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Thread: glutamine q

  1. #1
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    glutamine q

    how good is glutamine as an anticatabolic ?

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    some guys swear by it pre fasted cardio. me and others have found it unnecesary. i used it for a while and then did cardio without and i couldn't tell any difference. so my advice would be give it a try for a while and then go without and see which results are better, and it will be then that you find your answers.

  3. #3
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    I agree...I dont bother with such things...just a marketing effort IMO

  4. #4
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    me to i'am not against the use of it but it's not something that i would buy
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  5. #5
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    glutamine is expensive in egypt so if its worthless i wouldnt bother using it ,i was thinking about using it during my exams where i loose a lot of mass ,thought it might help but i dunno..

  6. #6
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy
    glutamine is expensive in egypt so if its worthless i wouldnt bother using it ,i was thinking about using it during my exams where i loose a lot of mass ,thought it might help but i dunno..
    if you ate more i doubt you would lose any mass at all...

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