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Thread: Creatine Timing

  1. #1
    bcap is offline Member
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    Feb 2006

    Creatine Timing

    Hey guys. I have a question.

    I am currently cutting. Am 18 years old, weight 190 (Down from 203 5 weeks ago) and have about a year of solid weight training under my belt. I've been on creatine before but only for a short amount of time.

    My main question: I just got Superpump 250, its creatine but is supposed to help cut (I have a friend cutting with it right now and its doing miracles). Wait, thats not a question. Here it is: When should I take it?

    The back says take 1 - 3 scoops 30 mins prior to workout, but I know that it woudl also be effective pwo after my pro/carb shake/insulin spike. So does this sound good:

    2 scoops pre workout, 1 scoop post (after the shake)?

    Thanks, Bryan

  2. #2
    pelly789's Avatar
    pelly789 is offline Member
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    im not too sure but i think the creatine with your pwo shake wouldnt be a good idea because i think the creatine and protein will fight for absorbtion into the muscles but im not 100% on this

  3. #3
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    i heard you take 5 before you work out and then 5 grams after work out due to creatine depletion

  4. #4
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    a small room
    Ive never taken anything fancy...but when I took regular monohydrate I found it optimal to take 10-15g I guess I would do what the box says and take 3before...and dont bother after...and does it say how much actual creatine there is in a serving?

  5. #5
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Dec 2005
    Yeah take Superpump PRE WORKOUT and just either plain Mono creatine with your POST w/o shake, but dont take Superpump post workout that'd be a waste

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