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  1. #1
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    clen to help diet problems?

    my diet has always been very well in check up until lately. i have been working two jobs and both jobs don't allow me to eat at all during shifts. one of the jobs i get a break where i can eat, but the other is typically four hour shifts and there's no break. if i get caught eating i basically get fired. i'm getting in about 5 meals a day, but i've never eaten this less of food. i was thinking taking some clen to combat becomming catabolic during these times. i'm definitely not cutting, would this be an okay solution or should i avoid it? thanks bros

  2. #2
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    btw, i realize this probably doesn't belong here, but i think this is where i'll find some solid answers

  3. #3
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    clen would not be a good idea to fight the catabolism. reason being is though clen is an anti-catabolic, it will also increase your metabolism, making you burn more calories. this in turn will make your catabolism kick in sooner than usual as the food is used up quicker, which will increase the catabolic effect. though the clen will block some of it, all things considered, you'd probably be lucky to break out even, if that.

    what kind of job is it that you could get fired for eating at? i wouldn't be able to deal with a job telling me when i can and can't eat. one of my jobs is flair bartending, and during my shift i just drink down a shake. i can't sit and eat a solid meal, but i can certainly drink one down. it's better than nothing.

    i'm not even sure if it's legal for a company to tell you that you can't eat during working hours. i may be wrong, but with a doctors note from a doctor that will take into consideration a bb's nutritional requirements, you should be able to get something saying you need to eat more often.

  4. #4
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    worst case scenario eat a nice big steak right at the beginning of your shift. it will stay in your system for 4 hours and then you can have a meal when your shift is over. Also you can tell your boss you have very low blood sugar and if you dont eat every few hours you can faint. This really happens to my girl, so it is definitely something that can be true. (hell i've had it happen to me during contest prep).

  5. #5
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    I wouldn't rely on clen . Are you not able to suppliment anything like a shake or similar inbetween.

  6. #6
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    thanks for the responses... it's not impossible for me to a shake, but i feel like i rely on powder and water way too much. the irony of the situation is that i work in a restaurant and eating while serving is some kind of violation or whatever. i think its complete bullshit, but there's not a whole lot i can do about it. besides the steak before shift (which i'm definitely going to start doing) are there any other suggestions?

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