so the diet is set up for Balance where food 'timing' is critical. we have things formulated where some meals during the day are set up as "lipolytic'' opportunities and some meals as "anabolic' opportunities.
most diets are formulated with the idea that its just all about 'calories in vs calories out' over a weekly period. I on the other hand think the body is primed every single hour to either be burning fat, or repairing tissue (anabolic).
so based on this idea, the timing of the macros you eat in the day is very important.
I cycle protein, fats, and carbs and have select food choices based on the 'Time of the Day' and I also formulate the diet based on the training schedule (and intensity/volume).
heres a little glimpse into what we are doing right now.
Balance has a 'training days diet', a 'rest days diet' and a 're-feed days diet' . the macros and calories on each of those are completely different.
his training days diet --
he trains in the morning. we want to take advantage of the lipolytic benefits that come with morning training (your in more of a primed position to burn body fat in the morning after having slept for 8+ hours and being fasted). So the first meal is going to be protein and lower glycemic 'slow' carbs. we don't want a huge insulin spike at this time (this is the opposite of what I do with guys that are purely going after mass). So something like oatmeal is a good choice here with a half a banana. the fiber and little bit of healthy fats will also slow the digestion of these carbs and provide steady energy for his workout , but he will be burning fat during his workout as well.
for guys that are in a bulking phase, and not a recomp like balance is doing, then I would go with fast acting carbs in the morning with exogenous insulin. for guys that are just cutting, we would likely go NO carb for breakfast.
so this first meal of the day is a good "balance" (fitting term considering whose doing the diet
after training is over , we go right to the high glycemic fast acting carbs with zero fats. 80g of carbs coming from white rice or a white bagel.
these first two meals of the day are also only 40g of protein. rather then his normal 60g with every other meal.. the reason for this is to not bog down digestion in the pari workout timing window, as the carb digestion is the most important.
I'm a big believer that the "anabolic window'' needs to be about carb consumption , not protein .
now the couple meals after his workout are 60g protein and 45g carbs coming from high glycemic carbs (and not fat). the focus here is an anabolic focus taking in nutrition to help recover from the workout.
as we move towards the later part of the day, farther away from when the workout took place. we transition over to low glycemic carbs and adding in some veggies and some healthy fats.
we don't want the insulin spike at these times. we want a slow and steady approach with our carbs. protein is fixed at 60g. the emphasis is recovery, but also more of a lipolytic opportunity.
we already used a bunch of glucose to refuel glycogen in the muscle cells earlier that day when Glut 4 levels were elevated. now we are just gettin in the calories and micro nutrients we need to recover, and hoping our body switches over back over to burning fat for fuel.
we end the day with just protein and fats, no carbs. this is the exact opposite as I do for other clients who are trying to put on mass or who may train in the later afternoon.
again, this is all completely customized for Blanace's specific needs, situation, schedule, and training program.
ok this post is too long already..
real quick..
the rest days diet . he still starts the day off by having protein and his oatmeal. now normally for a 'fat burning' diet I would not have any carbs in the first meal of the day on an off day . BUT for Balance I'm still trying to put a lot of muscle on him too. so what I need to do is try and suppress morning cortisol levels (which if elevated is going to make him catabolic and prone to muscle loss), but I can't do this with too many fast acting carbs and calories.. so the oatmeal will generate just enough of an insulin spike and blood sugar rise to limit cortisol, while NOT spilling over too much and blunting the lipolytic effects we are trying to get in the morning.
note: with someone trying to gain pure mass. I would simply do 10iu of exogenous insulin upon waking as my cortisol suppression . but with Balance, we are not needing to go the insulin route.
the rest of the rest days diet is formulated for recovery and getting in plenty of good micro nutrients and protein and fats. this is a low carb day, as there is little to no Glut 4 response in the body and much less ability to utilize carbs.
then there is the Re-feed days diet. this is once every 7 days and must fall on a training day.. here we go low fat and we pound protein and carbs all day to replenish and refill the body as much as possible.. during the week there is some depletion that is taking place. I don't want this depletion to carry out any longer then a week as that will limit muscle gains. the re-feed day diet is designed to keep him Anabolic plus enhance recovery. BUT keep in mind this is NOT a 'cheat day' and calories are not over the top at all.. its all clean and well managed.
protein is at 300g, carbs are 340g, fats 25g
there is zero reason to do any actual 'cheat days' at the starting point of this diet (or any diet for that matter)..
anyhow guys thats some info into the diet for right now