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My uncles creatinine levels reached 12.4 before he went on dialysis. Most everyone on my mothers side has either already died from kidney disease or been on dialysis till they received a donor kidney, or are still waiting on a donor while on. Actually 1.5 is not very high. I've been very lucky at my age, my last test was 1.2. Protein isn't healthy on your kidneys but without being genetically suspect it usually doesn't play much role. If you do have a family history, i.e. polycystic kidneys, ect., you are STRONGLY urged to stay away from high protein diets, especially red meats for some reason. I could be wrong but it seems I remember lots of water can make things even worse as the kidneys have to work even harder, but I'd double check this, it might be the opposite. Anyway I'm a little surprised that he thought 1.5 was reason for alarm. Might just be wanting to make an extra buck through referals. One things for sure though, trust me on this one, no-one wants to go on dialysis, it really, really, really, sux