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  1. #1
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Wink Stimulant X feedback (1 week results so far)

    Its been a week now that i started using Stimulant X at only 1 caps a day.

    I am not weight training right now, doing basic posture rehab exercices and ab work with elastic bands recommanded by my kinestologist.

    I also walk a lot at my job and with my girlfriend at night.

    Last Sunday morning i weighted myself and was 203 pounds, today i am 196 pounds.

    I must say that this supplement is awsome, for only 1 pill a day i still feel the effect for 12 hours, i have lost all sugar cravings (i have a huge sweet tooth), and my appetit is almost gone. (I am on a quest to lose my lovehandles and lower back fat) i know that at 33 years old it can be very tricky to lose fat in theses problem area.

    On a downside this supplement really drains you, around 8pm at night i feel a huge crash, but other then that i feel energetic all day.

    Since its working so well on Monday i will start a low carb diet and really burn off the rest of my gut and lovehandles.

    This week i will also get my membership in another gym and start training again, i know that the addition of weight training will burn of more fat and get me a lot more defined.

    I will also add stationnary bike for cardio and hope for the best for my back pains.

    I will give some more feedback next week and see if the supplement stops working and my body adapts to it like it usually does on ephedrine.

    I am still amazed that only 1 pill a day has this effect, i remember the time when ripped fuel came out recommanded dosage was between 4-6 pills a day.

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    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Here is a picture of pertty much what i look right now, i will post another one for update next week.

    Picture in white boxers 196 pounds is this week and the ones with black boxers is last week 203 pounds.
    Last edited by sonar1234; 05-10-2006 at 07:28 PM.

  3. #3
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Note that whenever i start dieting the legs is where i lose first, when i start training legs are the first muscle to grow.

  4. #4
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    haha you old man!!!

    but I told you that Stim X is good!!! I'm glad your seeing results from it. Shave your chest and tan you old fart!

  5. #5
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Its is bro it is, i am old but i dont fart LOL

  6. #6
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    you dont fart what kinda man are you!

  7. #7
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Nah leave that to my girlfriend she can burp too LOL

  8. #8
    pelly789's Avatar
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    i just got a free sample of stim x today im going to try it and see how it is thanks for puttin up a log seems to be working keep us updated bro! thanks agian

  9. #9
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Hey pelly789 tell us how it worked for you bro.

    Works fine only if the lovehandles could get smaller LOL, i gotta give it more time for theses suckers to melt off.

  10. #10
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    i will post back tomorrow afternoon as how i felt from it, you said you can feel it for 12 hours so im a little hesitant to take it tonight because i dont want to be up all night, but i will let you know tomorrow i need to start cutting a little too...haha

  11. #11
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Brother has for me forget about the cutting a little bit look at the pics i am in an urge to slice off theses lovehandles myself.

    Its never been that bad.

    If the supplement works for you, tomorrow after 45 minutes you should not feel hungry at all.

    I have to force feed myself at lunch time and supper, i just started a low carb diet right now will keep it up for 2 weeks to melt down the lovehandles and with this supp its working fine, cutting appetit and sugar urge.

    I eat some good proteins, flax oil and will see where i will be at in 2 weeks.

    If its good i will post some more pics.

  12. #12
    mwolffey's Avatar
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    I just ordered a sample for free from their really intrested after this thread....

  13. #13
    pelly789's Avatar
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    i took it today about 6 hours ago and i wasnt really feeling too much from it, i didnt feel that hungry but i still was a little bit the only noticeable thing it did for me was give me more energy but other than that nothin....

  14. #14
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    I am now 191 pounds after one week, got to admit i am riding the wave of not being hungry and took advantage of this to do a low carb diet.

    Lets see if all that weightloss can benefit my back pain.

    By this summer if i can start training has i did everything should be fine.

    I just receive AMP that i add ordered 3 weeks ago too.

  15. #15
    pelly789's Avatar
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    i heard AMP is suppose to be pretty good im going to be getting some of that soon too and good job with the weight loss 203 to 191 in one week thats real good keep it up

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by pelly789
    i heard AMP is suppose to be pretty good im going to be getting some of that soon too and good job with the weight loss 203 to 191 in one week thats real good keep it up
    I seriously could not have done it without an appetit suppressant, stimulant X does a great job at this.

    Since i cant train has i want right now i said the hell with losing weight slowly, whatever works to get me rid of back pain and work posture.

    I dont know how much weight i will lose, but i wont damn stop til i see the lovehandles go.

    I tought that i did have much fat to lose but when i started dieting i saw that i was a far cry form being lean.

    No matter what it will always be better to get back in the gym leaner, even more when i start my phera plex cycle this summer.

    I cant beleive how well low carb works, this winter i did 5 days a week tae bo for 1 hour that was intense has hell, did this for over a month started at 212 pounds and after one month i was at 204, i was eating better but still.

  17. #17
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    Hmm appetite suppressment, I swear that my problem IM NEVER FULL. For instance when ihad my cheat morning and it was bad, I was not even close to full.
    5 bowls of granola cereal
    3 eggwhite omelette
    platye of scrambled eggs/
    big serving of hashbrowns

    And I couldve kept going.

    Do you think this stimulant X could be stacked with Lipo-6 which im cycling now with my ECA stack or no?

  18. #18
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyTampa09
    Hmm appetite suppressment, I swear that my problem IM NEVER FULL. For instance when ihad my cheat morning and it was bad, I was not even close to full.
    5 bowls of granola cereal
    3 eggwhite omelette
    platye of scrambled eggs/
    big serving of hashbrowns

    And I couldve kept going.

    Do you think this stimulant X could be stacked with Lipo-6 which im cycling now with my ECA stack or no?
    First thing you should do is get your free 4 pill sample from the anabolic xtreme website and see how you react to it, Pelly789 and i have add different effect from it.

    One pill last me all day some might take 2.

    Has for myself i wouldnt stack anything with stimulant x, for me its strong enought.

  19. #19
    pelly789's Avatar
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    your right on with that statement, not everyone will react to everything the same, i did feel it but not as much as you have, best thing to do is to sign up for the free sample like sonar said and try it out first, although it takes about a month to get to you but its worth the wait, because if its not working for you, then you just saved 30 bucks

    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    First thing you should do is get your free 4 pill sample from the anabolic xtreme website and see how you react to it, Pelly789 and i have add different effect from it.

    One pill last me all day some might take 2.

    Has for myself i wouldnt stack anything with stimulant x, for me its strong enought.

  20. #20
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    30 bucks and 90 pills worth thats what i said to a girl at my job that wanted to order the product right away after she witness my rapid weightloss.

    I gave her a sample of the pill to try out first, and after that if she likes it she can order some.

  21. #21
    mwolffey's Avatar
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    good job bro...keep up the good work

  22. #22
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Now if i can only get my girlfriend off my back, she is totally against low carbing, and giving me a hard time about it.

    She started reading the internet tonight and coming up with horror stories, she said she was totally against it.

    Guess thats what you get for wanting to lose the gut and feeling better.

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