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  1. #1
    abobo316 is offline Junior Member
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    going to start a cycle of Legal Gear - Methyl Masterdrol

    I might start a cycle of this in 30 days or so for 3-4 weeks..I was wondering if taking this alone with nothing else would still be potent enough to give me at least 10 pounds of gaining...

    I;ve been reading that I should take it with Legal Gear - Methyl 1-Alpha Explosive Mass, but I dont want to go too over the edge by taking too think taking the masterdrol alone is enough?

    and what would be a best PCT? I was looking at Formadrol..

    what would be a good masterdrol cycle by the way? need suggestions..thank-you

    and as far as liver goes, is the milk thistle that comes with it enough? or will I need more..
    Last edited by abobo316; 10-22-2006 at 08:06 PM.

  2. #2
    gio86 is offline Member
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    just take the methy dont want to take 2 methylated products

  3. #3
    gio86 is offline Member
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    the milk thistle get it your self...take atleast a 1gm a day and its cheap so just go to walmart or something like that. as far as pct.. take clomid. Do a lil research because theres other stuff you should take during the cycle to keep your lipids and other things in order.

    good luck pz

  4. #4
    abobo316 is offline Junior Member
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    and should this be taken on non-lifting days as well at the same intensity? say 2 pills?

    and if I wanted to do a 3 week cycle...should I do

    1st week (1 pill a day)
    2nd week (2 pills a day)
    3rd week (2 pills a day)

    not to go over board?

  5. #5
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    check out upstate tanks sd log a couple links down on page 1 he has his dosage fo his superdrol and all his supplement starting methyl plex tomorow with my routine and dosages.

  6. #6
    matt50's Avatar
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    hey i'm doing a SD cycle of the methyl masterdrol rite now...check out upstate tanks cycle...a lot of info can be found in there!!!

    i'm doing 3-4 weeks at 20mg a day...enjoy the added strength but beware back pumps, and shin splints...small price to pay for power!!!

  7. #7
    gr8twht is offline Junior Member
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    to bad i cant find this stuff now! i actually liked this better than SD. now im trying to find something to start that is very close to MM, or even SD. hey notorious mem, have you ran the Plex before? how is it in comparision?

  8. #8
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    no this will be my first cycle of the methyl-plex the reason i ran it though is researching it on here it seemed alot of peaple got leaner gains with the plex compared to the superdrol and the back pumps werent quite as bad.

  9. #9
    abobo316 is offline Junior Member
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    I have read the supporting supps down below, now...will I need all of those supps besides the milk thistle? reason why I am asking is because im only going to be doing a cycle of 10 10 20 20 or possibly 10 20 20 for 3 weeks, will I still need all of those supporting? thanks for the insight once again..
    ps. another reason why i am asking is because the masterdrol has already some supporting supps in it, and the added milk thistle I think already is enough...but what do you guys think..?

  10. #10
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abobo316
    I have read the supporting supps down below, now...will I need all of those supps besides the milk thistle? reason why I am asking is because im only going to be doing a cycle of 10 10 20 20 or possibly 10 20 20 for 3 weeks, will I still need all of those supporting? thanks for the insight once again..
    ps. another reason why i am asking is because the masterdrol has already some supporting supps in it, and the added milk thistle I think already is enough...but what do you guys think..?
    the stuff does more than just play with your liver screws with your lipid profiles blood pressure etc so yea these support supps are needed

  11. #11
    abobo316 is offline Junior Member
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    and yet another question!! hope you guys don't mind, just trying to piece together a very good cycle.

    I have read the tanks cycle, but I still have a question

    are PCT's usually 100% successful? after the PCT will testosterone levels be back to normal??

  12. #12
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abobo316
    and yet another question!! hope you guys don't mind, just trying to piece together a very good cycle.

    I have read the tanks cycle, but I still have a question

    are PCT's usually 100% successful? after the PCT will testosterone levels be back to normal??
    depends on what you measure success as...I'm in my last week of pct and my weight and strength has continued to increase (although not nearly as drastic as it was while on cycle)

    and a proper pct should restore natty test levels--hence why one does pct following a cycle of aas

  13. #13
    abobo316 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks a lot tank for all this help and to everyone else!!!

    as for PCT, everyone keeps suggesting clomid, and so do you. and since you have done it first hand I'm going to be listening to you and everyone elses advice...but this may sound like a silly question but does clomid come in oral form? the clomid link I always get directed too is an injectable...I really am not a fan of syringes and try to stay 100% away from them..

    can anyone suggest a very good clomid oral supplement??

  14. #14
    abobo316 is offline Junior Member
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    and is the aromasin that you have also been taking along with Clomid necessary? will I be ok without it and just the clomid?

