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  1. #1
    tryingtogain is offline Member
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    Going to start my 1-ad cycle need advice.

    I am 21 yrs old and I have some 1-ad I bought a few days before it got banned several yrs ago. I have had it hid for these yrs now and decided I finally want to use it.

    I have 2 bottles of 60 capsules of 1-ad
    1 bottle of 4 fl oz of tropical 4-derm
    1 bottle of 60 capsules of 6-oxo ( post cycle)

    I weight 135 lbs ( i have a small bone structure/frame) And I cant seem to gain anymore.

    Can you guys advice me on the dose to take? I want to try to gain 10 lbs but even 5 lbs would be nice. I have never taken anything besides creatine and protien.

  2. #2
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogain
    I am 21 yrs old and I have some 1-ad I bought a few days before it got banned several yrs ago. I have had it hid for these yrs now and decided I finally want to use it.

    I have 2 bottles of 60 capsules of 1-ad
    1 bottle of 4 fl oz of tropical 4-derm
    1 bottle of 60 capsules of 6-oxo ( post cycle)

    I weight 135 lbs ( i have a small bone structure/frame) And I cant seem to gain anymore.

    Can you guys advice me on the dose to take? I want to try to gain 10 lbs but even 5 lbs would be nice. I have never taken anything besides creatine and protien.
    Well I dont know the dose for 4 derm because I never took it but for the 1-ad logically you only have enough for 4 (which will be dosed for 4 weeks at 3,4,4,5) a day which I personally dont think is enough but 5lbs is easily possible in a month (even w/out supps).

    I dont like or believe tha 6-oxo does shit, for the same amount of money you can get a bottle of Nolva and it will last longer.
    I did a simliar cycle a while back with less 1-ad and my strenth definetly went up but I didnt put on any mass at all. It is different for everyone though.

    I liked pheraplex a thousand times more than 1-ad and I aslo had better results with Nordiol-19 (which paradoxically is suppose to be weaker). 135 is very light though, I find it hard to believe that you cant put on some good lean mass by straightning out your diet/routine.

    You can stick to what you have now, but encase you do get gains Id suggest having some Nolva instead. Next time try some pheraplex because its amazing that the gains I got off pheraplex beat any of those older now banned prohormones except fot M1T.

    Just remember 135 is LIGHT. Even if you had lower than average test levels Id still think you could put on another 10-15 lbs w/out any PH or AAS at all.

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