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  1. #1
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Another NO Shotgun thread

    I know there have been many threads regarding this supplement on the board, problem is the thread ends up being full of bickering and that is of no use to anyone interested in this supplement.

    Anyways, i am in a pinch for supplements and was running critically low on Protein, and my schedule is beyond insane right now. I am working close to 70hrs a week and don't have time to order online and wait for it to come only to not be home and receive the package so i went to the Vitamin Shoppe.

    Got my ON Whey at a decent price $32.99 (5lbs) and then i remembered NO Shotgun was something i wanted to i am looking around for it and AMP..the people they hire there are no more educated than the retards at GNC, i ask about AMP.. "um who makes it"..i think Ergopharm.."uhm well i think we are just out of it" and then walks off..i grumble the words "****ing idiot" and continue my search for NO Shotgun...well with no help from the retards i found it stashed way in the back, damn near hidden.

    My first thought was "Holy shit $50"....i now it is much cheaper online and i stood there for probably 5 minutes contemplating whether to go ahead and get it..long story short i went ahead and bought it..but i still bitched about it.

    I am headed to the gym later and am gonna try it for the first time..

    I do have a normal Pre-Workout supps (i am cutting) are

    Diet Rockstar Energy Drink (don't have an ECA anymore hence the reason i was looking for AMP)
    500mg Acetyl L-Carnitine

    Will NO Shotgun in anyway be affected negatively when combined with my other supps? I know it already has a mix of BCAA in it as well as Creatine.

    I think i will skip the Energy Drink or AMP (when i get it) while taking this for now. I need to see how i react to NO Shotgun before adding additional supplementation.

    I will keep you posted on this..i do full body workouts so i might be hurting big time and be unable to post.
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 12-27-2006 at 06:36 PM.
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  2. #2
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    i dunno if any of your other supps would interferre w/ shotgun...
    I can tell you for a few weeks I did stack NO Shotgun and AMP together pre-workout...let me tell you it was unreal. AMP by itself makes you wanna tear the world apart, and coupled w/ the pumps from shotgun it was awesome!

  3. #3
    CSAR's Avatar
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    I don't know if they'll have any negative interactions either.

    I'd try it alone for a week and then start adding your regular preWO supps to see what happens.

    UpstateTank's a monster! I'm too frail to combine NO Shotgun with AMP...

    Sorry you had to pay so much, but I'm looking forward to reading about your experience and opinions, either good or bad.

  4. #4
    Sepsis's Avatar
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    interestingly enough i take 3amp, an apple, and a NO supplement(syntrax SwoleN) pre workouts and it does wonders. makes you want to stay in the gym forever!

  5. #5
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Ok, i am now drinking NO Shotgun for the first time..i decided to go with:

    500mg Acetyl L-Carnitine
    1 scoop NO Shotgun

    Left the BCAA's and the energy drink out...

    Will be going to the gym in a few minutes, will post when i get back.

    This definately isn't the best tasting stuff around but it is tolerable.
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  6. #6
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    Ok, i am now drinking NO Shotgun for the first time..i decided to go with:

    500mg Acetyl L-Carnitine
    1 scoop NO Shotgun

    Left the BCAA's and the energy drink out...

    Will be going to the gym in a few minutes, will post when i get back.

    This definately isn't the best tasting stuff around but it is tolerable.

    i cant stand the taste

  7. #7
    JJP480's Avatar
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    Plug your nose and then choke it down .
    I added abit more water with it and it seemed to chill out the taste .

  8. #8
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Ok, i am back....i don't really know what to say but let's just say my workout was a bit longer and i seemed to have that extra "umph" in my lifts tonight.

    I do feel more pumped than normal and my overall look in the mirror right now is fuller as if the blood has yet to leave the muscle. Now i am no bodybuilder, i train for MMA so i do a pretty quick full body workout without rest.

    I am usually really drained 25 minutes in..but tonight i just kept going, i am not sure if this due to the NO Shotgun or the fact that i got alot of sleep today (12+hrs). I definately had a kick ass workout no doubt...

    I will give it another try on Friday and if this keeps up..i will endorse NO Shotgun without a doubt.

