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  1. #1
    brettxw is offline New Member
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    Jan 2007

    Need advice on work out schedule please.

    Im 23 years old, active, 5'8, 140lbs, I've been working out for about 3 years now. I started out on T-bomb way back in the day, then moved up to 1AD then M1 Test? then Tbomb II and now Im on True Max protein shake. I went to the place where I get all these and he told me to get on H Drol.

    Anways, my question to you guys are that, I know for a fact Im not doing a proper workout. I don't know what exercises I should be doing to see gains. As far as now this is what i do (im sorry if this sounds stupid i am completely dumb with weight lifting terms, so Im sorry)

    Monday-Wednesday-Friday--I do biceps and triceps. My problem is, I don't knoow that many exercises for the biceps or triceps. I do the obvious ones, curls and what not but thats only 3 exercises for each muscle.

    Tuesday-Thursday Saturday--Chest, shoulders and back--For chest, I do the obvious bench press, incline, decline..shoulders I do drugs and back I do some work out i saw this guy do.

    So like I said, I dont have a wide knowledge of weight lifting exercises so I was wondering if you guys could give me what i SHOULD be doing for each muscle to see a gain. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    K.Biz's Avatar
    K.Biz is offline Banned
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    First of all: BrettXW welcome to the boards

    Second of all: before you post make sure you look around. does the "supplement forum" look liek a good place to ask about a workout schedule?... ill answer it for you no. A forum called "Workout Questions" might be a better place correct?

    so. make sure the read the rules, and go and read some stickys they say "important" in big read letters. do some research before u start posting. because the questions your asking have probably already been asked. Look around man, you'll get it

  3. #3
    matt50's Avatar
    matt50 is offline Associate Member
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    LI, NY
    post this in the workout'll get a more definitive answer in there

  4. #4
    brettxw is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Ya I noticed that after I posted. Im sorry.

  5. #5
    osee.lkmal is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    a workout schedule

    yeah -- if you're interested in a workout schedule .....for gym music or music for fitness in general, I recommend European dance music.......

    it's always the best motivational tool for me...

    .... here's a compilation series on iTunes that I recommend -- the "Euro Club Hits" series:

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