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  1. #1
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    Superdrol + Halodrol

    I'm thinking of stacking these two like this:

    1-4 50mg hd
    1-4 20mg sd

    Thoughts? How bad would this be on the liver?

  2. #2
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by No One Knows
    I'm thinking of stacking these two like this:

    1-4 50mg hd
    1-4 20mg sd

    Thoughts? How bad would this be on the liver?
    very bad...wouldnt reccomend it

  3. #3
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    I wouldn't think it would be too bad...but what do I know.

    Which would you reccomend? SD or HD? and what would you stack with it?

  4. #4
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by No One Knows
    I wouldn't think it would be too bad...but what do I know.

    Which would you reccomend? SD or HD? and what would you stack with it?
    well a good rule of thumb is to never stack 2 methylated oral steroids ...and thats what sd and hd are
    The way I see it...its better to be safe than sorry

    I'd reccomend sd over hd...from what ive read people have had better results w/ sd than w/ hd...speaking from experience I can tell you that sd is an awesome compound and doesnt need to be stacked w/ anything...I gained 22lbs on my 4 week cycle

    Whatever you decide to do make sure you do your research...get a good diet, make sure you take all your support supps, and get a proper pct lined up.

  5. #5
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    I Suppose you're right... I used Max LMG stacked with PP befor and had great results. Max lmg isn't methylated though.. Maybe I'll just stack with that again this time. I was just looking for something diff, thats why I wanted to try HD

  6. #6
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    The HD isnt 17aa like the SD.. why can't they be stacked?

  7. #7
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    well its still a methyl so prolly a bad idea...

  8. #8
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    I'm just very cautious when it comes to stuff like this...Whats the sense in risking your health?

  9. #9
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    True. After much debate, I think that superdrol should not be stacked with anything, except maybe some max lmg.

    I don't know how much I got out of the max lmg in my last cycle (stacked it with PP) but I think that most of the results I got (which were good, kept 10 lbs, dropped some fat) were from the PP.

    This time I'm Gonna leave the max lmg out and run SD alone for 4 weeks like this:


    If I was running a loner cycle I'd probably use max mg for 6-8 weeks and throw he SD in for 4 weeks either at the end or the bengining, but I want to keep it at 4 weeks so I'll just run the SD alone. 4 weeks of LMG won't do much if anything.

  10. #10
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    What's your plan for PCT?

  11. #11
    rar1015's Avatar
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    I have read to many threads of people wanting to stack so much crap with superdrol. Superdrol has good results, there is no point in risking your health. To me it just seems like there are to many people wanting results too fast. They want to get big NOW and dont think about the risks involved. If you follow the simple guidelines involved with using this stuff you will have good results. Eat, sleep and train right and everything will work out.

    No one knows-Im not aiming this post directly at you im just saying it just in general.

  12. #12
    chuck89gt5.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by No One Knows
    I'm thinking of stacking these two like this:

    1-4 50mg hd
    1-4 20mg sd

    Thoughts? How bad would this be on the liver?

    Honestly I have done double that amount with other orals stacked on top, for 8 staight weeks!
    Im still alive and actually had very few sides except for sex drive being a bit down.I would not reccomend this of course.

  13. #13
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    heh, when I was an idiot and didn't know better I stacked LG's M1A and Superdrol - got a kidney stone after 18 days...but I blew up fast!

    I've had a liver test 4 weeks afterwords and everything was fine.

  14. #14
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    Would there be any issues with stacking SD and orastan-e?

  15. #15
    bigrose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by No One Knows
    Would there be any issues with stacking SD and orastan-e?
    No. There would be no serious issues with superdrol and orastan-e.

    Also, your first stack (SD+HD) is found along with phera-plex in a supplement called Sostenol 250 from IDS. Two caps of that contain 50mg HD, 15mg SD and 15mg PP. We sell alot of that in my store, and guys taking it have gained at least 10lbs and up to 18lbs in 4-6 wks with NO SIDES and they are all still walking around with livers that work magnificently. TRUE STORY.

  16. #16
    Teegunn's Avatar
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    Why is this thread in the "supplement" section?? These aren't nutritional supplements, but designer roids. Powerful ones in some cases.

  17. #17
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrose
    No. There would be no serious issues with superdrol and orastan-e.

    Also, your first stack (SD+HD) is found along with phera-plex in a supplement called Sostenol 250 from IDS. Two caps of that contain 50mg HD, 15mg SD and 15mg PP. We sell alot of that in my store, and guys taking it have gained at least 10lbs and up to 18lbs in 4-6 wks with NO SIDES and they are all still walking around with livers that work magnificently. TRUE STORY.
    you need to quit giving bullshit advice bro and stop downplaying how toxic these otc oral roids are

  18. #18
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    you need to quit giving bullshit advice bro and stop downplaying how toxic these otc oral roids are
    Agreed. The liver is somthing u dont **** around with.

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