    To many variables going into tonights workout to simply say NO Shotgun is the shit, but definately something happened.

    I will say the pump seems to be staying which i know for a fact is not a result of extra sleep etc...
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  9. #9
    wanescotting's Avatar
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    Wait until leg day! Oh man you are in for fun!

  10. #10
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    jonathan480 nice jeep bro!a jeep man myself

  11. #11
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    good luck bro.. will follow this

  12. #12
    Crowned is offline Junior Member
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    Is it reccomended to eat an apple prework?

  13. #13
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crowned
    Is it reccomended to eat an apple prework?
    yea whats the whole apple thing?

  14. #14
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    yea whats the whole apple thing?
    Helps in replacing liver glycogen..
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 12-30-2006 at 10:27 AM.
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  15. #15
    JJP480's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reppedout1
    jonathan480 nice jeep bro!a jeep man myself
    Thanks .

  16. #16
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Ok, anyone who recommended NO Shotgun needs their ass kicked.

    Goddamn, my whole body is ****ing arms are shredded, shoulders and back are sore as shit. You bastards could have warned god.

    Calfs are jacked as well...

    Go ahead and laugh you pricks...

    NO Shotgun = The Shit!

    I know this is from the NO Shotgun and from me slinging weights around the gym last night for an extra 15-20 minutes. I have not been getting this sore lately but i am sore as hell now.
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  17. #17
    wanescotting's Avatar
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    Oh, BTW
    N.O. will help you push yourself harder, you will be sore (better late than never)

  18. #18
    ACE5HIGH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    Ok, anyone who recommended NO Shotgun needs their ass kicked.

    Goddamn, my whole body is ****ing arms are shredded, shoulders and back are sore as shit. You bastards could have warned god.

    Calfs are jacked as well...

    Go ahead and laugh you pricks...

    NO Shotgun = The Shit!

    I know this is from the NO Shotgun and from me slinging weights around the gym last night for an extra 15-20 minutes. I have not been getting this sore lately but i am sore as hell now.
    Wow... Glad to hear of your success with this stuff, especially since I should be getting mine tomorrow Cant wait to give it a try, Ive used No-Explode many times any love the stuff, I hope this stuff stacks up

  19. #19
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    I really think tonights offering of NO Shotgun is gonna be alot better, i have read where several people said the pump was more intense the second time around...if it is then i am scared of what i might do or become. I am still sore as shit..
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  20. #20
    Icon's Avatar
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    Bump for an update?

  21. #21
    Crowned is offline Junior Member
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    I havent heard much about stacking this with amp. Im sure I will be doing that. Does this stuff effect an ECA stack?

  22. #22
    ACE5HIGH's Avatar
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    I got to give it a try today in the gym with a buddy of mine, I totally agree with whats been said about this stuff. We both loved it, Great product

  23. #23
    ACE5HIGH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crowned
    I havent heard much about stacking this with amp. Im sure I will be doing that. Does this stuff effect an ECA stack?
    I read somewhere that Ephedra has a canceling effect on Arginine, other the that I cant imagine mixing redline and an eca stack... Holy Stim overload!

  24. #24
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Good thread and very informative - especially about your first experience. It just keeps getting better.

    My biggest worry with NO Shotgun is the tendency to overtrain. Sometimes I don't wanna stop lifting because the pump feels so good, so I have to make a conscious decision to stop.

    Hope to hear more about your experiences!!

  25. #25
    Crowned is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ACE5HIGH
    I read somewhere that Ephedra has a canceling effect on Arginine, other the that I cant imagine mixing redline and an eca stack... Holy Stim overload!
    I would like to see more opinions on this. I heard something similar before but havent heard its dangerous. ECA and NO Shotgun... a go or no?

  26. #26
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crowned
    I would like to see more opinions on this. I heard something similar before but havent heard its dangerous. ECA and NO Shotgun... a go or no?
    ive been on eca for the past 2 weeks, and a combo of amplify 02/no shotgun...for some silly reason I have a high tolerance to stimulatnts (for quite a while I'd stack amp w/ noshotgun preworkout)...How I take it though is I'll wake up first thing in the morning, take the eca, go do some cardio and about 4hrs later im back at the gym w/ the lifting session. I def havent noticed a decrease in vascularity or decrease in effectiveness w/ combining eca & noshotgun

  27. #27
    Crowned is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks, what I wanted to hear. Im thinking of doin something similar though I would to take something pre cardio.

