual name) and Red Yeast Rice. Even NAC which you should run for liver support will help.
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  6. #1366
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    Quote Originally Posted by 8L7L78 View Post
    Hi Austinite,

    Thank you for this great informative article. I am absolutely new and don't know much about gear or cycle. This article has provided me with much to think about.

    I was wondering if you have anything to update since when the article was published?

    In your article you recommended using an aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as Arimidex or Aromasin to help with Estrogenic side effects; however, I read that using SERM is better for your cholesterol. Any thoughts?

    Thanks again for the great article.

    The effects of AIs on lipids are small, for reference check this study:
    Conclusions in quote:
    Concern about lipid changes associated with aromatase inhibitors leading to increased cardiovascular deaths has not so far been borne out in the limited data from adjuvant trials. Of the available data on effects of aromatase inhibitors on serum lipids from short-term studies, exemestane has little or possibly a slight beneficial effect on serum lipids, and anastrozole appears to have little effect or possibly an adverse effect, while letrozole may have a detrimental effect.

  7. #1367
    Thanks. great post

  8. #1368

    I'm going to be honest. This is all a little over my head, is there a way to pay you to tell me what to do?

    I want to cut bodyfat over the next 12 weeks, then build lean muscle for the next 12 weeks.

    I've been told anavar and Test ethanate is the way to go with clomid and tamoxafin PCT.

    I'm currently taking winstol 50mg and clenbuterol 80mcg for the last 2 weeks as advised. I'm getting results but now been told to start with the above after 3 weeks.

    Any help would be great.


    Age: 32
    Sex: Male
    Weight: 96.1kg
    Height: 185cm
    Bodyfat %: 25.5%

    Any help would be really helpful. I'm a sport and exercise student so able to pick things up but the abbrevations here are doing my head in. lol

    Big thanks

  9. #1369
    Great post , really appreciated.

  10. #1370

    My first cutting cycle and I need some help!

    So I've always been kind of big and no matter what I do I have trouble with weight loss. I'm only 18 so I would like to start a cycle of Tren or Winstrol to help me with my cutting cycle. I know I'm a bit young for starting my first cycle, but you can't talk me out of this so if anything just try and help me instead of lecture me. If you need any details about my weight or anything like that just ask. I have a decent amount of muscle for my age, which I gained naturally, but I keep gaining body fat no matter what diet I go on. I just need help starting my first cycle. Any tips welcome and thank you in advance.

  11. #1371
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    Quote Originally Posted by ml225 View Post
    So I've always been kind of big and no matter what I do I have trouble with weight loss. I'm only 18 so I would like to start a cycle of Tren or Winstrol to help me with my cutting cycle. I know I'm a bit young for starting my first cycle, but you can't talk me out of this so if anything just try and help me instead of lecture me. If you need any details about my weight or anything like that just ask. I have a decent amount of muscle for my age, which I gained naturally, but I keep gaining body fat no matter what diet I go on. I just need help starting my first cycle. Any tips welcome and thank you in advance.
    The AAS will do nothing for your body fat until you get your diet in check. Nobody will want to help you do that at your age, just like nobody would want their own child to do so. Check the diet and nutrition section of the board:

  12. #1372
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    Pretty much answered every question I could possibly answer to get started. Much appreciated.

    And thanks to Kelkel for putting me on this article

  13. #1373
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Good luck Wyatt!
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  14. #1374
    Jesus Christ, I'm trying to reply to this thread, but the spam bot keeps denying me. Is there a list of the "forbidden words" floating around somewhere? I tried a search and it turned up nada.

  15. #1375


    So obviously in the post it says 16% BF. I am 23 and have just started getting back in the Gym after having my two kids around 20 so i have become quite a bit heavier. When I came off the health kick i was around 13-16% BF and i felt and looked great. That was after my first cycle of Test and Deca. I am also familiar with diet plans and supplements and have no issue using either properly.
    I am now:
    BF- 29%-30%
    Weight- 245lbs
    Height- 6'
    Age- 23
    Sex- male
    I studied 2 years prior to taking that last cycle and i am wanting to get into another cycle of Test, tren and deca, which i was going to do before the kids, but after reading this post i am concerned with the BF. Should i hold off and continue dieting or could i get on a cycle of test and use the gear to help try to transform some of that fat into muscle with the help of the diet? Any advice would help. thanks
    Last edited by NEcld94; 05-17-2018 at 07:35 AM. Reason: additions and corrections made

  16. #1376
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Do you have to wait, no. Is it healthier to do so, yes. It won't take you long to trim some BF off before you cycle. Why do you feel the need to run both tren and deca in the same cycle?
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  17. #1377
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Do you have to wait, no. Is it healthier to do so, yes. It won't take you long to trim some BF off before you cycle. Why do you feel the need to run both tren and deca in the same cycle?
    Ok thank you. Now the reason for Tren and Deca is because in the past i have had friends who have used them seperatly and i have personally witnessed a close friend use them in a cycle with test. The deca is going to cause a growth in appetite as well as as bone desity and muscle growth while the tren stimulates the appetite and help you process your food into essential vitamins and minerals to help boost that muscle growth and bone density even more. Now not only have i seen the difference first hand i have also studied up on the products as well. The deca is going to give you that water retention while the tren will build the lean muscle at the same time. P.S. i have been corrected in the past so please if my info/perception is incorrect please let me know!