    I might also do the size on, that looks very appealing..I was looking at that product last week

  15. #15
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abobo316
    thanks a lot tank for all this help and to everyone else!!!

    as for PCT, everyone keeps suggesting clomid, and so do you. and since you have done it first hand I'm going to be listening to you and everyone elses advice...but this may sound like a silly question but does clomid come in oral form? the clomid link I always get directed too is an injectable...I really am not a fan of syringes and try to stay 100% away from them..

    can anyone suggest a very good clomid oral supplement??
    no such thing as silly questions bro you gotta learn some how

    the clomid on that website is an oral supplement...its a liquid form
    the syringe you read about is merely a measuring device used to get the proper dosage for fill the syringe up to where it needs to be and then squirt it directly into your mouth and "swallow" it

  16. #16
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abobo316
    and is the aromasin that you have also been taking along with Clomid necessary? will I be ok without it and just the clomid?

    I might also do the size on, that looks very appealing..I was looking at that product last week
    aromasin is reccomended if your prone to gyno (which i am)
    A good friend of mine used clomid only during pct and he was fine...strength stayed up and he didnt drop much weight

    also id highly reccomend size-on for pct..itll help you keep strength and size the stuff is loaded w/ carbs so its great for bulking

  17. #17
    abobo316 is offline Junior Member
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    did some searching on the size-on....would this be good enough?

    or is the powder form necessary?

  18. #18
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abobo316
    did some searching on the size-on....would this be good enough?

    or is the powder form necessary?
    the tablets are good but if you're bulking the powder would be better cause its loaded w/ carbs

  19. #19
    abobo316 is offline Junior Member
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    ok now as for dosages...say I start of with 10 mg a day, when is the best time to take it during the day?

    how about on 20 mg days?..30mg days?

    and how about on non workout days, when do I take them?

  20. #20
    Chad B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    aromasin is reccomended if your prone to gyno (which i am)
    A good friend of mine used clomid only during pct and he was fine...strength stayed up and he didnt drop much weight

    also id highly reccomend size-on for pct..itll help you keep strength and size the stuff is loaded w/ carbs so its great for bulking
    I guess the boad spon. does not sell aromasin. What to do?

  21. #21
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abobo316
    ok now as for dosages...say I start of with 10 mg a day, when is the best time to take it during the day?

    how about on 20 mg days?..30mg days?

    and how about on non workout days, when do I take them?
    Theres a lotta contingencies(what time you go to bed, what time you wake up, what time you go to the gym, eating schedule etc) when dealing w/ dosages but ill do my best to try and cover all of em...

    10mg...10mg is only 1 pill per day and the optimal time to take sd would be about 1-1.5hrs b4 working out. I worked out in the morning so I took mine right when i woke up, ate 15 minutes later, then hit up the gym around an hour or so after that

    20mg....Take the first dose as you would w/ 10mg (1-1.5hrs preworkout). The halflife of sd is 6 hours so the optimal time to take your second dose would be 6 hours after your first dose to try and keep the sd levels as high as possible for as long as possible.

    30mg...I expiremented a couple ways w/ 30mg dose. The first way I tried was to take 10mg upon waking, 10mg 6 hours later, then the last 10mg at around 6:30pm. The reason for cutting off SD @ 6-7ish is because if taken right before or near bedtime it can fiddle w/ your bodies secretion of hormones at night while you sleep (i.e. gh--if i remember reading correctly).

    The second way i expiremented with was 20mg upon waking, then 10mg 6 hours later.

    For me personally, I found the first method I mentioned to work better. A big problem I had w/ SD was lethargy, and taking 20mg at once seemed to amplify that. This may not be the case for you however, as the cliche goes, every person reacts to things in unique and different ways. The only way to figure out for certain what works best for you is to do a lil "expirementing".

    Nonworkout days I didnt differentiate my dosing scheme from workout days

    Hope that helps bro!

  22. #22
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    I guess the boad spon. does not sell aromasin. What to do?
    im not sure...I'd shoot Bryan2 a pm

  23. #23
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    Theres a lotta contingencies(what time you go to bed, what time you wake up, what time you go to the gym, eating schedule etc) when dealing w/ dosages but ill do my best to try and cover all of em...

    10mg...10mg is only 1 pill per day and the optimal time to take sd would be about 1-1.5hrs b4 working out. I worked out in the morning so I took mine right when i woke up, ate 15 minutes later, then hit up the gym around an hour or so after that

    20mg....Take the first dose as you would w/ 10mg (1-1.5hrs preworkout). The halflife of sd is 6 hours so the optimal time to take your second dose would be 6 hours after your first dose to try and keep the sd levels as high as possible for as long as possible.

