I wanna do a cycle of Halodrol, but I was hoping to avoid the $70 price tag for the 30 day supply, when I found H Max 1.0 by Hammer Sports. A generic form of Halodrol. The cycle is for 60 days @ 25 mg a scored tablet versus Halodrol's 50 mg for 30 days, essetially half the dosage, double the time.My quick questions are as follows:

1 Anyone every hear of this H Max 1.0 and if so is it as effective?
2. Is there any harm in doubling the dosage like normal HD?
3. Do I need to take PCT if the mg dosage was halfed and cycle tiem doubled?

4. And while I have researched Halodrol extensivley, I was curious if anyone could tell me exactly how it works, its a PH and I know many AAS are test based, but when i looked up the active chemical in it, I wasn't sure exactly what the mechanism that fosrtered growth was, if you have an idea. Let me know. Thanks

Also, if needed, I am 5'10",165 lbs, 11-12% BF