  18. #1378
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well, internet dogma will tell you never to run to 19-Nor's at the same time. But that's the internet. Imho I would simply not recommend it as it's uneccessary. Now this is not a dig at you, but if someone really needs to do this I would hope they are extremely advanced and not just a gym rat. It's simply not necessary no matter what your close friend does. Internally (blood work wise) he may be a piece of shit but look good on the outside. If someone can't make progress on either test/deca or test/tren the the issue is nutrition and training.

    You are 23. Honestly if you've gotten to the point that you need that combination then I have to assume you've run a ton of cycles in the past already or you're depending on AAS to do the work for you without putting in the time and effort in the gym. Again, not a dig at you, just an easy observation to make from someone who's been in this game decades longer as well as being relatively advanced.

    So, back to the proposed cycle. What ancillaries will you be running if you choose to do this?
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  19. #1379
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Well, internet dogma will tell you never to run to 19-Nor's at the same time. But that's the internet. Imho I would simply not recommend it as it's uneccessary. Now this is not a dig at you, but if someone really needs to do this I would hope they are extremely advanced and not just a gym rat. It's simply not necessary no matter what your close friend does. Internally (blood work wise) he may be a piece of shit but look good on the outside. If someone can't make progress on either test/deca or test/tren the the issue is nutrition and training.

    You are 23. Honestly if you've gotten to the point that you need that combination then I have to assume you've run a ton of cycles in the past already or you're depending on AAS to do the work for you without putting in the time and effort in the gym. Again, not a dig at you, just an easy observation to make from someone who's been in this game decades longer as well as being relatively advanced.

    So, back to the proposed cycle. What ancillaries will you be running if you choose to do this?
    I appreciate your opinion honestly. That is why i am here. To get honest opinions from the guys who have been in the game longer than myself or my friend. FTR i was not saying the what my friend was doing was right by any means it was just an observation. That being said and after reading the second to last paragraph of yours, im thinking that i can work hard enough to get gains with just test/deca. Also, im not sure i want to deal with the more severe side effects from tren.

  20. #1380
    As far as what ancillaries, I used clomid alone during the first cycle and it turned put great. No sides at all and BW came back perfect. After reading this however, Im going to throw in nolvadex as well. Ultimatly, i want to make sure i am doing this the best i can so that i can get the most out of it. I'm not looking for a magic potion or anything like that. I recently went to the doctor and he told me they found some precancerous cells in my esophogus, at 23 i was one of the yougest patients with these cells that he has seen, and i spoke to him about the gear i used in the past and he hinted that it would be a good idea to use some "supplements" to help get my body back in tip-top shape with his monitoring of course. By doing so, he assumes that the healthy change in lifestyle will ultimatly make the cells dissipate.This is just going to assist me in taking that step toward staying fit. I know what to expect and im just looking for healthy gains and to look good in the process. So instead of me telling everyone what i plan to do, i am now asking for advice on what i should do. Kelkil, do you have any better advice on what i should and/or shouldnt do?

  21. #1381
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Standard clomid/nolva pct is fine.
    Run HCG during your cycle. Stop it 3 days prior to pct.
    With deca and/or tren you need to consider a dopamine agonist to control prolactin (think-cabergoline) during cycle.
    AI for estrogen control. If estrogen is well controlled a DA "may" not be necessary. Remains to be seen per the individual.
    Remember, it's hard work, discipline and time that will work for you. Don't get caught up in a more is better philosophy that so many of your generation seem to have.
    There's nothing wrong with simple Test only cycles. They still work no matter how long someone is in this game.

    When it comes to your esophagus, is the damage related to Barrett's Syndrome?
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  22. #1382
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Remember, it's hard work, discipline and time that will work for you. Don't get caught up in a more is better philosophy that so many of your generation seem to have.
    There's nothing wrong with simple Test only cycles. They still work no matter how long someone is in this game.

    When it comes to your esophagus, is the damage related to Barrett's Syndrome?
    Im not afraid of hard work and yes my generation is failing man-kind and im not proud of it! Yes the esophagus issues do stem from Barrett's. He told me he could not perform the surgery until I got my BF lower than 20%

  23. #1383
    Kelkel, How do you know SO much? Where'd you learn it all? Do you have a medical degree of some kind? Point me in the right direction so I can start studying! :P

  24. #1384
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    Quote Originally Posted by NEcld94 View Post
    Im not afraid of hard work and yes my generation is failing man-kind and im not proud of it! Yes the esophagus issues do stem from Barrett's. He told me he could not perform the surgery until I got my BF lower than 20%

    Are you on Prilosec or similar?

