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  1. #1
    miguy82 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2005

    Question Would this be too toxic?

    this sucks ok......... started my 2nd cycle of sd a week ago.. so a week into my 2nd cycle of it, i come home pour them out to count and make sure again i had enough for a good 3 weeks, so then i turn to see the tv and bam spilt my drink all over them. . stupidity

    so now my question is, i have a full bottle of pp that hasnt been opened. would it be to harsh to start where i left off with the sd and just continue with the pp. i mean im 1 week in of takin sd, or would that be to harsh on the liver etc to do pp now for a total of 5 weeks, or just maybe 4 total.?

    before anyone asks, i do have everything ready while on and pct!

  2. #2
    miguy82 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2005

    I was guessing its not a wise idea to do this correct? think i should start pct, but i was thinking maybe 1 week wouldnt do enough to shut me down completely, but not 100%, so thats y im asking?

  3. #3
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by miguy82
    this sucks ok......... started my 2nd cycle of sd a week ago.. so a week into my 2nd cycle of it, i come home pour them out to count and make sure again i had enough for a good 3 weeks, so then i turn to see the tv and bam spilt my drink all over them. . stupidity

    so now my question is, i have a full bottle of pp that hasnt been opened. would it be to harsh to start where i left off with the sd and just continue with the pp. i mean im 1 week in of takin sd, or would that be to harsh on the liver etc to do pp now for a total of 5 weeks, or just maybe 4 total.?

    before anyone asks, i do have everything ready while on and pct!
    what the hell are you gonna do with a full bottle of pee pee you sicko? i crack myself up go ahead jump into the pheraplex...i see nothing wrong with it then run pct as usual

  4. #4
    miguy82 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2005
    once i first read " what the hell" i thought it was gonna be a

    just talked to my boy, said he would split his bottle of sd with me. but since running the pp isnt a big issue, was maybe thinking of still just running that.

    the reason i say that is because, ive already ran sd and remember that my second cycle wouldnt prob be as good as the first and esp. if its shorter by 1 wk. have never run pp before, but know people have gained rather well on it.

    side on sd were aggression( mainly near end ) little acne on neck, not really any back pumps or tiredness.

    plus this would be my last cycle for alittle while so may just give the pp arun and see what happens. also im sure the sides would be less also less toxic to my poor liver. hmmm ill decide by tomorrow im sure, may just continue sd since its in my system now,

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