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  1. #1
    CanUHelp is offline New Member
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    Bellingham, WA

    Animal Cuts Question

    Hey guys....thanks for all your advice. I have really been working hard on my diet and yesterday i bought "Animal Cuts" by Universal Labs and I have a question about my "ECA" stack again...I know I seem like an idiot, but I just want to acheive a heavenly body without killing myself.

    Do you think it would be safe to take Animal Cuts containing:
    Amount Per Serving:
    Niacin: 15 mg (as niacinamide)
    Vitamin B6: 2 mg (as pyridoxine HCL)

    Thermogenic Complex: 575 mg
    • Synephrine
    • Octopamine
    • Tyramine
    • Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG)
    • L-Theanine
    • PEA (phenylethylamine
    Lipotropic Complex: 75 mg
    • Choline Citrate
    • Betaine HCL
    • Inositol Monophosphate

    Metabolic Complex: 900 mg
    • Guarana (22% Caffeine)
    • L-Carnitine

    Diuretic Complex: 750 mg
    • Dandelion Extract (taraxol, taraxerol)
    • Uva Ursi Extract (arbutin, methyl-arbutin)

    Thyroid Complex: 175 mg
    • Guggul (2.5% Guggulsterones)
    • Soy Isoflavones

    Insulin Potentiators: 100 mg
    • Alpha Lipoic Acid
    • Chromium Polynicotinate
    • Chromium Picolinate

    Nucleotide Regulators: 300 mg
    • Phosphate
    • Inosine
    • Phosphatidylcholine

    Neurotransmitter Regulators: 250 mg
    • St. John's Wort (0.3% hypericin)
    • L-Tyrosine

    Animal Cuts Complex: 812 mg
    • Citrilene™ (-hydroxycitric acid)
    • Grapefruit Extract (naringin, naringenin)
    • White Willow (bark)
    • Phenylalanine (as L-phenylalanine)
    • Ginger Root Extract (gingerols, shoagols)

    with my "OTC" "EAC" that has

    Amount Per Serving:
    Niacin: 15 mg (as niacinamide)
    Vitamin B6: 2 mg (as pyridoxine HCL)

    Thermogenic Complex: 575 mg

    Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG)
    PEA (phenylethylamine)
    Lipotropic Complex: 75 mg

    Choline Citrate
    Betaine HCL
    Inositol Monophosphate
    Metabolic Complex: 900 mg

    Guarana (22% Caffeine)
    Diuretic Complex: 750 mg

    Dandelion Extract (taraxol, taraxerol)
    Uva Ursi Extract (arbutin, methyl-arbutin)
    Thyroid Complex: 175 mg

    Guggul (2.5% Guggulsterones)
    Soy Isoflavones
    Insulin Potentiators: 100 mg

    Alpha Lipoic Acid
    Chromium Polynicotinate
    Chromium Picolinate
    Nucleotide Regulators: 300 mg

    Neurotransmitter Regulators: 250 mg

    St. John's Wort (0.3% hypericin)
    Animal Cuts Complex: 812 mg

    Citrilene™ (-hydroxycitric acid)
    Grapefruit Extract (naringin, naringenin)
    White Willow (bark)

    Phenylalanine (as L-phenylalanine)
    Ginger Root Extract (gingerols, shoagols)

    Or should I maybe add an Ephedrine to the Animal cuts or is it okay by itself? Thanks everyone for your advice and patients. BTW are you able to see my photo?

  2. #2
    CanUHelp is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Bellingham, WA


    Okay so i accidently pasted the same thing...sorry... this is the ECA that i have as is "all-in-one"

    Ma Huang Extract 190mg
    Salicylate 110mg
    Caffeine 95mg
    Proprietary Herbal Blend 80mg
    (Cayenne, Yerba Mate Extract, Meadowsweet, Mustard Seed, Baldderwrack)

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