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  1. #1
    lil hulk is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2006

    P6 and M5 (anyone)

    has anyone tried the P6 (testostrone buster from gnc) ...........and M5 i have tried from there and i give it a thumbs up on strength gains

  2. #2
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    yeah, Ive used both, I wouldnt be suprised if I sold you the M-5 as I used to work there.

    I used p6 for way too long (10 weeks) and noticed all my "Gains" from wks 1-6 after 6 weeks nothing.

    If you do well with anything tribulus based it might work well for you.

    Deff. overpriced imo.

    I actually did better with m-5 and ZMA together.

    If your over 24- 25 yrs old and got the cash try it for six weeks and quit.

  3. #3
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Dec 2005
    I heard M5 is great, havnt gotten a chance to try it though. And I used the P6 only when it had pro-hormones, and it kicked ass

  4. #4
    TJC84 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006
    Ive used m5 before and would go up in strength each week so I give it a big thumbs up

  5. #5
    Teegunn's Avatar
    Teegunn is offline Banned
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    Feb 2005
    The old P6 was awesome. I believe it had 1-AD along with a bunch of natty test boosters and also an estrogen blocker or two. It was definitely good stuff. The "new" formula of P6 is still good for a natty test booster, but it doesn't have and prohormones in it anymore, so it isn't very effective.

    M5 is actually Krealkalyn creatine, I believe. It's good stuff, but overpriced IMHO.

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