hey guys, i heard this stuff will give you tons of energy and at the same time its a test booster. im not taking anything but creatine, multi-vitamin and im going on a strick diet to try to put on 10 this summer. How many mg/g should i take? i got the 625mg/pills. and when is the best time to take them, i know morning, but should i take 2 pills a time, or what? i want to still be able to sleep! i also heard u can get bitch tits off these, it was on some stupid internet site, but i searched on here and didnt here anything! whats the side effects it has?? i think i have low test levels, so im running pct right now. im taking clomid/nolva. because i took a test250 cycle last year that was pointless, i quit working out and went wayy down! so im going to run tribulus with the clomid/nolva...thanks