  28. #28
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    All i can tell you is that my body is more sore since adding NO Shotgun..i assume it is from the extra intensity i have now.

    I also have to report a slight injury to my left forearm..when doing straight bar curls or ez bar..the pressure is just to much and it feels as if my bone is under alot of pressure and when i put the bar down my forearm hurts, i will stick to hammer curls and machines for awhile.

    I feel much tighter days after while being sore. I like it.
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  29. #29
    iidea is offline Junior Member
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    I have heard that NO Shotgun is good, but i've had some good results with NO xplode and loved the taste. I got the lemonade and it tasted great. Also gave me incredible pumps and focus during lifting. Alot of my friends complained about side effects but i felt none. i stuck to what the label says, found my tolerance and lifted away. But what is this AMP that has been mentioned in the thread???

    Oh yea and i followed up with cell mass after workout and i felt less sore the next day and was ready to pump again

  30. #30
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iidea
    I have heard that NO Shotgun is good, but i've had some good results with NO xplode and loved the taste. I got the lemonade and it tasted great. Also gave me incredible pumps and focus during lifting. Alot of my friends complained about side effects but i felt none. i stuck to what the label says, found my tolerance and lifted away. But what is this AMP that has been mentioned in the thread???

    Oh yea and i followed up with cell mass after workout and i felt less sore the next day and was ready to pump again
    a preworkout focus/energy pill made by ergopharm...its not an NO supp like noshotgun/no explode but rather closely resembles an you feel on it is unreal

  31. #31
    iidea is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    a preworkout focus/energy pill made by ergopharm...its not an NO supp like noshotgun/no explode but rather closely resembles an you feel on it is unreal
    Ima have to try that. I try drinking a redline by vpx and i drink the whole bottle and it really does nothing for me. And i've seen AMP mentioned alot on the forums but never knew who it was made by. thanks upstate

  32. #32
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iidea
    Ima have to try that. I try drinking a redline by vpx and i drink the whole bottle and it really does nothing for me. And i've seen AMP mentioned alot on the forums but never knew who it was made by. thanks upstate
    i'm the same way
    def give it a shot...4 pills is where the $$'s at
    Ive never heard of someone being dissapointed w/ amp

  33. #33
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    is it ergolean amp?

  34. #34
    Kuzin Tarell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    is it ergolean amp?
    I hope so, I ordered the ergoparm amp from and that's what I got.

  35. #35
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    that be it gentlemen

  36. #36
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    that be it gentlemen
    ergopharm amp is the shit, great supplement... 4 pills and your in the zone

  37. #37
    number twelve's Avatar
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    i tried no shotgun for the first time today...shit was rediculous. so much focus and energy. and the taste wasnt THAT bad. from everything i have been reading i was expecting torture. IMO i was more grossed out about the color of no shotun, which looks like diarrehea mixed with grape juice.

  38. #38
    Crowned is offline Junior Member
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    How well does this stuff work pre cardio?

  39. #39
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    I would'nt use it pre is designed as a pre-workout (weight training) supplement.

    Take AMP, ECA, ECY or plain Caffeine before cardio IMO.

    Anyways, this supplement is still kicking ass..i can honestly say that i feel tired after 30min or so yet i continue moving's weird. The pumps are awesome, i mostly feel it big time in my arms and back. My arms still feel full from my workout 1hr15min ago. Definately a supplement to have cutting or bulking...

    Am i the only one that experiences major soreness 1-2 days after? There is a big difference from when i was not using it to now while taking NO Shotgun.
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  40. #40
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    Am i the only one that experiences major soreness 1-2 days after? There is a big difference from when i was not using it to now while taking NO Shotgun.
    You're not alone. I still get sore and it's been over a month, probably due to the increased poundages/focus/pumps I'm experiencing.

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