Hi guys,

I need your help here.. Here's the situation... I am starting to get cut and I am already on a reduced caloric diet and I want to throw some ECA stack in. I've been using it for almost 2 months only pre workout as a boost of energy at one dose ( 25 mg E - 200 mg C and 75 mg A )... I think I need to upregulate my receptors using Ketotifen ( 1 mg tabs )...

My intentions is to use it for thenext 2 months straight at 3 doses per day... My questions are :

1) Should I take ketotifen every 3rd weeks or through the whole cycle ?!
2) What's the proper dose of Ketotifen ??
3) Can I take my hole dose before bed coz it makes me drowsy or shoul I spread it out through the day ?!

Help will be appreciated...

Thanks guys and Happy easter.