Hey all.
My girlfriend has been overweight almost all of her life. Shes very short (only 5'0) and 150lbs. Mainly bad genetics.
For the past 6 years she has eaten an extremely clean diet, runs or swims 5-6times a week for 45 min-1 hour, has been seeing a nutritionist for a year, and saw an endocrinologist that confirmed her thyroid is NOT a problem (TSH level was 1.86)
She trained with weights and a trainer for a year and half and noticed no differences...
At this point she is extremely frustrated and doesnt know what else to do.

So, I was curious if it would be more harm than good if she were to do proper cycles of Cytomel or Clen ...or hell, DNP ? Would that be recommened by any of you for someone in her position? Without damaging her thyroid for the long term?

Any insight would be great. thanks