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  1. #1
    wanescotting's Avatar
    wanescotting is offline Junior Member
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    These are the supplements I take, any thoughts?

    L-argenine powder (4 grams) with v-8
    With breakfast
    Arginine / Ornithine Capsules (200mg -- 1250 arg / 750 Orn)
    10 throughout the day
    On amino acid tabs
    2 with breakfast, 1 with every meal throughout the day
    Taurine tablets (500 mg)
    2 with breakfast, 2 at night
    3 Dessicated liver tabs
    with breakfast
    1 Chromium Piccolinate tab (500 mcg)
    with breakfast
    Twin Lab Dual tab vitamins
    2 with breakfast, 1 at night
    3 flax seed oil pills (1000 grams)
    with breakfast
    1 tablespoon cod liver oil (unflavored)
    with breakfast
    1 sobe no - fear low carb
    on the way to work, shorty after breakfast

  2. #2
    CSAR's Avatar
    CSAR is offline AR's Cunning Linguist
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    In a bowl of rice
    Okay...but what do your workouts look like? What does your regular diet look like? What is your goal?

  3. #3
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by wanescotting
    L-argenine powder (4 grams) with v-8
    With breakfast - Do not take arginine with food, it should be on an empty stomach, take it 45-60 min before breakfast if anything
    Arginine / Ornithine Capsules (200mg -- 1250 arg / 750 Orn)
    10 throughout the day
    On amino acid tabs -Amino pills are not very necessary if you are drinking enough protein shakes and getting whole food protein
    Taurine tablets (500 mg)
    2 with breakfast, 2 at night
    3 Dessicated liver tabs
    with breakfast
    1 Chromium Piccolinate tab (500 mcg)
    with breakfast
    Twin Lab Dual tab vitamins
    2 with breakfast, 1 at night
    3 flax seed oil pills (1000 grams) - Spread the fish oils more throughout the day, 1 morning, noon and night
    with breakfast
    1 tablespoon cod liver oil (unflavored) - Have at night dont take it same time as fish oils, kinda uncessary to me
    with breakfast
    1 sobe no - fear low carb - Get a no carb one if anything, the Rockstar no carbs are awesome
    on the way to work, shorty after breakfast
    Put my thoughts in there

  4. #4
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey SVT, Just wanted to let you know of some info I found on fish oils saying that it really doesn't matter if you take them spread out or all at once, your body still seems to get the same benefits. I read it on testoterone magazine online in an article by John Berardi who seems to know his sh!t. Is there any reason in particular you recommend spreading them out. Just curious.

  5. #5
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Same thing you stated, I always thought that fish oils were more of a quick releasing substance, so spreading it out throughout the day your body gets the O M EGA 3's throughout the day

  6. #6
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    I dont really see the need in what you are doing. Can you xplain why you are taking what you are at the specified times? I mean why 4g arginine in the morning and thats it? If I was you I would take 4g 4 times a day, 1am 1 pre, 1 post workout and 1pm.

    3g flaxseed a day is barely anything, but w/e its not ad so i guess its all good. I would personally be taking cod liver tabs and tablespoons of flax, but you have the opposite.

    Amino acid tabs I always found pointless as well.

  7. #7
    wanescotting's Avatar
    wanescotting is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    I dont really see the need in what you are doing. Can you xplain why you are taking what you are at the specified times? I mean why 4g arginine in the morning and thats it? If I was you I would take 4g 4 times a day, 1am 1 pre, 1 post workout and 1pm.

    3g flaxseed a day is barely anything, but w/e its not ad so i guess its all good. I would personally be taking cod liver tabs and tablespoons of flax, but you have the opposite.

    Amino acid tabs I always found pointless as well.
    I take powder in the morning and arginine tablets throught the day, I forgot to mention that I also take no xplode prior to working out. After doing some reading, I think I will try the twin lab liquid amino fuel, instead of the amino acid tablets.About the flax, I noticed a huge difference in how I felt after I started taking it, so I never increased the amount, maybe I'll give it a go.

  8. #8
    wanescotting's Avatar
    wanescotting is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    Okay...but what do your workouts look like? What does your regular diet look like? What is your goal?
    I have only been working out for a year, I am trying to bulk (well, build a base to work with) I was going to try and get lean, but I changed my mind (started to, then realized I want a bit more mass)
    the diet is as follows (for the moment)

    1 scoop on whey protein
    1 scoop protein blend
    4 oz v -8 with L-argenine powder (4 grams)
    2 on amino acid tabs
    3 Dessicated liver tabs
    1 Chromium Piccolinate tab (500 mcg)
    2 Twin Lab Dual tab vitamins
    3 flax seed oil pills (1000 grams)
    1 tablespoon cod liver oil (unflavored)
    1 sobe no - fear low carb

    Meal Two:
    calories 600 protein 60 g fat 40 grams carb 4 grams
    Chicken breast (8 oz)
    4 oz green pesto (awesome)
    1 cup mixed fruit (melons)
    3 tablespoons parm cheese
    1 amino acid tab
    2 arginene/ orthenine tabs

    Meal three:
    calories 600 protein 60 g fat 40 grams carb 4 grams
    Chicken breast (8 oz)
    4 oz green pesto (awesome)
    2 oz guacamole
    3 tablespoons parm cheese
    1 amino acid tab
    2 arginene/ orthenine tabs

    Meal four:
    calories 600 protein 60 g fat 40 grams carb 4 grams
    Chicken breast (8 oz)
    4 oz green pesto (awesome)
    3 oz shrimp / .25 lb buger patty depending on mood
    3 tablespoons parm cheese
    1 amino acid tab
    2 arginene/ orthenine tabs
    Should be noted this is the last meal before my workout (2 hours before)

    40 minutes pre workout:
    2 - 3 scoops N.O. Explode (3 scoops on leg day)

    Immediate post workout:

    2 scoops on whey protein
    1 scoop dextrose (30 grams)
    15 grams of creatine monohydrate (yes 15 grams)
    10 grams glutamine powder
    1 amino acid tab

    Post - post work out:
    .5 lbs ground turkey
    pop corn with hot sauce (great alternative to chips)
    1 amino acid tab
    2 arginene/ orthenine tabs

    I drink 8 - 10 bottled waters a day, and maybe 2 - 3 diet cokes

    I am a dynamic person who moves constantly at work.

    Also, I take in alot of fat(green pesto made with olive oil)things started to change for the better when I increased my good fat intake.

  9. #9
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    You're trying to bulk on what seems to be 50g of carbs? am i reading something wrong here?

  10. #10
    wanescotting's Avatar
    wanescotting is offline Junior Member
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    Nah, Im eat some carbs oatmeal, etc (I was being lazy and copied my diet from a previous post)

  11. #11
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    well how much is "some"? yes it is true fats are important as well as proteins, but when it comes to bulking you should be getting a lot of calories from carbs (clean low gi carbs of course)...what are your calorie totals you take in per day? cause it doesnt seem like you're getting enough to the harris benedict formula...input your stats for your bmr then multiply that by whatever factor best describes your lifestyle...whatever that # you wind up with add 500 to it in order to do a successful lean bulk

  12. #12
    wanescotting's Avatar
    wanescotting is offline Junior Member
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    cool thanks for the info, i'll check that out

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