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  1. #1
    MASTER's Avatar
    MASTER is offline "I Own You"
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    Please critique my nha stack idea

    Ive had gyno since puberty, so im going to start on letro 2.5mg a day very soon. I thought since im using letro which is the daddy of aromatase inhibitors, why not try some test boosters at the same time, see if I can really kick my nads into some test production. Im looking for some opinions on possible products to use alongside it. I noticed that myogenx is now available on, so I can get it shipped over to the uk from there. There seems to be some very favourable feedback coming from it, so I thought id make it the basis of my experiment. The other possible products ive thought of using so far are tongkat, tribulus and activate.

    The main issue I have is the science behind how myogenx works. I figured I would use tongkat and myogen together, but im not sure if activate and myogen work in the same way. If myogen creates more test as opposed to freeing up more of current test, then activate and myogen i suspect would be quite a formidable combination.

    The stack im thinking of at the moment (assuming using activate and myogen together is beneficial and not pointless) is as follows:

    Letro - 2.5mg e/d
    Myogenx - 4 tabs per day
    Tongkat - 3g a day
    Activate - 5 tabs a day

    The only tongkat I could find in pill form that claims a high mg dose per tab is scifits eurycoma 1500, but it does not state the purity, so im going to take 3g a day, in the hope that this will give me results even if the extract is low. Does anyone know a better tongkat product?

    Im going to do the cycle for 6 weeks to begin with, but will extend to 10 if results are good. I do not like the idea of taking letro for this long though, because of lipid profile issues and I cant taper off my dose, since my letro comes in very small tablets that are dosed at 2.5mg. Therefore I will add nolva at 60mg e/d at the end of the 7th week and discontinue letro use at the end of the 8th week. I will then continue the nolva for another month or 2, depending on the results i get as far as reducing gyno goes and finally I will taper off the nolva over a period of 3 weeks, to ensure no estrogen rebound. I may use nolva for longer as well, since it seems serms take longer to have a gyno reducing effect on "old" gyno.

    By the way I am well aware that nolva reduces the effects of letro, hence only the week of use together.

    Thanks in advance, and I apologise for the lengthy post

  2. #2
    MASTER's Avatar
    MASTER is offline "I Own You"
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    bump for opinions

  3. #3
    MASTER's Avatar
    MASTER is offline "I Own You"
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    Does no1 have any opinions or suggestions?

  4. #4
    vecchio82's Avatar
    vecchio82 is offline Junior Member
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    I don't have any experience with Letro, but I can imagine that MygoenX combined with Activate would be great!

  5. #5
    Project is offline Associate Member
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    interested but not knowledgeable. bump

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