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  1. #1
    Nismo's Avatar
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    Too many supplements???

    Is there such thing as taking too many supplements at one time??? Sometimes I get full just by taking them. Heres a list and you guys tell me whats up.

    -Whey Protein <---a must of course
    -Myogenx <----6 caps a day
    -Kre Alkalyn<--- pop 3 of those bad boys 1 hour b4 WO
    -Nitric Oxide<-----3 caps pre WO
    -Gamma O (test booster)<---- 1 ounce a day
    -No Shotgun<------Pre WO
    -Cell Mass<----- Post WO
    -Multi Vitamin<---Just one a day
    -Fish oil<-----1 3x a day
    -1000mg of Vitamin C <-----once a day
    -Amino Acids<----only when I can't get to the protien shake I pop 6 caps.

    So what do you guys think??

  2. #2
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    some of them are redundant...i.e. myogenx and gammo, nitric oxide and no shotgun, and you should always take aminos not just when you cant get a shake in.

    i take aminos right in the middle of my workout, give it a try, i definately feel better.

  3. #3
    Nismo's Avatar
    Nismo is offline Member
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    Yeah I see what you mean with the nitric oxide and the NO shotgun. But as far as the Myo and the gammo, both bing test boosters wont that just help out my test levels at least a bit?

  4. #4
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    wow for what that cost you could run some gear for 12-15 weeks

  5. #5
    Nismo's Avatar
    Nismo is offline Member
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    Really??? I thought this was cheaper then gear. I added up gear plus PCT and it came out to be a pretty penny. Damn that sux. But then again the supplier is knew is no longer in business. Damn that sux.

  6. #6
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    a lot of that stuff is pretty useless and not necessary IMO

  7. #7
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    a lot of that stuff is pretty useless and not necessary IMO
    i agree. i actually don't think any of them are necessary. i like myogenx and vit C... but why run two test boosters, two no products...? waste of $ imo.

  8. #8
    Nismo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawktribal
    i agree. i actually don't think any of them are necessary. i like myogenx and vit C... but why run two test boosters, two no products...? waste of $ imo.

    So I should save one of the test boosters and one of the NO's for a rainny day huh. Anything else hawk??

  9. #9
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nismo
    -Whey Protein <---a must of course Necessary
    -Myogenx <----6 caps a day That works.
    -Kre Alkalyn<--- pop 3 of those bad boys 1 hour b4 WO Either this or Cell Mass
    -Nitric Oxide<-----3 caps pre WO Not necessary because of NO Shotgun
    -Gamma O (test booster)<---- 1 ounce a day Not necessary bc of Mygenx
    -No Shotgun<------Pre WO
    -Cell Mass<----- Post WO
    -Multi Vitamin<---Just one a day Necessary
    -Fish oil<-----1 3x a day Necessary
    -1000mg of Vitamin C <-----once a day Necessary
    -Amino Acids<----only when I can't get to the protien shake I pop 6 caps. Not really necessary
    My comments in bold

  10. #10
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    None of that crap is necessary except for the vitamins and I'd add BCAA's to the list.

    You spend way too much on supps, the local GNC must love you.

    What are your stats if you don't mind me asking and how much do you spend a week on food?

  11. #11
    Nismo's Avatar
    Nismo is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    None of that crap is necessary except for the vitamins and I'd add BCAA's to the list.

    You spend way too much on supps, the local GNC must love you.

    What are your stats if you don't mind me asking and how much do you spend a week on food?
    Nah man I buy all my ish from the internet. I try to shop around and save money. But as far as money I spend on food is about 175-225 bucks every two weeks (I'm married). My wife knows about my diets so she doesnt buy any junk food, if any its hers. I don't really have a sweet tooth.

    My Stats:

    BF%- 11% according to the Sgt. that did my height and wheight evaluation two weeks ago.

    BTW Thanks SVT for checking off what I dont need.

  12. #12
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nismo
    Is there such thing as taking too many supplements at one time??? Sometimes I get full just by taking them. Heres a list and you guys tell me whats up.

    -Whey Protein <---a must of course
    -Myogenx <----6 caps a day
    -Kre Alkalyn<--- pop 3 of those bad boys 1 hour b4 WO
    -Nitric Oxide<-----3 caps pre WO
    -Gamma O (test booster)<---- 1 ounce a day
    -No Shotgun<------Pre WO
    -Cell Mass<----- Post WO
    -Multi Vitamin<---Just one a day
    -Fish oil<-----1 3x a day
    -1000mg of Vitamin C <-----once a day
    -Amino Acids<----only when I can't get to the protien shake I pop 6 caps.

    So what do you guys think??
    here's how i see it:

    whey,unlike what tons of people on this board preach is not necessary. myogenx is good stuff, i like it, but you don't need it. i'm not a fan of creatine. no products are just a bonus for a pump in the gym which imo is a waste of money, but if you like them they're obviously not going to hinder your gains. no sense in gamma o and myogenx. save one if you want a test booster. multivitamin is good. fish oil isn't necessary-you should get enough fats from your foods. vitC is good stuff, i like it but not necessary. just my thoughts on things. i personally think 99% of supplements are overpriced garbage, but everyone has a different opinion about that. i don't waste my $ on them, i have a hard enough time paying my grocery bill.

