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  1. #1
    PIMPOLOGY101 is offline Junior Member
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    Best supplement on market

    Im 6'5, 245 with about 12 percent body fat. I play college football and goin to be entering the NFL draft this upcoming year. Im looking for a supplement that will help me put some size on. Something like M1T or in that nature. I play to take oral winny in beggining of December and run it for like 6 weeks. Anyone that can help would be great!!!

  2. #2
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by PIMPOLOGY101
    Im 6'5, 245 with about 12 percent body fat. I play college football and goin to be entering the NFL draft this upcoming year. Im looking for a supplement that will help me put some size on. Something like M1T or in that nature. I play to take oral winny in beggining of December and run it for like 6 weeks. Anyone that can help would be great!!!
    well the ncaa and the nfl both test for stuff like that...take a look at what just happend to shawn merriman

    i dunno if id suggest stuff like that for a tested athlete

  3. #3
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    im quite enjoying taking powerfull, its not in the same category as you mentioned but it has been all good. taking 9 powerfull and 6 cissus rx, and have just added in hyperdrol as of sunday.

  4. #4
    PIMPOLOGY101 is offline Junior Member
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    Im in the NAIA and they dont drug test. Also, the NFL will test only at the Pro combine and I plan to have everything out of my system by then. Does anyone know where to purchase M1T, that stuff worked really good. But if not a product to its nature would be great!!

  5. #5
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by PIMPOLOGY101
    Im in the NAIA and they dont drug test. Also, the NFL will test only at the Pro combine and I plan to have everything out of my system by then. Does anyone know where to purchase M1T, that stuff worked really good. But if not a product to its nature would be great!!
    alright no drug testing is a good thing

    i wish i knew where to get M1T as well but some of the other substances that would yield results similiar to M1T are superdrol (sns methyl-drol xt, webber pharm oxodrol 12, lg sciences methyl masterdrol), gaspari haladrol, ax phera-flex, webber pharm methandrol 50, webber pharm sustenol 250...the list is endless!

  6. #6
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
    AnabolicAndre is offline Anabolic Member
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    m1t is illegal and that would be considered source fishing, grounds for banning. we cant just be like go to this dude hang around do some research bro get everything together for the cycle and do it right get the most out of it!

    Hows your diet?
    Hows you training?

  7. #7
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    ur gonna be 27 when u enter the draft did u take 3 or 4 years off before playing college football?

  8. #8
    Columbus's Avatar
    Columbus is offline Anabolic Member
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  9. #9
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    that looks like junk, 40% tribulus and it has aakg

  10. #10
    tinyguy2's Avatar
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    JEREY bitches
    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    ur gonna be 27 when u enter the draft did u take 3 or 4 years off before playing college football?
    haha my guess is he is lying to sound cool on the internet

  11. #11
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    i hope he is that lucky but it seems very hard to do imo.

  12. #12
    Sepsis's Avatar
    Sepsis is offline Member
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    m1t is still legal in europe. put a serch in google for 'm1t uk' and you will get a ton of sites that still sell it. you just have to take the chance of it getting through customs, which i usually have luck with. i would post a couple of sites for you, but i don't know if that would be a bannable offence!

  13. #13
    PIMPOLOGY101 is offline Junior Member
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    Naw, Im 22 workout everyday and usually get my cardio in the morning with practice. I went from a D2 school to NAIA this last summer cause I got in some trouble at my school and had to play my senior year. Thanks for all the comments back to me and Im goin to do a search right now!!

  14. #14
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PIMPOLOGY101
    Naw, Im 22 workout everyday and usually get my cardio in the morning with practice. I went from a D2 school to NAIA this last summer cause I got in some trouble at my school and had to play my senior year. Thanks for all the comments back to me and Im goin to do a search right now!!
    aigght u must of put ur b-day in ur profile wrong.good luck with everything bro.

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