    Also a little trick, elevate the head of your bed a couple inches. Put a small 2 x 4 or similar under both bed legs. It'll help keep stomach acid away from your esophagus. Little things help.
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  25. #1385
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Are you on Prilosec or similar?

    Also a little trick, elevate the head of your bed a couple inches. Put a small 2 x 4 or similar under both bed legs. It'll help keep stomach acid away from your esophagus. Little things help.
    Yes, I take Prilosec. The doc told me until I have the correctional surgery, I will be on that inhibitor indefinitely.

  26. #1386
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    Quote Originally Posted by NEcld94 View Post
    Yes, I take Prilosec. The doc told me until I have the correctional surgery, I will be on that inhibitor indefinitely.
    I was diagnosed with Barrett's years ago and couldn't go a day without Prilosec. Actually need to schedule getting scoped soon for a check-up.

    Best of luck with things!
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  27. #1387
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    Quote Originally Posted by drogers86 View Post
    Kelkel, How do you know SO much? Where'd you learn it all? Do you have a medical degree of some kind? Point me in the right direction so I can start studying! :P

    Just been in the game a long time. Stick around, interact and research the things that interest you. I read med studies pretty much daily which would bore the piss out of most people.
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  28. #1388
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    Looks great ! You outlined my first cycle to a T ( only diff i will be adding Winny starting the third week/8week cycle ) Very happy to see that i picked the right choice adding hcg to my cycle . Was a little confused about it prior to starting my first cycle but thought id error on the safe side and pick some up. Will be starting first cycle in the next month or so and trying to get as much info in as possible to make sure im not making any mistakes.

  29. #1389
    Quote Originally Posted by MrRightT View Post
    Looks great ! You outlined my first cycle to a T ( only diff i will be adding Winny starting the third week/8week cycle ) Very happy to see that i picked the right choice adding hcg to my cycle . Was a little confused about it prior to starting my first cycle but thought id error on the safe side and pick some up. Will be starting first cycle in the next month or so and trying to get as much info in as possible to make sure im not making any mistakes.
    Do they still sell HCG at Vitamin stores or is that something you have to pick up online? i havent looked for HCG in over 3 years.

  30. #1390
    This is great stuff and as a newbie i'm glad. I have been really confused about stuff within this world though. Solely because of my buddy has been on test e/eq then tren for the last few weeks of his 12-week cycle for a while. He doesn't use a PCT and only really takes a month off and if anything he uses aromasin. The dude is ripped and has results but i don't know if I want to risk a cycle without a pct. So I want to make sure I have a pct on hand but I don't know where to start since I doubt he's going to know with his current ways of doing things. I'm pretty sure i'll get the same set up he has as a cycle if that helps. Thanks.


  31. #1391
    After doing a little reasearch and feeeling the want to branch out and use steroids that have been recommended to me that i have not yet used,
    i have been thinking about a cycle like this,
    Test E 500mg week 1-10
    EQ 300mg week 1-12
    Winnie 50mg week 7-12
    Anavar 50mg week 7-12
    Test P 300mg week 11-12
    hCG 500iu week 1-12
    PCT week 13
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    What do you guys thinks? I am 24 5'11" 245lbs this will be my third cycle and on the previous two it was only test e and deca so this is a little knew to me especially the hCG aspect. should i do it throughout the cycle and if so should it run into the PCT as well? I am looking for some honest feed back before i put in the order. i want to make sure i have all the i's dotted and t's crossed before i make any moves!
    Thanks in advance,


  32. #1392
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    I'm thinking about starting my first cycle and looking for any thoughts on this. This comes as I feel that I have reached a point where my diet is right and so are my workouts.

    8 months ago, I started working with a nutritionist to manage my diet and at the same time started training PT. The objective has been strengthen but essentially gain size/muscle mass. I've made slow progress but keen to accelerate. I am now eating 4500 cal a day (this has been a progressive increase). It's obviously challenging for me to put on weight.

    To add, I did injure my lower back earlier in the year which is why I picked up at PT who is super focused on safe training. Both he and physio both said part of my problem is that I haven't developed/activated glutes and so the lower back muscles are compensating, which isn't good when fatigued. In any case, fortunately, everything is fine and have seen good results here too.