    30mg...I expiremented a couple ways w/ 30mg dose. The first way I tried was to take 10mg upon waking, 10mg 6 hours later, then the last 10mg at around 6:30pm. The reason for cutting off SD @ 6-7ish is because if taken right before or near bedtime it can fiddle w/ your bodies secretion of hormones at night while you sleep (i.e. gh--if i remember reading correctly).

    The second way i expiremented with was 20mg upon waking, then 10mg 6 hours later.

    For me personally, I found the first method I mentioned to work better. A big problem I had w/ SD was lethargy, and taking 20mg at once seemed to amplify that. This may not be the case for you however, as the cliche goes, every person reacts to things in unique and different ways. The only way to figure out for certain what works best for you is to do a lil "expirementing".

    Nonworkout days I didnt differentiate my dosing scheme from workout days

    Hope that helps bro!
    listen to him about not taking it too late i took mine too late and didnt sleep worth a sh!t(my boy didnt help matters but still sleep sucked)

  24. #24
    abobo316 is offline Junior Member
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    okk almost all done with getting all of my information together, then I'm going to order everything at once and start once everything gets in on time...

    now, at what point during the day should I take my supporting supplements? and do I take them all at once?

  25. #25
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    riding styles donkey
    wow, your lucky abobo i have never seen anyone spoonfeed so much info.
    suppose everyone on this forum are decent.
    anyway, have you already bought your support supps. if not you should check out anabolic innovations cycle support. as it covers everything you need.
    you should also take them for 14 - 10 days prior to starting your cycle.
    did you get taurine for the back pumps as you might need it.
    good luck, and keep us informed, and keep researching to ensure you know what your doing.

  26. #26
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abobo316
    okk almost all done with getting all of my information together, then I'm going to order everything at once and start once everything gets in on time...

    now, at what point during the day should I take my supporting supplements? and do I take them all at once?
    took half the dose first thing in the morning w/ my sd and the other half right before bed

  27. #27
    dameter21 is offline Junior Member
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    who makes methyl masterdrol is it LG sciences.

  28. #28
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dameter21
    who makes methyl masterdrol is it LG sciences.

  29. #29
    Shane35aa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gr8twht
    to bad i cant find this stuff now! i actually liked this better than SD. now im trying to find something to start that is very close to MM, or even SD. hey notorious mem, have you ran the Plex before? how is it in comparision?

    Hey its still in stock with some companies. Do a couple of searches on web. I ordered some earlier this week, good luck.

  30. #30
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shane35aa
    Hey its still in stock with some companies. Do a couple of searches on web. I ordered some earlier this week, good luck.
    did it get banned or somthing

  31. #31
    dameter21 is offline Junior Member
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    i just started my methyl masterdrol cycle 4 days ago bench is up 10 pounds and i gain 2 solid pounds no bullshit.. i'm doing 30 mg a day no problems /side effects yet, and this is my first pro-hormone or cycle of anything for that matter. this shit is awesome. it makes me wonder how much better the test/deca cycles work. eat a bunch lift hard, and a shit load of water or you'll get a crazy headache..

  32. #32
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    mm is not a prohormone...its a steroid

    and this is your first cycle and you're starting out at 30mg a day??? imo more is not necessarilly better w/ this stuff cause the higher the dosage goes the more succeptable you are to side effects...just play it safe man whats the point in risking your health?

  33. #33
    matt50's Avatar
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    yea upstatetank is right....30 mg is too much...i had plenty of sides during my 3 week cycle with it....but no gyno, which was good, i only needed the clomid.... i used 20 mg a day for 3 weeks only....strength has continued to get better since i finished the clomid too and i have kept almost all the weight i put on...just make sure u have ALL the necessary supporting supps. SD is harsh and its not worth sacrificing ur health

  34. #34
    dameter21 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for your opinions guys but i've been doing 30mg for 8 days now and no sides, everybody is different...but a question i've been reading these forums on MM and guys are gaining 20plus pounds and strength through the roof, i'm hearing of better gains and keeping them as opposed to stronger gear cycles. i wonder why more people aren't trying it first before jumping in test/deca shots.

  35. #35
    Shane35aa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    did it get banned or somthing

    No sure. But several types close to it have been banned already

  36. #36
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dameter21
    thanks for your opinions guys but i've been doing 30mg for 8 days now and no sides, everybody is different...but a question i've been reading these forums on MM and guys are gaining 20plus pounds and strength through the roof, i'm hearing of better gains and keeping them as opposed to stronger gear cycles. i wonder why more people aren't trying it first before jumping in test/deca shots.
    most likely because of the lack of research behind this stuff...theres years of reserach backing test/deca /dbol ...all the real stuff...we have living examples of people who have juiced for over 20+ years where as we know absolutely zero about the possible long term side effects of these otc supps

  37. #37
    Shane35aa's Avatar
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    Anyone have a suggestion of good otc fatburner to run while on this?

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