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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Scottsdale, AZ

    Cutting Cycle Plan

    I am planning a New Year's Cycle right now and wanted to get it perfect prior to starting in order to get all necessary supps.


    11-13% BF
    3 Years Lifting experience

    Goal: 185 @ 8%

    Duration: 10-12 weeks

    *I understand I have much more potential to grow naturally and also understand the ramifications of starting a cycle such as this one planned. Looking for advice on doseages and supporting supps right now*


    Wk 1-2: Clen @20 mcg ramping to 120 mcg
    Wk 3: Benedril therapy 1000mg Milk thistle, Tons of 100% cranberry juice, 1200 mgs Red Yeast Rice, 1500 mg FF Niacin, Saw Palmetto ??? Hawthorne Berry Extract??? , Good multi-vit, 3g Vit C,

    Wk 4-7: Superdrol
    20 mg wk 4&5
    30 mg wk 6
    40 mg wk 7
    *with all appropriate doseages of supps above continued*

    Wk 9-12: Nolvadex & Clomid following the "regular" PCT routine found on here
    adding Clen to the mix ramping up to 120 mcg again for 2 weeks on,
    1 week off with benedril.

    Goal is to end at 8% or lower at 185 lbs, but Clen will be run until goal is reached, OR by the middle of March if results are not yet attained.
    Last edited by EcToMoRpHiAn; 11-15-2006 at 09:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Scottsdale, AZ

    8:30 5 egg whites, 1 Banana, 1/2 cup oats, 1 scoop protein powder blended to make "banana bread" when cooked as a pancake.

    11:30 Post Workout Shake, 45g whey with 90g dextrose

    1:00 1/2 chx breast (8oz?) with 1/2 cup brown rice

    4:30 Some form of Protein/carbs 50g protein/75g carbs

    7:00 1/2 chx breast with 1/2 cup brown rice

    9:00 Pre-bed shake 45g whey (may get cassein for cycle)

    Will I be able to attain the goals listed above with this diet and supps?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Hmmmm...carb intake looks a bit high...if anything for the weeks on superdrol id keep the carbs where it is. Before bed try mixing 20g cassein some cottage cheese and flax instead. Vary your protein options, for your 7:00meal add some salmon or a fish that provides EFA's as I dont see any. Get some veggies in there as well.

  4. #4
    Sasso09 is offline Associate Member
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    yeah you're definately going to be taking in too many carbs

  5. #5
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    a (very very) rough estimate puts carbs around 270...i'd say drop em a lil bit but just be in tune to what your body is telling you...When i cut I started at 220g of carbs and lost weight fast--some other members recommended that I drop it down a lot more so subsequently i dropped down to oh the 130 range...sure the weight melted off but at the same time I lost a lot more muscle and strength than i should have

    As far as the supplements go, I'm not experienced w/ clen at all--maybe shoot PerfectBeast2001 a pm as he's verrry knowledgeable on clen usage

    I am experienced w/ sd however...I like how you're doing 20mg for the first 2 weeks, then only suggestion would to be maybe holding at 30mg for the 4th week of use instead of 40mg. Is this your first time running sd and/or steroids in general? If not then I guess 40 would still be justified but I would still listen to what your body is telling you before making that jump up to 40 on the 4th week. With sd, imo, more is not necessarily better.

    Id also up the milk thistle a bit (i took 2400mg/day) as its cheap and i believe an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure---we all know how toxic sd is. RYR run at 1200mg a day to keep your bp under control. I like how you're including the cranberry juice in light of the possible kidney issues w/ sd. I did not run saw palmetto when i was on sd and luckily i had no prostate problems, however if pains did begin to arise i was going to run it at 1000mg/day.

    For pct you may want to sub out nolvadex and use aromasin instead. There are members here that have gotten gyno from nolvadex during pct b/c of sd's progestinic "properties" and nolva's stimulation of the progesterone receptor. If you have run sd b4 and used nolva during pct and not gotten gyno I'd say go for it---nolva+clomid was going to be my initial pct when i started piecing together my sd cycle, however i know i am prone to gyno b/c of my previous M1T cycle.

    My last thought stems from the use of clen and sd together. I kno clen can be used during pct to prevent muscular catabolism, but this is with "real"aas. Yes it is true sd is a steroid , however with the little research backing it coupled with what research that does come out further displays the toxic properties of sd you mayy want to hold off. I wouldn't even know where to begin to look to find if running clen b4 and after sd would have any dire effects on ones body, more specifically your cardiovascular system. Just my .02

    As long as tie together the few loose ends in your diet and look into the sd+clen combo a tad bit more, to me it looks like you've got yourself a very solid plan which is gonna yield you some damn good results...good luck bro!

  6. #6
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    sorry for such a long post bro

  7. #7
    D-Bo Dre's Avatar
    D-Bo Dre is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    sorry for such a long post bro
    there is no such thing as a long post when ur spitting real sh*t.. Listen to this man ppl..

  8. #8
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    I agree, you just dropped a lot of knowledge on me. As far as running steroids before, I have done one prohormone cycle of 1-AD that yielded crazy gains, and a cycle of Superdrol 1.5 years ago. For the superdrol cycle I used clomid only with tribulus for PCT. I am seriously considering running Arom instead of nolvadex now though.

    As far as goals, do you believe this is possible? I am trying to figure out if clen can be run at the same time as the superdrol. That would yield awesome gains in LBM with a couple % decrease in BF.

    If anybody has knowledge about running Clen with other orals, please contribute.

  9. #9
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by EcToMoRpHiAn
    I agree, you just dropped a lot of knowledge on me. As far as running steroids before, I have done one prohormone cycle of 1-AD that yielded crazy gains, and a cycle of Superdrol 1.5 years ago. For the superdrol cycle I used clomid only with tribulus for PCT. I am seriously considering running Arom instead of nolvadex now though.

    As far as goals, do you believe this is possible? I am trying to figure out if clen can be run at the same time as the superdrol. That would yield awesome gains in LBM with a couple % decrease in BF.

    If anybody has knowledge about running Clen with other orals, please contribute.
    I view anything as being possible as long as you give all you have

  10. #10
    RANA's Avatar
    RANA is offline 100% American Beef
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    I agree, carb intake a bit high. IMO I don't take carbs after 5/5 pm but my day starts a 5:00 am.
    What time do you lift and do cardio? How much cardio a week and for how long? What kind of cardio?

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