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  1. #1
    Venum's Avatar
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    no-shotgun or vitargo cgl? ? ?

    I need some quick responses I want to buy one of these tonight...but I can't decide...what do you guys think? I hear great things about both..around the same price too...what would YOU buy????

  2. #2
    Venum's Avatar
    Venum is offline Member
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    I am cutting, so if I go with the vitargo cgl which has 72 carbs should I take that PWO on my ride home from the gym then have just straight up whey without any added carbs when I get home?

  3. #3
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    yup... also they are two diffrent products one is pre-workout the other is post. IMO form experince i need pre-workout energy more than simple carbs after pwo.. there is stil ldebate if you need high/low pwo anyways.. Just my .2

  4. #4
    Venum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    yup... also they are two diffrent products one is pre-workout the other is post. IMO form experince i need pre-workout energy more than simple carbs after pwo.. there is stil ldebate if you need high/low pwo anyways.. Just my .2
    I think I need pre work out energy as well, but I am sensitive and sometimes during the work out I wish I never took anything because my heart rate gets so high I need to wait long between sets when I dont want to....I will be better off just taking a little amp on the days I know I will need it. AMP in small doses doesnt make me feel dizzy, foggy, about to pass out feeling like no-explode did. Vitargo cgl might be my choice..still undecided though.

  5. #5
    poloblue is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venum
    I think I need pre work out energy as well, but I am sensitive and sometimes during the work out I wish I never took anything because my heart rate gets so high I need to wait long between sets when I dont want to....I will be better off just taking a little amp on the days I know I will need it. AMP in small doses doesnt make me feel dizzy, foggy, about to pass out feeling like no-explode did. Vitargo cgl might be my choice..still undecided though.
    just to let you know no shotgun made me work out very hard that when i got done i crashed very hard aswell, felt very foggy and dizzy and about to pass out.. then i started to drink a protien shake right after the work out and never felt like that anymore.. but never felt this way when i didnt drink no shotgun..

  6. #6
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    shotgun brother!

  7. #7
    Venum's Avatar
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    didnt buy anything yet...still leaning towards vitargo cgl

  8. #8
    olederndirt is offline Junior Member
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    I always used Vitargo pwo mixed with my protien. Works for me. Choc. mixed with the orange and a lot of shaking as that stuff is hard to mix.

  9. #9
    Venum's Avatar
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    if no-shotgun is just as strong as no-explode I dont think I will enjoy it, no-explode made me uncomfortable when working out.

  10. #10
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venum
    if no-shotgun is just as strong as no-explode I dont think I will enjoy it, no-explode made me uncomfortable when working out.
    its a different feeling, no xplode made me jittery but no shotgun does not. and plus no shotgun has huge pumps

  11. #11
    Venum's Avatar
    Venum is offline Member
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    well I just bought the vitargo cgl....I will try out one bottle and see how it goes...Or with creatine should you stick with the same brand for a couple months before you change to something else? I am still going to try no-shotgun after this one..

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