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Thread: 12 week mass routine

  1. #1

    12 week mass routine

    Its a 4 day split that will go with a cycle of test E 500mg/w and EQ 400mg/w (with a tbol kicker ) All this is what i have come up with once i get out of ankle surgery (in about a month )

    Main goals = Arms to 17.5in, chest to 46-48in, weight 200ish BF dont care right now , and legs bigger (since surgery will shrink them)
    any input thanks.

    Workout #1

    Dumbbell Press - 10,8,8,6 Reps

    Bench / Superset Close-grip triceps – 8,8,6,6

    Incline- 8,8,6,6 Reps

    Fly’s – 8,8,6,6 Reps

    Pullovers – 10,8,8,8 Reps

    Tricep Pushdowns - 10,8,8,6 Reps

    Tricep Dumbbell Press – 8,8,6,6 Reps

    Bench Dips - 10,8,8,6 Reps

    Abs Weighted Crunch/Leg Raises – 14,14,12,12

    Workout #2 (adding deadlift’s)

    Chin Ups – 10,8,8,8 Reps

    One Arm Rows – 8,8,6,6 Reps

    Medium Seated Rows – 8,8,6,6 Reps

    Close Grip Seated Rows – 8,8,6,6 Reps

    Pulldowns - 10,10,8,8 Reps

    Barbell Curls - 8,8,6,6 Reps

    Ez Bar Preacher Curls - 8,8,6,6 Reps

    Incline Curls – 12,10,8,8 Reps

    Concentration Curls (alter grip) – 10,8,8,6 Reps

    Abs Weighted Crunch/Leg Raises – 14,14,12,12

    Workout #3 (adding clean n press)

    Front Machine Press – 10,8,8,6 Reps

    Incline Rear Laterals – 10,8,8,6, Reps

    Arnold Presses – 8,8,6,6 Reps

    Front Lateral Raises – 8,8,6,6 Reps

    Shrugs – 8,8,8,8 Reps

    Upright Rows – 10,8,8,6 Reps

    Front Wrist Curl – 16,14,12,10 Reps

    Back Wrist Curl – 16,14,12,10 Reps

    Abs Weighted Crunch/Leg Raises – 14,14,12,12

    Workout #4 (Adding leg press)

    Squats – 10,8,8,6 Reps

    Leg Ext – 8,8,8,6 Reps

    Leg Curls – 8,8,8,6 Reps

    Donkey Calf Rasies – 5x5 (front, Inside, Outside)

    Calf Rasies – 8,8,6,6 Reps

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    if ur going for mass then u might wanna kick the eq for something else

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Nightmares of bad kids
    Imho there are too many sets for each muscle groups with the exception of legs.
    I would also choose different reps ranges for different excercises.

  4. #4
    why are there to many sets and why should i change rep ranges?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Can you say overtraining, bi-ceps = two muscles, why so many sets???? 16 seems way to excessive, especially after you just finished your back workout where your biceps are working too.
    How old are you?

  6. #6
    sorry but when i train my back, i TRAIN MY BACK if you get what i mean, yes my biceps are "working" but to such a minute scale that there is no effect when i train my bi's. I think that you maximize your muscles potential at 4 sets and if you look at all the reps it goes from around 8-6 never passing 10 because that is the range that triggers hypertrophy. But if you add up some one that is doing 3 sets of 10-12 of the same thing it even's out or is even a little higher. Biceps = two muscles???? what are you saying??

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperLift View Post
    if ur going for mass then u might wanna kick the eq for something else
    im going for lean mass, not the dbol bloat or deca bloat where 1/2 your gains are water.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I'm saying that you are overtraining. Period. Way to many exercises for such a small muscle group. You make your gains outside of the gym not in it, get it???????
    What are your stats:
    Yrs Training?
    Pct Knowledge?
    Cycle History?
    Diet w/ macros?

    Quote Originally Posted by decaman40 View Post
    sorry but when i train my back, i TRAIN MY BACK if you get what i mean, yes my biceps are "working" but to such a minute scale that there is no effect when i train my bi's. I think that you maximize your muscles potential at 4 sets and if you look at all the reps it goes from around 8-6 never passing 10 because that is the range that triggers hypertrophy. But if you add up some one that is doing 3 sets of 10-12 of the same thing it even's out or is even a little higher. Biceps = two muscles???? what are you saying??
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 10-27-2009 at 05:36 PM.

  9. #9
    I find that doing 3-5 reps 5 sets really builds bulk for me. Also generally do 3 exercises per muscle group, maybbe 4 if I am feeling extra energetic.
    I have been working out and training for about 15yrs.

  10. #10
    I understand bro, im going to try it out this week and see how it all feels then maybe drop 1 set on an exercise or 2 depending on how it is, I will prob end up droping 1set of dbell tricep press, because today i could not finish all of them. But do you understand how MUCH it takes to overtrain???????? i am giving each muscle group 3-4 days to recover (every muscle in your body does not take more than 72 hours to recover). And not everyone is the same

    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    I'm saying that you are overtraining. Period. Way to many exercises for such a small muscle group. You make your gains outside of the gym not in it, get it???????
    What are your stats:
    Yrs Training?
    Pct Knowledge?
    Cycle History?
    Diet w/ macros?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by IssacNewton View Post
    I find that doing 3-5 reps 5 sets really builds bulk for me. Also generally do 3 exercises per muscle group, maybbe 4 if I am feeling extra energetic.
    I have been working out and training for about 15yrs.
    really 3-5 reps? do you get good pumps from that low of reps?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Nightmares of bad kids
    Quote Originally Posted by IssacNewton View Post
    I find that doing 3-5 reps 5 sets really builds bulk for me. Also generally do 3 exercises per muscle group, maybbe 4 if I am feeling extra energetic.
    I have been working out and training for about 15yrs.
    Till four reps you train only strength. With 5 reps only IIb fibres.

  13. #13
    What are your stats?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Klimax View Post
    Till four reps you train only strength. With 5 reps only IIb fibres.
    do you ever go past the 5rep range into 8-10?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Nightmares of bad kids
    Of course: different reps range train different kind of fibres.

  16. #16
    i mean when your bulking. So do you only stick to 3-5 when your bulking is what i ment

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Nightmares of bad kids
    Bulking or cutting shouldn't change your training.

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