I'll be starting my first cycle here in a few months when the time is right, im currently in the Military active duty but I have nailed my diet down pretty well and am ready to do a mild cycle.
I will be doing a basic beginners cycle...
10 weeks of Test E @ 400mgs/wk
4-5weeks of Anadrol @ 20-25mgs/ED
PCT: Clomid 3wks, ZMA, other natural boosters
4,000+/- Cals
600+/- Carbs
330+/- Protein
105+/- Fats
True-mass for use in between meals
2:1:1 recovery PWO
Cycle Support
jack3d - pre workout
Vitamin B-6
Protein supplements will be used in conjunction with meals or used to bridge meals while im at work. I work on ranges in a training area pretty far from base, so meals will be brought with me.
Now the hard part...what type of training to do. Im usually a 1 body part a day kinda guy, kill that body part with mass builders as well as isolation excersises, hitting mulitple rep ranges. But im a little worried about missing out on oppurtunities to grow...i was thinking more towards 2x a week or the 4 days on 1 off repeat method. This is just a sample of what im thinking of and I could really use some input...im hoping to attain 20-30lbs of mass while on this.
Mon: Chest Bi's
Tues:legs, abs
wednesday:Shoulders, Tris
Thursday:Back, traps
Fri: off
This seems to be what im leaning toward...a more frequent workout tempo but not too much. Id most likely do this for 4 weeks then merge into a different training routine such as 2x a week, push/pull or once a week
this is the other type training, very similar to Arnold's basic workout
Mon: Chest, Back
Tues: Shoulders, Arms
Wed: off
Thurs: Chest, back
Fri: Shoulders, arms
Sat: Legs, Abs
Sun: off
The second workout of each muscle group would use diff excersises and not to failure, for example mon back would be for thickness and thurs would be for width
The reason I wont be training legs 2x a week is due to my running requirements as a marine...big bulky legs would hinder alot of my training work wise
Cardio will be done 3x a week to keep cardiovascular health, 1.5-3 miles each session
If there are any other suggestions please feel free to let me know...
Whatever im inclined to go with will only be used for about 4 weeks, then I will change workouts and volume to keep growing and to alleviate the chances of overtraining