  13. #13
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    but to try to answer your question, i don't think that there is a bad thing with taking all those supplements, it's just hard on your wallet and you don't need all of them.

  14. #14
    Nismo's Avatar
    Nismo is offline Member
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    ok good stuff. Thanks Hawk. I wish I would have known about the Gammo. I got 1 full bottle and half full bottle, each about 80 bucks. I'm gonna go ahead and save one of those bottle for the future. Thanks for all the info again.

  15. #15
    getdowntoit is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nismo
    Is there such thing as taking too many supplements at one time??? Sometimes I get full just by taking them. Heres a list and you guys tell me whats up.

    -Whey Protein <---a must of course
    -Myogenx <----6 caps a day
    -Kre Alkalyn<--- pop 3 of those bad boys 1 hour b4 WO
    -Nitric Oxide<-----3 caps pre WO
    -Gamma O (test booster)<---- 1 ounce a day
    -No Shotgun<------Pre WO
    -Cell Mass<----- Post WO
    -Multi Vitamin<---Just one a day
    -Fish oil<-----1 3x a day
    -1000mg of Vitamin C <-----once a day
    -Amino Acids<----only when I can't get to the protien shake I pop 6 caps.

    So what do you guys think??
    If you ate properly you wouldn't need half of that shit.

    Multi mineral/vitamin
    vitamin c
    fish oil
    whey protien

    the above 4 is what you should require, the rest should be proper food.

  16. #16
    toyo92's Avatar
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    Nismo, so youre in the military? And not trying to take a stab but youre sure that bf% is correct? My weight limit for my height (73 in) is a bit over 200 if im not mistaken and im nearly 20 lbs overweight by military standards yet i'm far from failing a tape test. What are your neck and waist measurements?

    And if you live on post pretty much anywhere, I can see your need for supplements, as the dining facilities usually serve nothing but crap. But see what you can do to consolidate even just that much more.
    Last edited by toyo92; 03-08-2007 at 07:51 AM.

  17. #17
    getdowntoit is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawktribal
    here's how i see it:

    whey,unlike what tons of people on this board preach is not necessary. myogenx is good stuff, i like it, but you don't need it. i'm not a fan of creatine. no products are just a bonus for a pump in the gym which imo is a waste of money, but if you like them they're obviously not going to hinder your gains. no sense in gamma o and myogenx. save one if you want a test booster. multivitamin is good. fish oil isn't necessary-you should get enough fats from your foods. vitC is good stuff, i like it but not necessary. just my thoughts on things. i personally think 99% of supplements are overpriced garbage, but everyone has a different opinion about that. i don't waste my $ on them, i have a hard enough time paying my grocery bill.
    fish oil is good for you joints, I would get some of that since you lift weights. Test boosters however are for suckers, don't be one.

  18. #18
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    None of that crap is necessary
    Well, I woudnt call Myogenx crap!!

    That stuff works for increasing T-levels, and higher testosterone levels between cycles are a greate advantage.

  19. #19
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    How much do u spend a month

  20. #20
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Well, I woudnt call Myogenx crap!!

    That stuff works for increasing T-levels, and higher testosterone levels between cycles are a greate advantage.
    Not worth the money IMO.. but we are all entitled to our opinions..

    Have you personally taken it and seen a increase in natural test levels and Free Test levels? Are you sure everyone reacts the same from the product.

  21. #21
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Not worth the money IMO.. but we are all entitled to our opinions..

    Have you personally taken it and seen a increase in natural test levels and Free Test levels? Are you sure everyone reacts the same from the product.
    They probably dont. But how will you know how you react, unless you try it?

    Exactly why I've just ordered some. If it does raise serum T, I'll be using it inbetween cycles with an AI.

    My next run is MyoGenX with Arimidex or Aromasin . Cant wait.

  22. #22
    getdowntoit is offline Junior Member
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    test boosters are just herbs, they can prove useful but calling them test boosters=LOL

  23. #23
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    They probably dont. But how will you know how you react, unless you try it?

    Exactly why I've just ordered some. If it does raise serum T, I'll be using it inbetween cycles with an AI.

    My next run is MyoGenX with Arimidex or Aromasin. Cant wait.
    Be sure to get bloodwork done before and after and let us know results, it's be interesting to see multiple ppl do this so we could have more to go off of than ppl getting paid to represent products and the companies word.

  24. #24
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Not worth the money IMO.. but we are all entitled to our opinions..

    Have you personally taken it and seen a increase in natural test levels and Free Test levels? Are you sure everyone reacts the same from the product.
    No I havent taken it yet(I am on cycle now),
    but a couple of friends of mine are using it right now and they report all the signs that goes with higher T-levels, increased libido, increased LBM strenght, bigger testicels lol etc...

    I will use it in Pct and have BW 4 weeks after. I know what my T-levels are normally at, so it should be intresting(shoot me a PM if you want to hear the results.)

    I am not getting paid to say anything positive about it(ime yust a member here) so if it doesnt work I will say it as it is...

  25. #25
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    I wasn't accusing anyone of getting paid but you know there are guys out there that do that.

    You two guys have been around long enough for me to know what you say is true, so I'd be very interested to see the results and bloodwork.
    -B D

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