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Thread: SD cycle coming

  1. #1
    diamonds's Avatar
    diamonds is offline Banned
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    In your head

    SD cycle coming

    So I decided to try SD since I don't have the money for another cycle right now, nor the desire to go thru all the BS of finding another source since mine is out of business. I'm really not expecting too much from this cycle due to my past AAS use. At best I'm expecting it to be like dropping 25mg of d-bol. Probably just add a bunch of water weight but oh well. I ordered just about every AX product including PCT, Retain, Rebound, etc. I'm probably going to pick up some Clomid just to be safe, maybe even some Arimidex .
    I have run about 4 cycles before but have never taken the milk thistle, Hawthorn Berry, or Niacin. I was wondering where I can pick these products up. Not that I really need them, I mean, my liver is already jacked from the two treatments of Accutane.

  2. #2
    syntax9 is offline New Member
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    at any vitamin store. even online. i got mine from GNC was only 8 bucks for 100 caps for berry, nicatin was 9 bucks, b12 for 9.99. GNC has decent vitamins, i dont buy anything else from them thou.

  3. #3
    pelly789's Avatar
    pelly789 is offline Member
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    id just google it and find a place where you can get everything in one place i use bodybuilding . com alot they are good imo that is where i got all my vits. for my pp cycle

  4. #4
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    walmart man... cheapest i've found and there's no shipping charges

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