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Thread: Ethos training gear. new technology review!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Ethos training gear. new technology review!!!!

    OK, so if you haven't seen this by now then let me introduce it here. It's a wearable technology that shows how exactly you workout and which muscles are being activated etc.

    You can learn more here:

    I've been interested in this even before they released it for sale and finally decided to bite the bullet and buy it.

    today was my first time using it. It's clearly a high quality product. It only works with an iPhone which I can see being an issue for many people. I decided to buy it because I have a few injuries I'm working around and I've been curious how much I've been compensating for my injuries.

    I used it today for my back workout. Because I was wearing this compression shirt as a base layer and a shirt above it I def. sweat a lot more than usual. It makes you start out with 5 minutes of light cardio for your first use followed by a few simple exercises to calibrate the system. I believe this is only done on the very first use.

    I started with some lightish machine rows to get blood flowing. I put my phone down in front of me to see how the muscle activation was. I then did bent over rows with it followed by pull-ups, cable rows, and lat pulldowns. It calibrates how even you're targeting the muscles you're working etc. My back activation was nearly 50/50 for all exercises which I am happy about. However, I think because of my left shoulder injury I'm using my right bicep 25% more than the left on all exercises. This tells me I need to focus more on getting things more even.

    Tomorrow I'm going to hit chest and this I'm really interested to know about because of my shoulder injury. I'm curious to see how different grips impact targeting my chest etc. It also saves all your workouts and you can review every single exercise that you did. It shows the entire set with the muscle activation which is really pretty awesome.

    Just thought I would share this information. I think this will be great in showing that sometimes we think we're doing better by going heavier when in reality we're utilizing secondary muscles etc.Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	166547Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	166546

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Keep us posted, I've almost purchased this a couple times but I've read numerous reviews that state to let them develop their product a little more before purchasing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Thats cool i didnt know it existed!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    This technology has been around for years but was only used in physiology lab type situations or in high end training like the US Olympic training center or something similar. It involved hooking sensors to the body with wires and you looked like you were getting a massive EKG. This new system will only get better and better as technology advances. Keep us posted on how it's working for you. Really cool.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I used it again yesterday for my chest workout. Really cool to see that my chest activation was nearly exactly 50/50 per side. However, it's interesting to see that I'm using a lot of my biceps on the right side and my left lat during a ton of my chest exercises. I'm sure this is how I'm compensating for my shoulder injury. I was shocked to see that even though I'm clearly compensating for the injury that I'm at least targeting the muscle group the way I want.

    This morning will be my leg workout. I have a right hip replacement so I know I favor things and can't go as heavy as I used to. I'm really curious to see how things to today. I will post back after my workout.

    My goal is to experiment with different grips and widths to see if I get more or less muscle activation with certain exercises. I'm confident this will help fine-tune my workouts. Some of my chest exercises like cable cross-overs I was using more bicep than chest. This tells me I was going to heavy and doing more of a curling type exercise. I lowered the weight and it was almost no bicep activity.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Just as I expected. I'm using on average of 20% more muscle activation with my left leg in almost ALL of my leg exercises. Even though I focus on feeling the squeeze on the right size and even though it feels like I'm using more right leg than left I'm clearly not. I knew I was protecting my right hip but never realized it was this dramatic. I may have to focus on more one legged exercises like one legged leg presses etc.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    That's interesting info. Try your workout with DBs and see if you get the same readings. There should be some bilateral difference just don't know how much. You said it showed 20% but is that a big deal or not? You should find out with some experimenting. Also try putting a centerline mark on the BB and you'll be able to see if you have any bias to one side or the other through the ROM. Try doing your reps keeping that line centered and see what the responses are. You have a nice toy there to give you plenty of info to decipher.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    That's interesting info. Try your workout with DBs and see if you get the same readings. There should be some bilateral difference just don't know how much. You said it showed 20% but is that a big deal or not? You should find out with some experimenting. Also try putting a centerline mark on the BB and you'll be able to see if you have any bias to one side or the other through the ROM. Try doing your reps keeping that line centered and see what the responses are. You have a nice toy there to give you plenty of info to decipher.
    Great advice. I agree there will always be some bias as our gait etc dictates how we respond to certain tasks. I'm curious to see how the data varies over the next few months. I won't use it for every workout but prob. use it every other week and see how things change etc.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    Yeah I think using it too often would cause information overload. Better off to use it to measure change after you establish a baseline. Let the fun begin.

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