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  1. #1
    lene28 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2006

    Methyl 1 D, Methyl Masterdrol Cycle

    I am going to start a cycle of legal gears Methyl Masterdrol and Methyl 1 D.I am in my early 20's 5'10" 205, been powerlifing/BB for about 5 years. I have a few questions:
    1. The bottle for M1d says take 5 to 6 caps in divided doses, however since I am younger could a dose of 4 caps(2 in the morning 2 in the afternoon) be just as effective.
    2.As post cycle therapy I will do 3 Formadrol capsules per day for week 1 and 2 Formadrol capsules per day for weeks 2 and week 3. Then take 1 Formadrol capsule per day for week 4.Also I have some Letro so I could throw that in. So any help on the PCT would be nice.
    3. Supporting Supps-Milk Thistle; 1000mg everyday, Red Yeast Rice, NAC, Hawthorne Berry, Saw Palmetto, Fish Oil-- I found these on most lists of supporting supps, but could not find dosages. So does anyone know dosing amounts?
    Sample Cycle:
    weeks 1-3 Masterdrol @ 2 Capsules Per Day 2 Caps Methyl-1P Per Day
    weeks 4-5 Methyl-1P @ 4 Capsules Per Day
    week 6 Methyl-1P @ 4 Capsules Per Day
    weeks 7 Formadrol @ 3 Capsules Per Day
    weeks 8-9 Formadrol @ 2 Capsules Per Day
    week 10 Formadrol @ 1 Capsule Per Day
    I know this is long but any help is appreciated, Thanks.

  2. #2
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    with that many pills i would say watch your sides and load up on ur support supps.good luck.

  3. #3
    lene28 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2006
    Thanks man, Hawktribal or Upstate Tank do you guys got any advice. I have read some of your posts and you seem to be pretty knowledgable about this stuff. Any advice is welcome!

  4. #4
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lene28
    I am going to start a cycle of legal gears Methyl Masterdrol and Methyl 1 D.I am in my early 20's 5'10" 205, been powerlifing/BB for about 5 years. I have a few questions:
    1. The bottle for M1d says take 5 to 6 caps in divided doses, however since I am younger could a dose of 4 caps(2 in the morning 2 in the afternoon) be just as effective.
    2.As post cycle therapy I will do 3 Formadrol capsules per day for week 1 and 2 Formadrol capsules per day for weeks 2 and week 3. Then take 1 Formadrol capsule per day for week 4.Also I have some Letro so I could throw that in. So any help on the PCT would be nice.
    3. Supporting Supps-Milk Thistle; 1000mg everyday, Red Yeast Rice, NAC, Hawthorne Berry, Saw Palmetto, Fish Oil-- I found these on most lists of supporting supps, but could not find dosages. So does anyone know dosing amounts?
    Sample Cycle:
    weeks 1-3 Masterdrol @ 2 Capsules Per Day 2 Caps Methyl-1P Per Day
    weeks 4-5 Methyl-1P @ 4 Capsules Per Day
    week 6 Methyl-1P @ 4 Capsules Per Day
    weeks 7 Formadrol @ 3 Capsules Per Day
    weeks 8-9 Formadrol @ 2 Capsules Per Day
    week 10 Formadrol @ 1 Capsule Per Day
    I know this is long but any help is appreciated, Thanks.
    I'll start by saying i don't know jack about 1P. i'm asuming it's similar to the prohormones that were banned awhile ago. that being said i'll help you with masterdrol. i'm going on the assumption that its a SD knockoff.

    1. run it for 4 weeks, not 3. it takes a week or so to kick in so who wants two weeks worth of gains? run it 20/20/20/20. i ran my sd 20/20/30/30 and there was no diifference in bumping up besides greater back pumps.

    2. formadrol is NOT pct. you need to run a proper pct with this, Upstate's log has what I'd recommend. you WILL lose your gains running formadrol. would you run an otc "pct" with a steroid ? No. treat sd like a steroid because it is one.

    3. the support suplements i used in mine were:
    Milk Thistle
    Hawthorne Berry
    Flush Free Niacin
    Vitamin C - but i use this all the time, so it's not mandatory by any means

    you can add some NAC in or some fish oils... i didn't. take this stuff seriously, and i'm not joking about the PCT that will not do it. best of luck on your cycle i'm sure you'll produce some kick ass gains.

  5. #5
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    this is definitely worth a read. he's got your dosages for suporting supps and a proper pct.

  6. #6
    lene28 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2006
    Thanks Hawktribal, Huge Help!

  7. #7
    lene28 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2006
    Could Nolva be put in place of the Clom for PCT?

  8. #8
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    no stacking orals!!!! bad bad noob

    j/p bro...If I were you I'd stick to the methyl masterdrol...I dont really know that much about M1D...If you're diets in check theres no reason you shouldnt be able to put on 15lbs in 4 weeks. Ill second Hawks advice on support supps & doses/length. I replied to your pct question in my log.

  9. #9
    WidowMaker's Avatar
    WidowMaker is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    no stacking orals!!!! bad bad noob

    j/p bro...If I were you I'd stick to the methyl masterdrol...I dont really know that much about M1D...If you're diets in check theres no reason you shouldnt be able to put on 15lbs in 4 weeks. Ill second Hawks advice on support supps & doses/length. I replied to your pct question in my log.

    I second that, Bro.

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