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  1. #1
    vexon is offline New Member
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    Cycle advice of Phera-plex

    Hey guys, im new to all this anabolic stuff, and I dont want to mess anything up. I have been doing as much research as possible, so bare with me. So far, I have my cycle as the following:
    Week 1: 1 capsule of Phera-plex (10mg)
    3 tablets of Anabolic extreme Perfect cycle liver support
    2 capsules of Taurine (500mg)

    Week 2: 1 capsule of Phera-plex (10mg)
    3 tablets of Anabolic extreme Perfect cycle liver support
    2 capsules of Taurine (500mg)

    For weeks 3 and 4, im not sure if I should up the phera-plex to 20mgs a day, or keep it at 10. I would like to be as safe as possible while taking this.

    For my post cycle I have nova, which I am still gathering some info on how to use it properly, and I have CEE.

    Any advice would be apprieciated, thanks in advance. And sorry for typos/spelling errors I'm a little tired =)

  2. #2
    vexon is offline New Member
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    forgot to mention, i just turned 21 and i weigh 135lbs at 5'7

  3. #3
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    wheres the rest of your support supps? Red yeast rice? Flush free Niacin? Hawthorne berry? As for pct imo novadex by gaspari will not cut it. It seems like you need to do A LOT more research before you start popping an oral steroid like pp

  4. #4
    vexon is offline New Member
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    So you think even I stick at 10mg for the whole cycle I need more than nova?

  5. #5
    BlueAndromeda73's Avatar
    BlueAndromeda73 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vexon
    forgot to mention, i just turned 21 and i weigh 135lbs at 5'7

    I dont think with those stats you should be using it in the first place, I mean I do a curl workout with your weight, ok that might have sounded a little dick, what Im trying to say is you could gain much more naturally before you hit PP, but if you are going to go ahead and use it anyway I cant stop you so my advice would be to pick up the rest of you support supplements as stated above, also you needed to get all your pct info befoe you start thats part of being as safe as you can, also I would bump the dosage for weeks 3-4 your body will respond better, since it will start to get used to the PP in your system. Hope this helps.

  6. #6
    vic99 is offline Junior Member
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    I would start by ending until you about puke every day. Spend your money there. Once you have done that for a few years consider gear. I know it has been said many times here but its true. Everyone has been thin and food is the only solution. Even with gear you need food, even more than before to grow. Good luck.

  7. #7
    vexon is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vic99
    I would start by ending until you about puke every day. Spend your money there. Once you have done that for a few years consider gear. I know it has been said many times here but its true. Everyone has been thin and food is the only solution. Even with gear you need food, even more than before to grow. Good luck.
    I understand what your saying, its just Ive been the same weight for years, eating as much as I possibly can. Is there something I can take to make me eat more or something I can do?

  8. #8
    ricogl40 is offline Junior Member
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    they have sups out there for creating a bigger appetite, but i just focus on eating meals as often as possible. it is much easier to eat 5 or 6000 kcals in a day throughout 8 meals than it is to do so in 3 large meals. plus it is much better for your body. in truth, for people like you, you must really truly eat all the time, past the point of being 'full' and watch the cardio- too much for an ectomorph and you arent gonna gain shit. you may have to have it down to like once a week. just hang in there and eat your ass off. and lift hard

  9. #9
    vexon is offline New Member
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    I usually run a mile before my work outs, you think I should skip that?

  10. #10
    TexN343's Avatar
    TexN343 is offline Associate Member
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    IMHO you are not ready for this substance. You weigh too little and could grow easily just with a proper diet. If you grow any at all you will loose it due to a crappy PCT and improper diet. I would wait untill you gain at least 10pounds naturally and can maintain a proper diet for muscle growth. You need to research PCT alot and diet ALOT. It is so easy to grow at your wieght I don't know why you would even consider steriods . You should cut out all cardio and stick tp weight training for a while and get you poundage up.

  11. #11
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexN343
    IMHO you are not ready for this substance. You weigh too little and could grow easily just with a proper diet. If you grow any at all you will loose it due to a crappy PCT and improper diet. I would wait untill you gain at least 10pounds naturally and can maintain a proper diet for muscle growth. You need to research PCT alot and diet ALOT. It is so easy to grow at your wieght I don't know why you would even consider steriods. You should cut out all cardio and stick tp weight training for a while and get you poundage up.
    I agree 100%

    PP is not a miracle worker, by learning how to diet/train properly and gaining naturally you are not only learning but discipling yourself as well. Once you have diet and excercise down, then if you so choose, take PP.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  12. #12
    matt50's Avatar
    matt50 is offline Associate Member
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    cut back to little if any cardio....i've cut back my cardio and it seems to be working...i also eat all the time now... iforget where i read it but a guy said if you're not eating you're not growing...thats the best advice i've read. I always thought i ate a lot and in reality i wasn't. I followed the advice i read and i've been putting on weight. i'm not a big guy but i went from 158 to 165 in about a month from eating as much as possible, working out heavy, mass gaining protein shakes. It seems to be working for me, give it a with that i would wait on the cycle, but if you insist just make sure you have a good PCT and follow the supporting supplements the guys refer to in the previous posts.
    Last edited by matt50; 09-17-2006 at 10:03 AM.

  13. #13
    matt50's Avatar
    matt50 is offline Associate Member
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    i was also going to do a superdrol cycle when i was 155 but figured i would wait until my natural weight was near 175 before i tried anything.

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