    Me: 32, m
    5.9ft/180cm, 154.3lbs/70kg (went from 149.9lbs/68kg to 145.5lbs/66kg and then back up to where I am now with the changes in diet).
    Bodyfat - 15.4% with the scales, measured at 12% with calipers

    Now, balancing some different advice, I am looking at a short cycle of 6 weeks (to also fit in with summer plans).
    This would be Week 1 - 6, using Testoviron and Winstrol plus a PCT. I've then had it suggested that I use Sustanon instead of Testoviron, given the short cycle and also to use Winstrol in week 3,4,5 and 6 (e.g. not the first two). I was also thinking of then just going with kickstarting with test-p the first two weeks, and then avoid Sustanon.

    Objective is to add some lean mass and get the cut look.

    I am wondering if anybody has some advice or might suggest where I can find the appropriate dosage etc?

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by bcn; 05-30-2018 at 09:23 AM.

  33. #1393

    Great thread

    Nice information and advice. Looking for advice on how to take TRT levels up beyond the 1000ng. Is there a different protocol due to me not going back to no test? Is pct still needed for a person on try?

    Thanks for the thread Austin

  34. #1394
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Don't base TRT on a certain total testosterone number. Total T really does nothing for you, it's free T that works for us. So try to base your T evaluations on your FT level first. If your FT level is near the top you're good to go.

    When it comes to pct. It is never needed if on TRT as you're not restarting your HPTA.
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  35. #1395
    thanks alot kel,i kinda figured that,just know better than to assume anything when it comes to something like this,so i figured i ask. and as far as free-t,what is a "high normal' range? i only ask because of my buddy always saying his doc wants to keep him around 1000ngs of total-t. my plan as of now is to see this doc then come back with all of my results and what he is suggesting,then depending on the feedback,take whatever appropriate actions i must to keep my doc in line with what is best for me.
    Last edited by Frankdtank; 06-01-2018 at 09:01 AM.

  36. #1396
    What would be a reliable source for steroids online. The reason I want to purchase online is because people who are on steroids at my gym are not open about there use. They claim natural and are clearly enhanced.

  37. #1397
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theshadow1 View Post
    What would be a reliable source for steroids online. The reason I want to purchase online is because people who are on steroids at my gym are not open about there use. They claim natural and are clearly enhanced.
    Now that is funny, I am sure people are not open and honest about using other illegal drugs either. This is not a source board for AAS. Sorry bud. Your just looking to get scammed.

  38. #1398
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcn View Post

    I'm thinking about starting my first cycle and looking for any thoughts on this. This comes as I feel that I have reached a point where my diet is right and so are my workouts.

    8 months ago, I started working with a nutritionist to manage my diet and at the same time started training PT. The objective has been strengthen but essentially gain size/muscle mass. I've made slow progress but keen to accelerate. I am now eating 4500 cal a day (this has been a progressive increase). It's obviously challenging for me to put on weight.

    To add, I did injure my lower back earlier in the year which is why I picked up at PT who is super focused on safe training. Both he and physio both said part of my problem is that I haven't developed/activated glutes and so the lower back muscles are compensating, which isn't good when fatigued. In any case, fortunately, everything is fine and have seen good results here too.

    Me: 32, m
    5.9ft/180cm, 154.3lbs/70kg (went from 149.9lbs/68kg to 145.5lbs/66kg and then back up to where I am now with the changes in diet).
    Bodyfat - 15.4% with the scales, measured at 12% with calipers

    Now, balancing some different advice, I am looking at a short cycle of 6 weeks (to also fit in with summer plans).
    This would be Week 1 - 6, using Testoviron and Winstrol plus a PCT. I've then had it suggested that I use Sustanon instead of Testoviron, given the short cycle and also to use Winstrol in week 3,4,5 and 6 (e.g. not the first two). I was also thinking of then just going with kickstarting with test-p the first two weeks, and then avoid Sustanon.

    Objective is to add some lean mass and get the cut look.

    I am wondering if anybody has some advice or might suggest where I can find the appropriate dosage etc?

    Thanks in advance!
    Hi again,

    I wanted to come back with a proposed cycle to see if anybody could let me know if I am on the right track?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Teste.jpg 
Views:	287 
Size:	60.2 KB 
ID:	173014

    Where I am not sure:
    - Any trouble with doing 7 weeks? I have a holiday starting around week 10, so hoping to avoid being in any kind of rut?
    - Here in Spain, everyone does this with a weekly injection not every 3.5 days. Is that ok?
    - Again here, nearly everyone does HGC after as part of PCT. Taking the advice here, doing it during, is it OK do inject once a week as well?

    Grateful for any advice.
    As an update to my previous post - bodyfat, measured today with the nutricionist - 10% with calipers and 12.3% bioelectrical, so not quite has high as I reported before. Though there is 14% over the abs.


  39. #1399
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	12.jpg 
Views:	136 
Size:	22.0 KB 
ID:	173015

  40. #1400
    Well writened.. That was usefull reading for a new member like myself..

    Thank you.


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