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  1. #1
    alexs750 is offline New Member
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    May 2006

    Creatine makes me sluggish...a few Q's too.

    Ive tried it a few times. On for a month then off. When i dont take it I make great gains and feel awake and normal in the gym. Im not going to take it anymore but was curious if the guys who compete take it? Its slowed my run and makes me feel like i hit a wall after 1 set. Like i said I cut it out but what gives? can anyone explain why that is? Its GNC brand and is monohydrate. Any suggestions on what else to try? Anyone really like those No boosters, like have tried with and without them and had them work?

  2. #2
    rubix6's Avatar
    rubix6 is offline Female Member
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by alexs750
    Ive tried it a few times. On for a month then off. When i dont take it I make great gains and feel awake and normal in the gym. Im not going to take it anymore but was curious if the guys who compete take it? Its slowed my run and makes me feel like i hit a wall after 1 set. Like i said I cut it out but what gives? can anyone explain why that is? Its GNC brand and is monohydrate. Any suggestions on what else to try? Anyone really like those No boosters, like have tried with and without them and had them work?
    my husband loves no boosters. they have worked for him very well

  3. #3
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexs750
    Ive tried it a few times. On for a month then off. When i dont take it I make great gains and feel awake and normal in the gym. Im not going to take it anymore but was curious if the guys who compete take it? Its slowed my run and makes me feel like i hit a wall after 1 set. Like i said I cut it out but what gives? can anyone explain why that is? Its GNC brand and is monohydrate. Any suggestions on what else to try? Anyone really like those No boosters, like have tried with and without them and had them work?
    my guess is that you weren't drinking enough water. creatine can help with dehydration and from what you're describing that is i'm asuming it was. try a different kind of creatine... creatine ethyl ester and krealkalyn are both superior to monohydrate IMO.

    Second, NO products are overhyped BS "supplements." sure you might get a better pump, but you'd be better off (cost wise and results wise) to purchase some arginine in bulk.

  4. #4
    YupYup is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2006
    Does your creatine have high dextrose content? I have noticed that after taking creatine, which has high carbs to spike my insulin , I come crashing down afterwards.

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