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  1. #1
    operationgetbig's Avatar
    operationgetbig is offline Senior Member
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    FDA says 2 dietary supps cannot be sold legally

    i read an article in the newspaper today saying that the agency has issued a warning letter for anabolic Xtreme Superdrol and Methyl-1-P. anyone else hear anything?

  2. #2
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
    DevilsDeity is offline Anabolic Member
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    what newspaper?

  3. #3
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
    DevilsDeity is offline Anabolic Member
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    got it

  4. #4
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
    DevilsDeity is offline Anabolic Member
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    FDA Issues Warning on Dietary Supplements

    WASHINGTON, Mar. 9, 2006
    (AP) The government has told companies that make and sell two dietary supplements with synthetic steroids that their products are classified as unapproved drugs and cannot be sold legally.

    The products, promoted for building muscle and increasing strength, may cause serious long-term health problems, the Food and Drug Administration said Thursday.

    The agency said that anyone who has bought the products to stop taking them and return them to their place of purchase.

    The agency issued warning letters for:

    _Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol, manufactured for Anabolic Resources LLC of Gilbert, Ariz., and distributed by Supplements To Go of Cincinnati.

    _Methyl-1-P, manufactured for Legal Gear of Brighton, Mich., and distributed by Affordable Supplements of Wichita, Kan.

    Among the problems the FDA said are associated with anabolic steroids are liver toxicity; testicular atrophy and male infertility; masculinization of women; breast enlargement in males; short stature in children; harmful cholesterol levels; and potentially higher risks of heart attack and stroke.

    A man who answered the phone at Affordable Supplements and declined to give his name said he could not comment. Legal Gear had no telephone listing. Messages left with Anabolic Resources and Supplements To Go were not immediately returned.

    The action came on the same day that a consumer expert told the House Government Reform Committee that dietary supplements should undergo safety testing before being allowed on the market.

    The 1994 law that allows supplements to be sold without government approval "created serious regulatory loopholes that have opened the floodgates to thousands of untested dietary supplement products," Janell Mayo Duncan of Consumers Union said.

    Examples of dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs and botanical products. Supplements have grown to a $20 billion market in the United States, C. Lee Peeler of the Federal Trade Commission told the committee.

    While many supplements are safe and useful, Duncan said the absence of FDA supervision has resulted in a growing number of questionable products that would not be allowed on the market if they had been subject to safety testing.

    Duncan urged that supplement makers be required to advise the FDA if they become aware of serious problems associated with their products.

    Peeler noted that the FTC has filed more than 100 actions over the past decade challenging false of unsubstantiated claims for supplements.


    On the Net:

    Food and Drug Administration:

  5. #5
    ndfan's Avatar
    ndfan is offline Junior Member
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    Just great! Big brother telling us what we can and can't take, again.
    Just have to order a shit load before I can't get it anymore.

  6. #6
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
    DevilsDeity is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ndfan
    Just great! Big brother telling us what we can and can't take, again.
    Just have to order a shit load before I can't get it anymore.

    No, its the fact of how unsafe it is , and not even knowing the long term effects of it yet.

  7. #7
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Dec 2005
    Yeah Superdrol IS a steroid , its suppose to be banned unfortaunately. Although its bad for us, its the right thing to do so 16 year old kids dont start pounding them.

    Phera Plex which is stronger is still legal though, gotta love it.!

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