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  1. #1
    Ih8urdsm's Avatar
    Ih8urdsm is offline Associate Member
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    VPX's NO Shotgun Review

    Dunno if its been done already but i didnt see a thread on it...

    Taste is very bad...doesnt even claim to have a 'flavor' it taste like it
    Kinda a cinnimony aftertaste...but you dont have to drink too much of it

    For just the redline alone i like the supplement for the energy it gives me...I work out directly after work, so drinking it 1/2 hour before i leave for the day gets rid of any lethargy i have and im usually pretty tired after work...

    I've only been taking it for 3 days but i do notice some nice pumps when doing arms today, and i've been doing 3-4 more reps of the same weight i have been doing, which i was working on anyway, but i think the energy and mental effects are helping.

    Overall, for the money, $35, i like off cycle, so sometimes i need a little pick me up to get me back into focus at the gym, and bridge the gap before my next cycle (tren /prop/winny)

    I'll post in a week and let you know if i see any big body differences...right now im a little fuller, but i did take off 2 weeks from the gym before starting this.

    later bros

  2. #2
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
    O.M.E.G.A is offline Douche Bag
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    google it

  3. #3
    kevin3636 is offline New Member
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    I did it toaday for the first time. I have used super charge, no explode, amped (metrx), and this is the best preworkout drink I have had.

    The taste is terrible, I will start to mix it with crystal light. I had awesome energy, focus, and crazy pumps. I give it a five star. sort of expensive but well worth it.

  4. #4
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by *****

    google it
    for $30 you gonna hook us up?

  5. #5
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
    O.M.E.G.A is offline Douche Bag
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    for $30 you gonna hook us up?


    should be LOT more based on the ingrdients and caplets

    used 4 times a week Amplify02 will last 5 weeks

    try it with the PureMCC on the site since thats only 9.95 extra with the stack.
    Last edited by O.M.E.G.A; 09-08-2006 at 09:53 PM.

  6. #6
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
    O.M.E.G.A is offline Douche Bag
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    OMgosh tried Shotgun

    tastes really wierd lol
    did not hit me hard like Amplify02 does ( I am biased but its true)

  7. #7
    BIGNFIT is offline Junior Member
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    30$ in which website please ?

  8. #8
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
    O.M.E.G.A is offline Douche Bag
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    www .amplif

    asshats blocked out the site

    I am angry cus I had somones word
    Breaking ones word is not very good to practice.........

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    LA County, Ca
    I recently used no shotgun on arm day and it felt like my arms were gonna friggin blow up. Big thumbs up

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