To start off I'm new to the site. So hello to everyone. A little bit of info about myself:35 yrs old 5'9" 240 lbs 27% BF. I currently lift weights regularly and at least 30 min cardio 5 days per week. I'm having trouble losing fat and decided to take ECA stack (Bronkaid 25 mg ephedrine, NoDoz 200 mg caffeine, aspirin 81 mg) I also take amino acids, Universal animal paks, and 5g micronized creatine mono. I've been reading alot about not taking creatine and eca at same time because one will cancel out the other. My plans are to take eca morn and noon and then take creatine and animal pak in early eve around 5:30 b4 my workout. Will this work or should I just cut out the creatine while doing the eca? If anyone has any other suggestions that would b great.